Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 215: First contact

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

"One more day tomorrow, two days of yin and yang upside down, tonight to adjust the work schedule

The terrifying murderousness and desperate determination, even a giant bee like an electric eel trembles at the moment when the four eyes meet.

The eyes of the warrior and the girl are of course different. If the warrior experienced a brutal killing, then during the duel, the violent gas in his eyes will be like a peerless sword in the broken box. No matter how deliberately concealed, it will quietly burst from the gap.

This is the badge that has been countless times to see death as a homecoming, and it records the hymns written with blood and courage in those years.

"Baru, don't be impulsive!" Argyle, standing behind him, frowned, and whispered, "I still can't see if it's a law-controlling Warcraft. But from his smart eyes and face, I'm pretty sure it has turned on wit

"What kind of eyes are moving. Fart?" Little Baru waved calmly and told him to step back a few steps: "Look at the bloated look it came to when it arrived?" "

Not to mention the two people who had extra energy to chat there, the scene changed again. The "Warcraft" in their mouth. First glance at them cautiously, and then move the huge body slowly twice, lying in a crescent shape with the body more than 50 meters away in front of them.

Baru and Argyle have yet to decide whether to preempt. A dark green digital camouflage-coated armored personnel carrier drove from the far coastline.

"What is that? It ran many times faster than a carriage?"

"Just judging by the sound it produces, it should be some kind of mechanical carriage, but I don't know what power is used as the source.

"It's made of metal!" When the armored car ran not far from the two, Baru's eyes were straight: "Argyle, look at the craft of the carriage. It's just perfect. The corners are open. It ’s cooler than the big sword that I made!

It's too late to think about anything else. The two have been completely fascinated by this armored car full of strength and beauty. And the more you look, the more you are!

"I'm going to **** it out, and I'm willing to let it go. I would like Baru's eyes to be like glue, and I can no longer remove my sight from there.

"Nonsense". Argyll vetoed: "This machine with perfect workmanship and complex structure is called a miracle, but it can be seen how much energy its owner has? You go to grab people's things. You don't blame if people don't pinch to death. Look at the behavior of that Warcraft, is it abnormal? Bacheng is the pet owned by the owner of this carriage, Qin. "


On the tightly-seamed plate armor on the top of the "mechanical carriage", a circular gap suddenly opened. In the eyes of the two people who were intently and alertly, first a black-painted "strange-looking long metal stretched out" Came out, then a short young man protruded his head and shouted some inexplicable language to several people

"Dear Sir, we are coming from a boat on the far west of the mainland. We are ready to catch two birds of the wind as mounts and offend the meaning of your territory. If you do n’t want us to come here, we can leave immediately. Gail slowly spread his hands and made an apology for the nobility.

The anxious Baru stared at him fiercely, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "You are still awake or what is going on? This kid looks like a child-bearing figure, as long as you throw a wind blade . Then I help you to resist a few breathing time. If you kill that snail-like monster again, will we not be able to grab this mechanical carriage? "

"Idiot, what can you understand with a big walnut before?" Argyle kicked him. His face still looked at the young man gently.

This young man who seems weird to them is of course Chen Fan. This morning when he got up from the bed and took the electric eel to the side of the golden eagle chasing the cloud. There was a little black spot moving on the sea. The electric eel caught up, and now it turned out to be a finely crafted wooden boat.

Where are the humans now sailing?

This means that it is likely that there are human settlements here just like the earth. However, the level of human science and technology here should be very backward, and can only be driven by primitive sails and manpower.

What really surprised Chen Fan was Baru. This guy is almost a beast, a tall and strong man, and can even compete with those silver-backed gorillas. If it were not for him to look like an orc in World of Warcraft, Chen Fanzao He was categorized as a mutant monster.

Chen Fan still had a lot of courage to come into contact with these two people. After thinking twice, I felt that sometimes being cautious is not a thing. They are all intelligent creatures. Since they can communicate, how good is to know each other?

Of course, there can be harm to others, as well as defense.

Otherwise, Chen Fan will not hide in the armored car, holding a group to greet them with a machine gun. Strictly speaking, these are minor incidents, and the real killer is that it is only tens of meters away from them. There is an electric eel 130 meters away from the armored vehicle, within this distance. It only takes 70,000 volts to break them down, not to mention that the electric eel can now release 120,000 volts?

"Hello, Hello, it's better to drink French: Hello" Chen Fan Chen Fan racked his brains and searched for different languages. Hello, but the two people on the opposite side were like him. Their eyes were completely confused and they couldn't understand what the other person was saying. .

"No, no. I changed five languages ​​in a row. In the end, even the native language of my hometown was used. But the mysterious young man still couldn't understand it. Argyle, who had grumbled for a long time, quietly wiped the sweat on his forehead. He is not a linguist. After hollowing out his old man, he can only stare.

"I want to get rid of him!" Balu thief's big eyes kept glancing at the armored car.

"I think you are more likely to be killed first than he is." Argyle shook his head and walked in the direction of the wooden boat: "Return to the boat first, wait for us to go to the other side of the island at night, and wait for the bird of the wind to catch

"Hey, hello, old guy, what's so scary about that big worm? You can't solve everything by piercing it through a spell ?, small

Leaning on the deerskin mattress, Argyle frowned, not knowing whether he was talking to himself, or to answer his words: "At the beginning of the net, I was also surprised that this can only go to the World of Warcraft, which weighs more than the dragon. That's it? But after he turned it over. When I saw its tail, I finally realized that it was a marine animal.

"It's strange that the marine animals can jump up on the shore. What really makes me nervous is that I felt the existence of thunder element vaguely on the body of Warcraft!",

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