Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 101: The company's problems

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

※ Sichuan and Tianchen have this evening. Last night, Dian Zan made a guest appearance for five or six hours. "I dug ten and dug out a big hole sixty meters deep. I finally let the electric basket no longer need to curl up or pull his head out.

To solve the problems on both sides of the stomach, Chen Fan separately stimulated the growth cortex of the pituitary gland and the anti-stress cortex, and then swung his tail to swim to the Shimen Trench.

Jingle Bell

Just when the electric eel had just reached the gentle **** of the Shimen Trench and was about to pierce Mengzi, the mobile phone placed on the bedside table rang.

"Who?" Chen Fan temporarily withdrew his thoughts from the electric wrinkle and felt the phone call.

"Brother Chen, I am Zhang Xueyang! Why can't I even hear my voice?"

"Brother is looking for me, should I ask me to smuggle machine tools in Japan again?"

"No, no, the machine tool is enough recently. I am looking for you for something else. Are you free now? We better meet to talk."

"What can't be over on the phone?"

"It's about company issues. I can't make it clear for a while. Let's meet up and talk!"

"The company's problem?" Chen Fan murmured, then said: "Okay, then you say something

"Company problem? There is nothing wrong with my company. What is this guy doing?" Chen Fan shook his head, and then controlled the electric wrinkle to find a flat seabed lying on it.

The last time the monster touched the head unconsciously, it was all because of attention and electromagnetic induction that ran up the pituitary gland.

Normally, an electric eel that can continuously release a voltage of 800 volts and monitor a range of 100 meters is not necessary to worry about why the monster is caught by surprise.

Settling in the electric eel, Chen Fan changed his suit and drove to the business meeting agreed with Zhang Xueyang.

"Hey money people are different. Others ask for tea houses, he asks for business clubs!" After getting off the car, Chen Fan looked at the three-story building. The luxuriously renovated building is humming.

Let Miss Yingbin lead herself to the box. As soon as he entered, Chen Fan saw that Zhang Xueyang had no right to lean on the sand.

"Say me something?" Chen Fan walked to the coffee table, twisted a slice of watermelon into his mouth, and then sat down on the sand.

"How is Brother Chen's recent company show?" Zhang Xueyang grinned.

"It's like that, the three employees, it's okay all day." Chen Fan tilted Erlang's legs: "You know, doing our smuggling business requires the company to cover it up."

"Does the younger brother have the idea of ​​expanding the company?" Zhang Xueyang straightened his body, his expression was serious: "Now the government is more and more attacking on smuggling, and younger brother, you don't have a legitimate industry as a guise. It ’s easy to go wrong! "

"What's wrong?" Chen Fan also sat up straight. Although he didn't believe that someone could find Dian Gong, or the owner of Dianman, Chen Fan still wanted to hear Zhang Xueyang's opinion. After all, smuggling was also his economic source. portion.

"Like the smuggled diners. There is a company dedicated to ocean shipping under your cover. If this is the case, the government will not find it easily. Even if it is really found, the government will keep it open as long as it is not a big problem. Close your eyes. "

Zhang Xueyang picked up the remote control and turned off the rear projection on the wall: "Let's Fu Ma Rong Tao of Zhongyun, you know, the Star Shipping Group under his hand" has only 20 freighters with more than 10,000 tons of light going to the ocean, and the other There are countless such vessels, and there are more than 3,000 employees alone. "

"I know!" Chen Fan nodded. He already had some meaning from Zhang Xueyang.

"To say that our biggest smuggler in Zhongyun is none other than Ma Rongtao!" Zhang Xueyang threw a voice: "But do you watch him? There are more TV shows than our mayor. What is a" provincial integrity demonstration unit. " "The philanthropist." Honorary Chairman of the China Cloud Red Cross. There will be no less than ten social titles. Not to mention smuggling things that are painless and itchy, he now asks his brother to report to the government. Being a deputy bureau in Qingshui Yamen is a matter of meal. "

"Although I understand what you mean; but can you say the point?" Chen Fan spread his hand: "For example, what did you call me for this time?"

"Hey Zhang Xueyang is embarrassed to scratch his scalp:" I have a friend who also runs the Ocean Shipping Company. There are two 5,000-ton second-hand container freighters under your hand. You can buy it and hang it under the company name to run the transportation. You can use it as a pretext for smuggling, and you can also pay a large tax bill. Only the public will take proper care of your company. "This" Chen Fan's head raised his head slowly and did not speak. Zhang Xueyang said it was reasonable. Now he is making a fuss. Although the company has nothing to pay attention to, it is difficult to ensure that the riverside wet shoes will grow in the future.

In fact, Chen Fan thinks of the most important one, that is, it is impossible to "potentially" have money. The last thing gave him the best warning. Rich and powerful is the king.

And there is a good way to "potential", is to smash it out!

"Your friend is bankrupt?"

"It's almost the same!" Zhang Xueyang shrugged helplessly: "He is betting his money on Macau, and everything he can sell is sold by him. There are no two freighters. I think it's more appropriate for you to buy it. Contacted you. "

"How much is that?"

"Both ships were customized in China three years ago. If they can be sold out, the price will be 36 million!"

"Thirty-six million, the price of a small one is expensive or cheap, and it is not cheap. It belongs to the kind of appearance price reduced by 40%. But the three-year boat is still relatively new. Not much price reduction.

Chen Fan thought for a long time. "This way, you let me go back and think about it. After all, 36 million is not a small amount. Even if I want to buy it, I won't be able to get so much money in one moment."

"OK!" Zhang Xueyang nodded: "If you want to buy it, but you don't have enough money. I can lend it to you, and the interest will be calculated at 0.88."

"Well, I will reply to you within two days!"

Farewell to Zhang Xueyang. Chen Fan drove his car home and fell to the bed.

"Ocean Transportation" Chen Fan muttered to himself, he had little experience in this business, if he really took over, then the possibility of losing money is much greater.

But Chen Fan was not worried about money. He didn't get it, but he was too lazy to get it.

As long as you take the electric eel to wander around the ancient fairway for a few times, you can find thousands of thousands if you find a shipwreck. It's just that Chen Fan thinks that antiques are not good for shots, and he didn't think about it for the time being.

"Smash it with money," potential. "Come" Chen Fan carefully analyzes the feasibility, if there is a legitimate cause in the guise. The huge amount of funds in the future can also explain the source.

And if the assets that can see the light are mixed with the richest man in the city or the richest man in the province, there is no doubt that the social influence will be much greater. Whoever wants to move himself, I am afraid that he will have to weigh one or two. Bear the negative pressure brought about.

This question is easy to understand. If you have 10,000 employees, you will pay 100 million taxes to the government every year. If someone else wants to move you, I am afraid that the local government will not let it go first.

Because: let ’s not say that since then, the finances will shrink by 100 million every year. The social impact of the 10,000 employees alone will make the entire leadership team worry.

Suddenly, what do you want to do?

"The sky is talking about Chen Fan shaking his head and turning his mind to the electric eel body.

Open the electric eel eyes. Chen Fan controlled it to swing its tail and swim towards the deep water.

It took more than ten minutes to come to a thousand-meter-deep sea area, and Dianyu stopped swimming, relying on four claws to hold the gentle slope, and slowly crawled down the trench.

Three minutes later, the electric eel reached a depth of 1,200 meters. At this time, the electric wrinkle could already clearly feel the pressure of the sea water. But compared with last time, it has improved to a certain extent.

When it reached 1,300 meters, the limbs of the electric eel began to become heavy. The surrounding sea water seemed not to be sea water, but the glue of "good brother". Every step took a lot of effort.

"When he gritted his teeth and climbed down 50 meters, Chen Fan could already hear the sound of" squeaky, lonely pits "bursting from the bones of electric eels.

"It's a little better than the last time I stayed at a depth of 1,300 meters!"

Rested for a few minutes. The electric mantle was under great pressure and crawled down.

One hundred and one words for each of the World Expo's big rewards, one hundred and one defense: "Arathor", a bell, a royal, and a "monthly ticket." Support genuine reading

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