Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 248: I want to demolish your dock

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

This chapter is a little late to update, but five thousand words, a lot!

Can a snake touch the queen?


And it is recognized by the entire continent who stands at the peak of power and power.

The Queen of Snow and Ice does not mean that this snake has no male. It was their ancestors who had a character who could kill 95% of the world ’s top powers, the Queen of Snow and Ice, "which made people realize for the first time that the horrific lethal nature of this species living in the distant ocean .

As early as more than 700 years ago, when Argyle was not born, this humanoid monster, titled the Snow Queen, bears the titles of the 17 Royal Singer Presbyterians and Honorary Deans. The title seals of twenty-one nations, with the kind of great enclave.

This wild ice queen has no concept of country and race at all. Any country ’s favorite albums are accepted, and there are even a few hostile countries. They are invited with a try attitude, and they have succeeded effortlessly. !

These countries, without exception, all attributed her fiefdoms to territories in dispute with other countries. The large area can make the prince jealous. Even the most powerful Kiernan empire at the time had no temper. Simply seal her four territories in one breath!

This is why everyone calls her the Snow Queen, because all her territories add up to one more than a collection country and no one dares to violate her territory. This kind of deterrent effect than the demon is due to the fact that when she has not been transformed, Kuxi captures the belly of birds and bird eggs, and accidentally eats the eggs of a fire feather bird, and is angered by the fire. The feather bird couple almost torn into pieces, and they were not able to escape until they hid in the deep sea.

Later, after she turned away, the Firebird couple finally regretted it. Isn't it okay to find something to do, what is the next bird?

This rare number of sea snakes living in the inaccessible to the deep sea is not very powerful when the spiritual wisdom is not turned on, but once the spiritual wisdom is turned on, she will explode more than any creature in the world, which is more terrifying. Promotion degree.

A small liter in three days, a large liter in ten days. Moon can kill the dragon.

Two years later, the Queen of Ice and Snow found the two couples of fire feather birds and told them to remove the two long beautiful feathers on their tails and pull out a small one. Otherwise, I would pull two by myself. The result is obvious. How could a flamingo bird that sees feathers heavier than anything agree? There is no need to say the second sentence to talk about collapse!

After a great battle, the couple of fire feather birds looked at the **** four feathers on the ground and howled.

Howling and crying, the Fire feather birds and couples went to seek helpers for revenge, but unfortunately they found two helpers. All feathers were plucked without exception.

The whole fire feather bird gang caused by this incident was completely irritated. Both sides chased me for more than ten years. As a result, 83 fire feather birds lost two tail feathers that symbolize beauty and dignity, and 17 fires. The feather bird fell, and then the fire feather birds panicked completely, and they simply hid together in a cameo.

Fire feather bird, but it can compete with the dragon in the French system. This war of more than ten years has completely established the horror title of the Queen of Snow and Ice, and the dragon has to sigh of relief before her, lest it be pulled out of the dragon horn.

What about this young man?

He was teaching the Queen Ice and Snow to speak? Doesn't it mean that the Queen of Ice and Snow has opened her wits. Not far from the shape?

Fucking Yu Cradle, or having a good relationship with him?

Both of these. The thought popped out of Argyll's mind at the same time, but I thought about an untransformed ice queen, plus a thunderbolt and a mysterious young man who sent the peerless soldiers casually, Argyle had to extinguish this thought , The odds are too slim. If he can give away the peerless soldiers casually, if he is not powerful, I am afraid that Balu ’s idiot does not believe it.

Let's do the relationship honestly

"Is he the son of the goddess Fengyun, why are all the good things in the world occupied by him ?. After angrily whispering, Argyll walked carefully to the young man.

It is estimated that the old man looks similar to Chen Fan. The white python did not attack, but looked at him alertly.

When approaching this old man up close, Chen Fan was slightly surprised. This guy was clearly white, but his spirit was as good as the net passing the magic oil. The gorgeous robe, with two dazzling gemstone rings on his hand, makes him look "looking"

"Nourishment and superiority, and extravagance". Chen Fan feels that these two idioms describe him.

"Oh, do you like this ring?" Argyll quickly rolled down the two rings and couldn't help but say to Chen Fan. If you don't accept it, you will look down on my firm expression.

Language can't communicate? It doesn't matter, Argyle brought the paper and the quill pen, and outlined it twice. The appearance of a sailing boat and a nautical compass, even with a companion, is very easy for Chen Fanming to mean.

"You don't have a nautical compass, want to find me another one? ... Chen Fan nodded the head that made Argyle relieved. The nautical compass was sold everywhere, and only a few dozen were expensive.

After completing the compass exchange, Argyle suddenly figured it out. Why can't he learn the young man's language with the ice queen? Their text Argyle has been studied, and the structure is very similar to the common language, but the text and sound of the meaning are different. It's not a fool to be a murderer in the old, Azuer is confident that he will learn from Nai Feizhuo faster than the Queen of Ice and Snow

Hard to grind, slow to cook, no matter what, you must have a good relationship with the Queen of Snow and this black young man. The Rhine Kingdom where he is located is only a second-rate country, and there is a big gap compared with those empires. Gain the friendship of the Ice Queen,

The more excited the more, the Argyle would not go away, and even the depiction made Chen Fan understand what he meant. After getting permission, he sat on the beach and started to learn the foreign language with 120,000 spirits.

At 11:30 noon, Chen Fanrou ’s sore **** climbed up from the beach, prepared to go back to Zhongyun, helped him buy the compass, and by the way, got some manganese delicacies from the hotel, let this guy know what China is. Gourmet.

When returning to the dock by electric eel, Chen Fan was on the beach on the left side of the dock that had always been uninterested. I did n’t know when seven or eight cars came, including three Mercedes-Benz, two BMWs, and a Mercedes-Benz business and Honda business car. .

In front of the car, there are a bunch of fat and middle-aged men standing next to the "pointing rivers and mountains" standing next to several young men and women, dressed in uniform business suits, at first glance is a concubine who gives errands!

"It is estimated that the leaders who are so busy with eggs hurt, come here to investigate?" The group of people were two or three hundred meters away from the dock. They could not see the electric eels in the underlying water, so Chen Fan didn't care much.

"Hey, Wang Bing, let someone help me buy some nautical compasses, and let the hotel chef get some abalone, fish, sea cucumbers, and so on. Xiao Zhou sends them over. Let Xiao Zhou drive the seafood transporter, here I am Made some wild seafood again.

After finishing the phone call, Chen Fan lay leisurely on Sha'an, waiting for someone to deliver things.

After about half an hour, the truck driver Xiao Zhou opened Dongfeng to lengthen the box. "Ding Dangding came over and carefully handed the food box and navigation compass to Chen Fan.

"Boss, all these seafood are loaded in the car?" "Hmm, do you! Yes, why did the man named Wang not come with you?" Chen Fan put the food box aside and rolled up his sleeves to help him Move seafood. Usually two people come, because these heavy guys are not easy to carry alone.

"He is in a hurry halfway!" The driver saw Chen Fan ready to help on Monday and said anxiously: "No need, I can do it alone!"

"I'm not A Dou, can I still be hurt if I lift something?" Chen Fan said involuntarily, picked up the bottom of the net bag, and worked hard with him to throw the net bag into the compartment.

"While waiting for the seafood to be almost finished, eight smoky convoys were killed from the road in front of the dock. The Mercedes-Benz business car was the beginning. The dark reflective glass made it impossible to see the inside. The remaining Mercedes-Benz BMW also Drive past the dock without stopping.

When the last Honda Odyssey arrived. It quacked and stopped at the door of the dock, from which a young man in a sturdy suit was drilled.

"What's the phone number of the owner of this dock?" The tall young man wrinkled his nose. The strong smell of sea made him very uncomfortable. He walked proudly to the seafood truck and took out Bao Yu. Creek, draw two roots to Chen Fan and Xiao Zhou who are carrying seafood.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fan looked subconsciously at the dock. There was nothing invisible to him. The invisible things were all made into the cave by him. The dock was empty, with only a diving cabin and a sealed car cover from the distance Maybach Mianqi beat Lin.

"Talk to your boss about it. You can tell me his phone number." The young man is twenty-four or five years old. Obviously, the experience and vision are much worse, otherwise he should be able to recognize Chen Fan's tens of thousands of worth of business.

"I'm the owner of this dock. I'll tell you if I have anything." Chen Fan didn't pick him up from Yuxi because he felt that the smoke grade of more than 20 yuan was too bad, and the other party's attitude also disliked him. .

"Are you the boss here?" The young man's attitude was a little better, and his crooked nose was also sharpened. He pulled out a business card from his body: "Introduce yourself, I am the deputy manager of the engineering management department of Shentai Real Estate Jiang Ze, the team that just drove in the past was just a few bosses in our company. Our company is going to open this area into a seaside villa area, so you have to dismantle this dock. I am here to discuss compensation with you. "

"Tear down my dock?" Although the beach is a bit off, it is indeed suitable for the construction of a villa area, because only two or three docks are erected here. Less money is lost, and anyone who can live in a villa can buy a car.

Unlike some places that are densely packed with houses built by Wang Min, demolishing them can make them lose their wow. No doubt, fishermen who live on the sea, their father's generation is doing a little bit. All the three-story buildings were built before the construction ban.

"So how much do you plan to compensate me?" Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and leaned on the carriage. If the price was right, let them dismantle it, and then let someone buy it again. After all, they started business with these real estate. Is the most annoying!

"Well," Jiang Ze looked around the dock carefully: "Our compensation standards for the plant include the loss of production and business stoppage, relocation subsidy, decoration fee, equipment transportation fee, and finally calculate the compensation based on the structure and area of ​​the plant, if you With land ownership, we will also compensate the land fee. "

Very nice look!

Chen Fan nodded, it seems that this real estate company is not black, unlike some businessmen. Put the citizen's house day o8 book on the sun

The bad money is not enough to buy the original two points! Area, at most give you a taste, move thick without cooperation.

According to the amount of fees he reported, Chen Fan estimated that he would make a small profit in the end. After all, the dock machinery and equipment were never used, and there was no loss of business suspension.

"I have a dock of 1,600 square meters, a height of 12 meters, and a full steel structure. It took seven hundred years for the machine to be seen. This dock is very new. The anti-corrosion paints are all marine anti-corrosion paints. It cost me more than half a million. There are also two automatic opening and closing doors, and there are also half a million. "Chen Fan pointed to the big iron doorway beside him:" You should pay me a total of eight million, just give it by the way. I have a few demolition permits. When your villa is built, I will buy some sets for fun. "

"Oh, oh, the demolition permit matter is easy to say," Jiang Zegan smiled twice, and said: "Then look like this, I will let the company's finance department come over in the afternoon. They have a special accountant and will soon be able to put the dock The compensation is calculated. "

"Well!" Chen Fan hit Xiao Zhouxian to drive the seafood back, and when Jiang Ze left on the Honda Odyssey, he drove the Maybach to another dock. The door was not closed, and there was nothing worth stealing. , Just in the afternoon let the real estate company estimate the compensation. The wild seafood prepared by the first-class chef is of course extraordinary. Argyle, who is used to court cuisine, saw Chen Fan preparing to feast on him. I wanted to pretend to pretend, but as soon as I saw those warm and delicious "scents and colors", his throat seemed to have severe bronchitis, and he couldn't say anything more polite.

The spearfish's unique sticky teeth and delicate sensations. Argyle only felt that there was an indescribable delicious taste that exploded on the tongue buds, and he almost slipped his tongue into the stomach without driving his tongue.

"Argyll, how do you say that you have also eaten the king to hold a dinner party, egg set, must be egg set !!!" Deep self gaffe little Argyle comforted himself.

"This is the best food I've ever had in my life!" In the end, Argyll couldn't hold his egg and yelled in his throat.

Dylan had worked on the food, and Chen Fan continued to teach him and Python to the Chinese language until four o'clock in the afternoon. Returning to Zhongyun by electric eel, the real estate accountant should calculate the compensation for the dock.

Randomly found a reef near the dock to land. Can't come to the door, the Hiromoto Odyssey is still parked there, Jiang Ze is chatting with two other young people there


"Did it count?"

"It's a good idea that Jiang Ze took Yuxi out of his arms and gave it to Chen Fan. Chen Fan did not refuse this time and took the cigarette bite in his mouth.

"According to the location here, and calculation of compensation for various demolition programs, we will compensate you a total of 3.27 million for this dock, and a demolition certificate of 500 square meters." Jiang Ze took out a list of various The data list was handed to Chen Fan, without any embarrassing expression on his face, obviously it was already the old fritters.

"Did you treat me as Xu?" Chen Fan just read a few of them casually, and a ghost fire "forced to jump from the bottom of the foot to the Tianling cover."

For the steel plate room, he compensates for the price of scrap iron, as for what marine anti-rust paint, high-strength alloy bracket on the top. The sunshade plate on the top of a piece of more than two thousand dollars has no damn. More annoying. The big iron gates worth the old nose are also scrap iron prices.

"I don't sell it anymore. You build it wherever you like." Chen Fan didn't even want to continue bargaining. He directly spit out the cigarette in his mouth: "Yuxi is hard to smoke, and there is a smell of straw."

"You!" Jiang Ze's self-esteem was broken by Chen Fan's broken desire, and he stubbornly refused to do it, saying: "Our price is based on the current market standards, and the prices are in the docks next to it."

"The dock of Laozi was designed by the architect De Meuron, the one that designed the Bird's Nest Stadium. And it was all made. Do you know how much it cost? Chen Fan glanced at him calmly. Said: "Eight million is eight million US dollars, not one coin for the people! "

Looking at the scene, the two accountants who were using computers to calculate prices hurried over to the round. Businessmen are all asking for money. It's better not to make trouble if you can't make trouble with the head of the household. Although they are not afraid of the trouble of the head of household.

"Mr. Chen, we can only pay this price. Because the company's regulations are like this. If you are not satisfied, you can discuss it with our boss. I believe he will compensate you more." Jiang Ze took a deep breath. Pi Xiaorou said with a smile.

"Tell your boss, I do n’t sell this dock. Even if he brings 100 million now, I wo n’t sell it! Chen Fan sits on the sand with a disdainful expression:" You can go, I do n’t welcome you here. "

"Mr. Chen, since we can win the right to open this piece of land, of course we have the ability to open this piece of land. It is not good for us if things get stiff, so I hope you still cooperate better."

"Yo, are you threatening me?" Chen Fan's expression is full of incredible!

"We are serious businessmen, how can we threaten people? I just advise in good faith. We can discuss the price, but we must dismantle the house."

"Then you come to demolish it, you don't have to lose money. When you build the villa, I'm demolishing your villa so that the two don't owe each other."

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