Super Driver

Chapter 1445: kill

"Master, everything is ready."

In the room, a guard with a knife stood behind Huang Jitian. he

His voice was low, and a face was completely obscured by the black veil. He couldn't see what it looked like. dark

Killers, or dead men, are more accurate.

These people, the mysterious forces that Huang Chengdao has cultivated over the years, are always performing some very dangerous and potentially deadly tasks.

Huang Jitian was also anxious this time, so he made such a decision to use the assassination team. "

Well, set off right away and kill everyone in He Kun House at the fastest speed! Don't leave any traces ... especially that guy, come back and see me holding his head! "eye

A flash of cold light flashed in the middle, and Huang Jitian clenched his fists.

His identity and status absolutely cannot bear such things. All

Therefore, Su Qiubai must die, and immediately, immediately! ...


At that time, the news of the assassination team's preparations was also known by Huang Chengdao.

"Shoot against He Kun?"

The great man in Qianshan Kingdom, who was only under the king, said softly. "

That's right, the assassination team has already acted. The young master ordered the killing of all the people on He Kun's house. One cannot stay! "

The guard with the knife next to him said immediately.

This time, Huang Chengdao paused for a few seconds and then looked up again. "

Just do this, but be careful ... it can never be found that we are doing it. He Kun now has the trust and value of Qian Shan. If he is destroyed, Qian Shan may take some other actions. "

Huang Chengdao was never a arrogant fool, but he was always very careful and cautious.

It was only after so many years of preparation that he was absolutely confident in his own strength, that was why he tried to find out where Qianshan's bottom line was.

As for his ultimate goal, there is no doubt that Qianshan will be replaced as the new master of this huge kingdom.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

The guard with the knife nodded and whispered immediately.

He has since turned around and left.

There was only Huang Chengdao alone in the room. He stood up and looked out. The stars and the spacecraft in the sky seemed to have an indescribable beauty.

"All of this ... should belong to me!"

The low voice echoed gently, and then disappeared. ...


At that time, in the house of He Kun, Su Qiubai and Long Ruoxuan had already met, and they told each other what happened after Heiyuewan was separated. listen

After that, Su Qiubai finally fully understood why Long Ruoxuan would say that if it was not King Qianshan, they would probably be dead. with

At the same time, I was more grateful to He Kun, the pharmacist. Such as

If it's not He Kun, probably Long Ruoxuan, they really have an accident.

As for what happened in the devouring space, after Su Qiubai went to the palace, Erdu and Yingying had informed the warriors in the vein of the earth. can

Enough to meet again after such suffering, and Su Qiubai healed the third princess's injuries, so everyone felt a sense of turning back to peace and feeling relaxed.

At this time, He Kun had already made a special trip with a gift.

"Mr. Su, your medicine is amazing. I don't know if there is a chance to learn it."

After the single greeting, Su Qiubai had not yet had time to thank He Kun, but the old doctor took the lead to speak out. he

His attitude is very sincere, and Su Qiubai can clearly see that he is really interested in medicine. "

No problem, if you like, I can teach it. "face

With a smile on his face, Su Qiubai said. Present

He is indeed in a good mood. As for Chinese medicine, if the opportunity can be carried forward, the ancestors who want to come to China will certainly not blame themselves.

What's more, He Kun is really obsessed with doctors, and he can't read it wrong.

The old gentleman here was so excited that he didn't know what to say, and his face was full of ecstasy. "

How can you say that, you can't lie to me! "

"Of course, believe me!"

After speaking, both laughed. but

It was soon that He Kun's face became serious again.

"I have one thing to remind you, Huang Jitian is definitely not a broad-minded person. If you offend him like this today, he will definitely retaliate."

The old man revisited this matter, but Su Qiubai's reaction was indifferent. four

At the peak of the king of war, the past may be scary enough for himself. but

It is now, I hope he is not too stupid himself, but to die ...

Later, the two talked briefly again, and He Kun left. he

For the warriors in the vein of the earth, preparing dinner separately, in fact, they intentionally gave them a chance to have a good time. Correct

For these reasons, Su Qiubai looked in his eyes, and his good feelings for He Kun continued to rise, and she was completely determined to give him the medical skills on him, including Qi Qi, and not to hide them. Of course

However, when He Kun left less than ten minutes, while Su Qiubai was still enjoying dinner, suddenly ... a strange smell completely covered the place. "

When a powerful warrior came, He Kun's mansion was completely shielded. Long

Rado immediately informed Su Qiubai what was going on, and Su Qiubai got up almost immediately. "

Everyone stood together and attacked! "

His complexion became dignified, and at the same time Su Qiubai's voice had spread throughout the mansion. thing

In fact, He Kun's response was faster. All the guards had assembled. He even jumped up.

But soon, He Kun's order sounded in everyone's ears. "

escape! "on

It's this word that doesn't give anyone time to react at all. this

Su Qiubai planned to take everyone to meet with He Kun. After hearing this voice, he realized that the situation was worse than expected. air

The time was blocked, and even He Kun could not send a message for help, which proved that the assassination team in the other party had the sixth peak and even the seventh king of war! This

It is a very terrible thing, otherwise He Kun would not let everyone hesitate so decisively. on

In Su Qiubai's quick reaction, He Kun's breath disappeared in the system's perception.

No doubt he is dead!

The opponent shot to kill, and directly killed the strongest here!

And this killing kicked off. "

This is the only way to enable system space! "this

Lai Su Qiubai also planned to fight against the coffin, but Long Rado's voice sounded. Both

Although he said so, the coffin would not open. All

So almost at the same time that Rondo had finished, Su Qiubai had opened up the system space. to

Yu said that Long Ruoxuan and Erdu were completely unprepared and they were packed into the system space.

The next moment, Su Qiubai had been surrounded by dozens of people wearing black clothes covering their faces.

All ... it's level five! old

The driver fully understood why He Kun was killed so quickly. The enemy's strength could not be described by terror.

Following these more than ten people, there were several black robe warriors, and their strength reached the peak of level six!

Sure enough ... from the beginning, they planned to kill everyone in He Kun House directly.

"Who the **** are you ..."

Suppressed his voice, Su Qiubai asked.

He wasn't worried about his safety, the system space was now reopened and he could enter it with a single thought.

However, he was not willing to run away. although

Although it is said that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that the attack has something to do with himself, Su Qiubai has a strong feeling. no

Then why did n’t He Kun have been attacked here before, and on the first night he came here, he encountered such a powerful enemy?

However, the other party did not intend to answer his question at all, and rushed directly.

Dozens of fifth-ranked martial arts kings were not Su Qiubai's ability to handle at all, so he no longer hesitated and went directly into the system space.

In the eyes of these warriors, it was as if Su Qiubai had disappeared out of thin air.

So much that everyone is stunned.

"Where did he go?"

The warrior headed, full of anger in his voice. he

Our goal tonight is Su Qiubai. As a result, Su Qiubai ran away. How do I make a difference after going back? "

Find! Even if you are digging three feet in the ground, you must find out that kid, and don't leave any liveliness! "So

So, soon he has given the order again.

And these assassins also act quickly ...

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