Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: Memories like tea

Chapter 107 Memories Like Tea

"Brother, did your father really say that?"

In the spacecraft, Yun Jin hesitated for a moment and then asked the man around him.

Yes, this man is the brother of Yun Jin and Xia Rongrong's mother Yun Qiuxue, Yun Lantian!

After Yun Jin reported to the family about swallowing up space and the whereabouts of Yun Qiuxue, the family said that they would send someone to come!

But even Yun Jin himself did not expect that the family would let Yun Lantian come in person!

Yun Lantian, the true genius of the entire Yun family, was born like a meteor, and then the whole universe was famous for a short time!

Today, his strength is unfathomable, even if Yun Jin is his sister, there is an indescribable sense of oppression.

"Yes, the blood of the Yun family is not allowed to flow out, they must all be brought back to the family. The family is about to send people into the devouring space in the near future, looking for Qiu Xue!"

There was no change in her expression, Yun Lan said coldly.

His words made Yun Jin's face change.

Although she had some speculations before, the whole person would still feel uneasy after really determining this matter.

The blood of the Yun family is not allowed to flow out!

This sentence was the second time she heard today. Just after arriving on the planet Ilinka, Yun Lantian was not investigating the engulfment of space, but asking Xia Rongrong's whereabouts!

At that time, Yun Jin felt wrong, and immediately guessed that Yun Lantian was very dissatisfied with Yun Qiuxue's marriage to Xia Moqiu!

Therefore, she was very worried about what Yun Lantian would do to Xia Moqiu and Xia Rongrong.

After all, Yun Qiuxue is still alive and dead, no one knows her whereabouts, and Xia Rongrong has become perhaps the last point in her life.

After realizing that Xia Rongrong was her sister's daughter, Yun Jin's attitude towards Xia Rongrong changed dramatically!

She likes Xia Rongrong very much, it can even be said to be a kind of love!

However, she couldn't see the same feeling from Yun Lantian's eyes, all she could see was anger and coldness!

At this moment in the spacecraft, after hearing Yun Lantian's answer, Yun Jin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after all, because of fear of Yun Lantian's momentum, he was silent.

In her heart, she also secretly prayed that this trip to the earth could be calmer, but now it seems that this has become a luxury.


Beidu's control heart paused for a while after Su Qiubai heard all the suggestions and concerns of the three elderly people.

In the end, he nodded.

"It's all up to you three, and I will cooperate fully! Now that the planet is here, we must face the necessary reforms and decisive measures. There is no time to think too much ..."

The reason why he said so, actually Su Qiubai has no idea at all about this kind of thing, he must not fight against them!

Therefore, his remarks are a positive answer to the three old people, telling them that they fully support their decision!

Today's Earth, with his support, is actually equivalent to no major problems with this matter.

After all, the world is always the rule of the strong, and the weak have little choice!

Sure enough, the words of the old driver gave them a great encouragement to fight the dragon!

After the earth merged with the Wuhai world, the three old men also noticed physical changes.

At first they felt that they had reached the age of a scepter, but now they are completely different!

The limit increase is not just a change in the strength limit of the warrior, but also because of the increase in strength, the life and body of the earth people have changed tremendously!

Today's dragon battles them, they just feel that they have endless strength, and even blue hair has appeared between the white hair!

"We will find a suitable solution, but you need to tell us what kind of situation the entire galaxy is now?"

Then Dragon Fight said so.

For the entire human race on Earth, now that we have taken the first step to the Milky Way galaxy, we must understand the surrounding conditions so that we can deploy specific actions!

After hearing the words of the Dragon War, the old driver realized that this matter was indeed very important, and then asked Longrado if there was any relevant information.

Of course, this is not a big deal for Rondo, especially since it has been connected to the Milky Way galaxy's virtual universe. It is not difficult to obtain such information!

After handing over the information to the Dragon War, things here are nothing to worry about for Su Qiubai, and then he was asked to return to Qinghe City!

Xia Moqiu and Xia Rongrong are both here. He also has a lot of things to discuss with Xia Moqiu, especially the problem of his variant. The old driver remembered the scene of the fighting at the time and thought it was a hidden danger!

As a result, at the first sight of Xia Moqiu, he did not open his mouth, and was driven out by the prospective father-in-law.

"Go to Rongrong, I have nothing to tell you, take your time!"

At this moment, Xia Moqiu, although showing an impatient look, with a real smile, he just met his son Xia Xiaomu. Although his wife Yun Qiuxue has no news, it is already possible to reunite with the child. Very happy thing!

Now that the situation on the earth has completely stabilized, he intends to stay here for a while before looking for Yun Qiuxue. After all, he owes two children too long.

The old driver was rushed out of the house by the prospective father-in-law, and looked back at Xia Rongrong with a smile on his mouth.

Unconsciously, he also laughed.

"Tough work for you."

After a pause, Xia Rongrong took the lead and looked at Su Qiubai softly.

Shaking his head, the old driver showed a very powerful look.

"It's nothing like that."

After he finished speaking, he laughed instead, as did the opposite Xia Rongrong.

"Go! Take you somewhere!"

Suddenly thought of something, Su Qiubai took the initiative and took Xia Rongrong's hand.

In this way, two people ran all the way, like two children who completed the homework, with smiles on their corners, reddish faces, and ran towards the front!

Eventually, at the street, Xia Rongrong saw the familiar taxi in memory.

Moving forward, Su Qiubai opened the door and made an inviting gesture.

Xia Rongrong nodded, and naturally got into the car.

The streets of Qinghe City are already prosperous at this time, and the depression caused by the shadow of war is almost invisible at this moment.

Su Qiubai drove a car, next to Xia Rongrong, so slowly passing the street, looking at each familiar building next to it.

The building of Xia's Group, a community where two people lived together, and ... Niu million!

Today, a bowl of meat in Qinghe has long been famous around the world. It has a great reputation throughout China. When the old driver stopped the car, there was a long queue at the door, even to the street corner.

When jumping out of the car, Su Qiubai saw the familiar waiters, and beside him was the calm Xia Rongrong.

She certainly remembers these, although it doesn't seem to have been so long, but looking at it all now, there is always a feeling of being separated by a long distance and a long time.

People always feel happy and warm.

"Lao Niu's business is so good now, I must kill him today!" Haha laughed, Su Qiubai took Xia Rongrong's hand again, the girl did not mean to break free, very obedient!

Without hesitation, he walked to the entrance of the hotel, and sure enough he saw Niu Million who was busy greeting guests.

I haven't seen in such a long time, and Niu Million's belly is bigger again. The whole person looks like a moving mountain, but the enthusiasm for cooking has not subsided at all.

"Niu million! Hurry to pay the protection fee, otherwise it will smash your shop!"

With a smile, Su Qiubai shouted!

His voice suddenly startled everyone, and many of the guests in the queue stood subconsciously.

The old cows and a group of waiters at the restaurant were furious when they heard this, and some even raised their chairs.

In Qinghe City, some people dared to collect the protection fee from Niu Million, it must be a problem in their minds!

After all, I have been mixing for so long. Everyone knows that Niu Million has something to do with Su Qiubai!

Therefore, everyone felt that Su Qiubai was dead, but it was a pity that the girl next to her was like a fairy!

If you want to say people, it is still very important to clean up Li Suo. Su Qiubai with disheveled hair and stubble beside his mouth, for a time, no one recognized him as the Chinese general!

Of course, others do not know, Niu million naturally knows.

"Which grandson dares to come here to collect the protection fee from grandpa, look at my scissors and pinch your head ..."

The old aggressive cow, when talking about half, saw Su Qiubai, and suddenly the whole person froze, his eyes widened and his mind blank.

The next moment, the old cow ran over directly towards Su Qiubai, looking like a meat mountain.

Many people feel that Boss Niu is about to show his power. As a result, Niu Million has been standing in front of Su Qiubai, and his eyes are red!

He gave a bear hug fiercely, looking at Su Qiubai's reddish eyes, the old cow laughed, then turned and looked back.

"Closed today, closed, wine!"

This voice, Niu Million almost screamed out, his excitement, only he can understand.

The bewildered customer was immediately unhappy and wanted to protest!

However, Niu Million had no meaning to explain at all. After taking Su Qiubai and Xia Rongrong directly into the hotel, it closed.

It was also at this time that suddenly the crowd noticed that Su Qiubai looked a bit like the Chinese general!

One pass ten, one hundred pass ... In a short time, there are not many people outside Niu Million this restaurant, but there are more and more, more and more lively, everyone wants to see that What a great general looks like!

However, in the restaurant, Su Qiubai and Niu Million have been drinking happily. After learning the identity of Su Qiubai, the waiters next to them were all chilling, carefully serving the dishes and wine. The old friend smiled back and forth.

I drank this wine for a long time.

Su Qiubai has n’t been drinking like this for a long time, and probably only in Niu Million will he be so happy, and such days will become more precious ...

When Niu Million drank under the table, Su Qiubai left.

The pressure of swallowing the space replica will make him feel calm for a long time, so these old friends can meet and he will never miss it.

From the beginning to the end, Xia Rongrong just quietly poured wine for Niu Million and Su Qiubai, and finally quietly left him. Su Qiubai, who faced the entire galaxy, preferred to see this at the moment.

Because such an old driver will not be so tired and will laugh so happily.

Driving the car, they reached the top of Qinghe City, at the foot of which is the winding Qinghe River, bright ripples flickering in the moonlight.

Facing the evening breeze, the two talked for a long time. Xia Rongrong told him his life at the Planet Lab in Elinka. It was very painful, but Xia Rongrong said very plainly. She just wanted to tell Su Qiubai these and let him understand. He was missing him.

The old driver felt distressed. He could imagine how cold and cruel the laboratory was. What kind of pain did the girl endure before her!

He couldn't express his feelings, but in the end he just subconsciously took Xia Rongrong in his arms.

The future is full of uncertainty, and he cannot even guarantee whether he can survive.

So, gently, he said something in Xia Rongrong's ear.

"Let's ... get married!"

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