Super Driver

Chapter 1444: Assassination team

All right?

A big question mark appeared in everyone's head, as if he had seen a ghost.

Just kidding, sitting there for more than ten seconds, nothing fart was done, and then ... the three princesses are all right? sense

Love the whole kingdom has waited for so long, this is nothing like a liar!

Suddenly, the king's face cooled down, and even He Kun looked disappointed with Su Qiubai. on

When the king was about to order Su Qiubai to be arrested, his eyes saw a scene of great surprise. three

Princess, just sat up from the bed.

Her face was bewildered, first she touched her face, then she touched her arm.

The king was so angry that they all looked at her like that.

Su Qiubai's expression was light, and she smiled at the three princesses.

What he did was very simple. He just released the flower of the abyss from his fingers, followed by absorbing the toxin from the ghost flower in the body of the three princesses.

"I ... I seem to be fine."

Finally, the three princesses who were sure they were okay sounded softly.

Obviously, she still couldn't believe it, after all, she was about to die, but Su Qiubai just pulled the handle and it was all right!

Taking a deep breath, King Qianshan had no way to describe what kind of feelings he had in his heart, and turned directly to He Kun with a look. Stand

Understanding what it meant, He Kun stepped forward and began to check for the third princess. he

The duration of this inspection lasted for about five minutes, leaving everyone almost anxious. most

In the end, when He Kun looked up again, his face was full of shock.

First glanced at Su Qiubai, then looked at the king.

"King, the poison of the three princesses ... has indeed been solved, and it's okay now!" Said

When this sentence came out, He Kun himself felt incredible. Of course

The fact is that the poison of the three princesses has indeed disappeared without trace, that is, Su Qiubai pulled the handle, and then ... well!

Looking at Su Qiubai, no one spoke for a while. Of

A while back, he let Huang Jitian go out, and with the kind of words he said, everyone felt that this guy was arrogant and wanted to go to heaven. but

It seems now that people have this strength! Cattle

Forcing people always has a strong temper, and it looks like nothing is wrong!

Even the queen looked at Su Qiubai a lot, and if she knew he was so capable, she would find him earlier, and her own daughter suffered for so long. when

Of course, the most depressing is the three princesses themselves. when

At the time, in the library of the Luyaxing Academy, Su Qiubai took the initiative to say that he could diagnose and treat himself, but was rejected by himself. fruit

Of course, he was so stupid that he almost missed Fuxing. "

Come to see me tomorrow morning! "thousand

The joy of King Shan was unabashed. nine

A princess, he loves the third princess the most. If the third princess really happens, he will be very sad. and

Now Su Qiubai has cured the three princesses. All

With this King's sentence, everyone understood it very well, and he planned to reward Su Qiubai!

The old driver didn't react much, but nodded subconsciously. In fact, he himself wanted to ask the Qianshan Kingdom to open the space channel with the earth. "

I will go to you. "just

Just after the illness was healed, although the third princess wanted to talk to Su Qiubai and express her thanks, it was not convenient at the moment, so she said so. point

Nodding, the old driver was still relaxed. he

It can also be seen that after the detoxification of the three princesses, her relatives have a lot of words to say, and it is not convenient for them to stay here.

What's more, he had some things to deal with outside himself. Since the three princesses were already safe and sound, he should leave.

Later, He Kun sent Su Qiubai out of the palace gate, and planned to meet Long Ruoxuan directly. Knot

As a result, Huang Jitian was waiting at the door.

He already knew how the third princess had been detoxified, and he also knew that Su Qiubai's way to detoxify was to hold the third princess's hand! from

Her fiancée didn't even pull her hand, but she was succeeded by this jerk.

People's ideas often become radical. ratio

At this moment of Huang Jitian, he had forgotten that Su Qiubai was treating the three princesses, but he only cared about the matter of holding hands.

Coupled with the words that the three princesses said before, it made him angry. All

So at the gate of the palace, he stopped Su Qiubai. with

The samurai who came with him was also the Guards who blocked the palace. For a time, he had a tense taste.

He Kun stood in the middle of the two again and looked at Huang Jitian. "

Master Pole, this is Wang Cheng, and Mr. Su has just cured the third princess. I hope you will not be impulsive. "

While speaking, He Kun completely protected Su Qiubai behind.

Huang Jitian, the fourth-level peak, is an absolute genius. If he shoots, Su Qiubai is likely to face a crisis.

As for the old driver, he smiled all the way and did not take Huang Jitian as a thing at all. he

It feels like he's awesome. In fact, as long as he gives Su Qiubai a few seconds, he has the absolute certainty to make Huang Jitian a corpse. Emperor

Ji Tian's eyes were staring at Su Qiubai as if he hadn't heard what He Kun said. on

After stalemateing for more than ten seconds, he suddenly made a throat cut. Of course

Later, he turned around and left.

The old drivers are all stunned, is this special ... threaten yourself!

If it wasn't clear here that he couldn't fight, now he must rush up and give this guy two slaps, let him know how cruel reality is.

What kind of big tail wolf are you pretending to be with me here, but also cut throat ... Labor and capital are waiting!

"Mr. Su, you live in my house, don't go out ... unless you are safe! Huang Jitian is the son of Huang Chengdao, and his power is hard to imagine in this king!"

He Kun is indeed a good old man, and he is convinced that Su Qiubai's medicine is now taken orally. He has the idea of ​​asking for advice, so it is natural to ensure Su Qiubai's safety.

Now there is a conflict with Huang Jitian, and it is indeed some trouble. point

Nodding, Su Qiubai didn't say much.

In fact, he was already thinking in his heart, should he go out for a walk on purpose, so that this Emperor Jitian could find a chance to do it, and then kill him!

Huang Jitian was thinking of killing Su Qiubai. Actually, Su Qiubai was not the same.

In this way, after leaving Wangdu, the group returned directly to He Kun's house.

Sure enough, Long Ruoxuan and Erdu were both here. in

Before Su Qiubai returned, they already knew the three princesses were cured.

The whole king, in fact, was immersed in an extreme joy at this moment. complete

Actually, the third princess has been sick for a long time, and Su Qiubai is now able to cure her, which is a happy event.

Outside He Kun's mansion, there is already a long queue, and he just wants to come in and see Su Qiubai, and make friends.

Today's old driver, in this Qianshan Kingdom, can be described as climbing up a branch and turning into a phoenix, and everyone is clamoring for it.

On the one hand, because his status is absolutely different, after all, the three princesses and the king's daughter were saved.

As for the other aspect, it is even simpler.

He was able to save the three princesses, and that was absolutely superb medicine.

Any martial artist, there is always no way to avoid such things as injury and illness. In case, Su Qiubai can be shot at that time, but fortunately. positive

It is because of these two reasons that this kind of scene appears outside He Mansion. To

As for Su Qiubai, they all returned quietly.

Without much interruption, He Kun asked Su Qiubai to meet with Long Ruoxuan. After all, Su Qiubai should have a lot of words to explain to the warriors in the vein of the earth.


At the same time, the first genius of the Qianshan Kingdom, Huang Jitian! return

After arriving at the house, the family's assassination team was contacted as soon as possible!

This assassination team is the most mysterious force of the Royal Family. It has always been dominated by Huang Chengdao. This

Once, Huang Jitian chose to use them without hesitation.

No way, he really hated Su Qiubai. When he thought that there was such an abominable guy alive in the world, he just wanted to explode in place. All

So, no matter what the price, he will kill Su Qiubai! miss you

Come, this assassination team is enough to kill everyone ...

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