Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 100: Twenty meters long monster

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

I saw a sea-height monster with eight claws and countless white steel needles all over the sea above the head of the electric eel. Its white claws can stretch 20 meters apart on both sides. It is definitely a horror creature that Chen Fan has never heard of, nor seen.

And this monster was looking at the black electric eel with its gray eyes the size of two truck tires released on the belly of the carapace.

"What is this stuff, spiders are not like spiders, crabs are not like crabs? Didn't scientists say that the world's largest crustacean creature is only four or five meters?" But the creature in front of him completely broke Chen Fan's establishment over the years. Biological science concept.

However, during this stunned time, this huge and terrifying white long-haired monster may feel the paralyzed current around it. Two white pliers like a mining shovel in the dock blasted lightning into the head of the electric eel. Come.

The electric eel suddenly turned into a huge night pearl. The tens of thousands of high voltages bursting from the surface of the skin flashed a dazzling white and blue light on the dark seabed, sweeping all life within a 200-meter radius.

Like a kitten being stepped on its tail, this horrible monster swept by white and blue electro-optics, its bristles bristled up suddenly, and the two giant claws suddenly lag behind.

With a "snap", although the giant claw had no follow-up power, the initial boost was to let it follow the inertia and hit the head of the electric eel that could not dodge due to the pressure of the seawater.

As if hit by a meteor hammer, Chen Fan only felt the head of the electric eel fainted, and even the current released was temporarily disturbed.

Shaking the head of the electric eel like a sieve, Chen Fan, who had a swollen stomach, was suddenly lit a gunpowder barrel. Yesterday it was enough, and he was bullied by a "white hair spider" in the sea! Boom, the sober electric eel made a temporary guest appearance on the "small moon under the sea", and the endless white and blue electricity spewed out from the surface of the skin, and the tide flowed to this "white hair spider" who had fainted. ".

The maximum frequency of electric eel discharge can last for about a minute, but only the "white hair spider" is obviously not good for physical fitness. It takes less than thirty seconds. Its carapace and white hair turn from white to red, as if it is still being boiled in the water. Cooked the same.

"Hoo ~" felt that the "white hair spider" changed to "red hair spider", a long string of bubbles filled with hydrogen spit out of the mouth of the electric eel, and then quickly stopped the discharge.

The violent discharge will cause the water in the body of the electric eel to decompose into two chemical elements, oxygen and hydrogen, so it is a last resort. The electric eel still retains some electrical energy, otherwise it will be weak due to the loss of water.

What makes Fan Fan strange is that after death, this "white hair spider" did not sink to the bottom of the water like a crustacean in the sea, but slowly floated on the water surface.

"Why don't you?" The electric eel was almost crushed by the water, and it was the right thing to hurry up.

It takes more than ten minutes to dive to a depth of 1300 meters, but it is relatively simple to float. Four paws hold a gray cliff and swing a few times, and they float to the diving area in less than three minutes.

Looking at the "red spider" floating up not far in front, Chen Fan thought it was better to tear it up.

Just as the electric eel was swimming forward, there was a sudden sound of diesel motives in the distance, and a huge trawl came.

"Fuck!" Chen Fan scolded, and quickly controlled the electric eel to slip away.

After returning to the cave in the reef, Chen Fan transferred the electromagnetic induction to the pituitary gland, and then locked the abnormal pituitary fold in the deep sea.

Although I don't know what the protein hormone it releases is useful for, it does not prevent Chen Fan from stimulating it. It ’s not a biological scientist who pinches an academic report. Why do you want to make it so clear?

Feel the red to the road and adjust the voltage to 13.5 volts to stimulate the area that was just planned.

"Squeaky" this strange piece of pituitary tissue seems to be injected with fifteen milliliters of stimulant, bursting with a stunned secretion.

The first stimulation, Chen Fan did not dare to spend too much time, and stopped after ten minutes.

"Guru Guru" A few minutes later, the electric eel was like a high-power meat grinder installed in its stomach, and the stomach that had just eaten was urgent again.

Energy conversion is a constant process, and it can only be improved when supplemented, so a strong sense of hunger is a good thing, which just proves that electric eels need a lot of nutrients to improve.

Today, the electric eel, which is 60 meters long and weighs more than 50 tons, has to eat more than two tons for a meal. This is definitely a nightmare that the nearby fish has been lingering.

Leave the cave and go to the distance. Looking for a huge group of sand? After the school of fish, Chen Fan said nothing, and controlled the electric eel to "attack" fiercely within the range of 100 meters. After the white and blue electro-optical ravages of the Bianyiyuan, the originally active school of fish was like a Medusa. Staring.

After a big meal, the electric eel continued to return to the unfinished cave.

The next morning, Chen Fan woke up from a dream with rubbing his eyes, looked at the time, and felt it was too early, so he leaned on the pillow and turned on the TV to kill the time.

When switching to Zhongyun TV Station, Chen Fan's mouth opened immediately.

"Ahhhhhh ~" For a long time, he just couldn't spit out other words.

"Excuse me, two gentlemen, how did you capture this huge monster?" The host asked the two young men beside him with a sweet voice.

"At that time, my brother and I were fishing in the sea by trawl, but suddenly the wooden boat shook, and I thought I hit the reef, or my sharp eyes, patted me on the shoulder, and then pointed at the fishing net, I suddenly realized that it was the net It ’s the big guy! "

A teenager in oily overalls pointed to the "red spider" surrounded by various uniforms on the beach and said: "We were terrified at the time. If we hadn't watched this monster move, we would have cut the net long ago. After running away ...

"Thank you two gentlemen, let's interview Professor Liu of Zhongyun Ocean Research Institute and ask him what's new." The host turned the microphone and pointed to the man in his forties who was on the left. White coat with oil brain.

"According to our observation from the color and shape, it should belong to a variant of the crustacea, decapoda, and spider crab family." The white coat thundered loudly: "And this 20-meter-long red spider crab is likely to be affected by The mutant offspring under the influence of marine nuclear explosion.

We know; after the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, nearby rats affected by nuclear radiation can grow to the size of domestic pigs. So this spider crab ...

"Stupid b, this crab is obviously white, okay?" Chen Fan scorned, and then continued to stare at the screen.

This huge crab has a great impact on Zhongyun City. People who live by the sea have long been immune to these things, and at most they talk as anecdotes before and after meals. When the two young people wearing chills took the opportunity to show their faces, they paid a lot of money for various newspapers.

The culprit of this incident, Chen Fan, still buried his head to stimulate the pituitary gland of the electric eel, preparing to let the electric eel go to the next trench for verification in two days: the stimulation results

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