Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 247: Ice Queen

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"Lei Fangsu. Baru's face is puzzled and puzzled! Doesn't it mean the four elements of Chen Baxiaohuo, water, and earth?

"I will give you a superficial explanation!" Argyle deliberately touched Balu's bald head. A teacher made a group: "If you want to become a resident in France, you must temper your mental strength and perception skills. When the ability is strong enough, you can try to perceive the natural law, communicate the natural law, and finally stay in the natural law. Among these four rules, the fire law is the most difficult to master, and the power is also the largest of the four laws. "

At this time, he raised his middle finger, and saw no other movements, and a small blue flame fluttered. It blazed on his finger.

"If I want to control the flame, I must use the spiritual force to guide the fire element in the air to my side. Then it resonates with it! The element of standing in water is similar to this. The element of thunder is actually a kind of natural law, but this element Only in the distant dark clouds, or at the moment of thunder and lightning, as the top law-manager, can one or two be sensed. But to control it is undoubtedly more difficult than letting you learn to control the laws of nature. "

Argyle scattered the flames from his fingers, and looked at the sky a little loosely: because this element is too far away from us, the spiritual power cannot extend to that height. Therefore, those who are stationed in France have not included this in their textbooks. But we have never given up on this element of perceiving in the past, because its degree of attack is faster than any law in the world, and its destructive power is greater than any law! "

"Wait for us to capture the bird of the imperial wind. You can't ride it to soar for nine days to sense and manipulate the element of thunder?"

"It is not only the bird of the wind that can fly, you can think of such a stupid person, I can't think of it?" Argyle then looked at him with idiot eyes: "That kind of element is too violent. Just like a mountain It ’s as strong as I ca n’t shake my spiritual power. In the long river of history, there are many people standing at the peak of the resident in France; riding a bird close to Yunxiao, but because they ca n’t control the thunder element, they are burned into coke by the thunder element example of."

"Oh, then you say that black man; what is it? Why did it appear here. On a wild island?" Baru clearly lacked interest in this aspect of natural law. "It ’s not clear, his clothes and the carriage are very weird. I have never seen anything like it. He should have no malice, and we should not provoke him. Just catch the bird of the wind and go back quickly. The big stalls are waiting for me to deal with! "

"I want his mechanical carriage,"

"Isn't it just a metal sheet that can run by itself?" Argyle knocked on the table seriously: "After waiting to go back, I will let the craftsmen of the empire help you cast one. You can drill and play by yourself. Where do you want to go? Which, but this person ’s idea, you better not think about it, otherwise I will leave you here alone.

"I can't go back yet. I have lost the compass. How can we tell the direction?"

"Well," Let me study and study. "Argyle got up and went to the bedroom, took out a book printed with the navigator's insights and studied it.

"Damn, the Argyle monster came towards us." There was a loud voice from Baru outside the house, and Argyll hurried to the tablet.

"Boom. The black monster, who can't tell what species it was, was teetering towards the sailboat, with an eye-catching Argyle. There was a gray-brown box pinched in the claw of this monster.

"What does it want to do?" Balu stared sharply at the electric eel with a large knife like a door.

"It's not clear, let's not be impulsive, the Warcraft that can release the element of thunder is definitely not something we can resist."

"Bang!" In the surprised eyes of the two, the electric eel, like a towering mountain, dropped the small box on the deck of the ship, pointed the box with the front claw toe, and pointed to himself, making a swap. action.

After the misty Argyle opened the box made of unknown materials, it now contains ten thin books, two small red boxes made of hard material, and two beautiful gray-brown A single-edged dagger, two things similar to a compass.

These ten books are exquisitely crafted. The silk paper is thinner, whiter, and finer than the one he used. The text above is written in an uncomplicated Bigo, with neat fonts and tidy. At a glance, it is a good thing.

"God of war is on the top, what kind of metal knife is this?" Baru, who has a passion for weapons, was completely petrified. He just picked up this knife and stabbed it on the lower deck at random.

How can it be? This is the ebony deck soaked in grease! Ordinary people can't cut the axe, how can they easily pass through a dagger?

Recovering from petrochemicals, Baru simply used it to cut off his own sword like a door. Mars was splashing around, and as a result, the back of his knife was clearly scratched, and the dagger was intact. He cut the back of the knife with his knife, not willing to use the blade.

"It's sharper than any dagger I've ever seen!" Argyle sucked in two cold sons: "It's the scabbard and the handle that are too ugly, a brief introduction. Made of numbness. One was even made of rope. Ask the best craftsman in the empire, Yi Xunshu to sag and say that the body clam is different

The two of the red cardboard box didn't figure out what it was. When Baru curiously removed the transparent film and tin foil, now there are twenty inside, wrapped in white paper and some kind of extremely cut pieces. The bright yellow plant is crushed and smells of spicy fragrance.

"It should be tobacco!" Argyle ignited one without tutoring, biting the filter and gently sucking into the lungs, a sense of relaxation that had never been spread to the brain; "Nobles like to smoke things . After crushing a dried plant, put it in a silver pipe, but the taste is more than a hundred times worse! "

As for the two naval diving watches, Argyle looked at the mirror with the symbols on it, and at first thought it was a tool used by witches for divination, but only later realized that it was for timing.

Watch the other party send it in exchange. Chen Fan couldn't help crying and laughing, only two books. It's estimated that they don't think there is anything they can do with their dozen or so red and blue sapphires, so they have to exchange hard currency for it!

More than a dozen home use electric manuals, two diving knives, and two packs of Chinese, two watches. In exchange for these gems worth at least a few million. Speaking of which he still made money!

The two books sent by the old man were written in a form that is similar to oracle bones and some geometric rhomboids. The structure is not much more complicated than Chinese characters, but it is more than the regular framed text of the Korean stick Beautifully!

One of them is a text-only introduction, and the other is a 15-centimeter-thick book made of kraft paper. It is a combination of illustrations and text. The pictures are all fierce beasts. Halfway through, Chen Fan suddenly showed the ghost leopard pierced by Barrett. His golden carvings and snow-white giant pythons were among them.

There is not much chance of repetition in these words. Chen Fan counted a pictorial book with a total of 530 characters and only more than 40 repetitions. It is not like the phonetic text of dozens of letters like English. Similar to the structure of Chinese characters. All are hieroglyphics.

Phonemic text: It is similar to Pinyin. Several symbols form a meaning. It has the present tense, the past tense of the verb, the noun of the verb, and a lot of various types of mess. Difficult to learn and understand, often sounds, but do not know what this means. For example, we study English, many college students can read English fluently, but want to understand the meaning,

The next day, Chen Fan got up early in bed, first found the white python, took a dictionary of commonly used Chinese characters, taught it sound word by word, and then searched for references nearby to make it understand the corresponding things. The language system of Python is the same as that of babies. Just like blank paper, learning a language is not as tragic as a foreigner. It is not bound by your mother tongue, and it is difficult to learn the urge to **** up milk.

What's more, Python directly saves the stage of baby practice sound? It can be accurately imitated by every Hanzo, just by learning what it means.

"Red!" Sitting on the sunny beach. Chen Fan pointed at a small red cloth, and said in a standard and slow manner. Beside him, there are seven or eight different colors of cloth, which are used to teach pythons.

"red". The python lay lazily beside him, and a fine voice popped out of its throat. The huge and slender body dragged across the sea, and the scales of cold light shone. Make it look like a steel wall to resist war, not a "snake"!

Not far from them, a golden eagle with a wingspan of 30 meters long chased the clouds, hovering, diving, and flying on the surface of the sea, making those puffing fishes beating.

At this time, the python, which was practicing sounds, suddenly raised his head, and then watched the law that the beach snake on the left side is myopic. It is obviously not suitable for using it.

A moving little black spot, Chen Fan can only see clearly.

After waiting for two minutes, the little black dot gradually enlarged. The image of the old man in a purple robe was outlined in his pupils.

Argyle is here to buy things, to be precise, he is looking for this mysterious young buyer to buy a flight, Hai compass!

His own piece was taken into the sea by Baru. If there is no compass positioning, he can hardly imagine how to return to his hometown in the vast sea!

The young man must have such a thing. This can be guessed from watches with complex structures. In order to make this transaction go smoothly. He deliberately did not bring Baru over to avoid this stupid guy bad things.

"Is it an adult ice queen?"

After seeing the white wall clearly, Argyll looked at the white python in disbelief, as if he saw Baru suddenly mastering the laws of nature.


When the young black man was approaching him, he was unbelievable, his expression suddenly stopped, and his body shook like a sieve.

Danger: I was mistaken again in the last chapter name. I remember that I obviously got it right, it seems I was dazzled "

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