Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Fourth-order grass

"Xuanyuan sword decided ~ star strike!"


As Ye Chen poured the infuriating gas in the Xuanyuan sword, the whole Xuanyuan sword actually trembled like a rattlesnake's tail.

The electric awning of Thunderbolt is also covered on the Xuanyuan sword, making the whole Xuanyuan sword more sharp and also accompanied by paralyzed attributes.

As for why the giant monster does not use the Japanese star instead of using the star strike, Ye Chen has his own considerations.

Through the day: bringing together the real gas to make a fatal blow, this move has the power of running through the sun and the moon, and often exerts a stronger crit damage than the normal attack!

Star Strike: Gathering the whole body of true gas into the Xuanyuan sword, when the energy reaches saturation, launch a combo in a very short time, attack speed one second ten sword!

This is suitable for attacking targets that cannot be moved or that Ye Chen has absolutely certain goals. If it is hidden by the other party, this will not only prevent the enemy from being attacked, but will cause Ye Chen’s infuriating loss to be lost, even if it is very A favorable situation will also turn into a dilemma in an instant.

But the star strike is not the same, one second ten swords!

Although this speed is not as strong as a hundred swords and thousands of swords in some myths, these ten swords are the ten swords that Xuanyuanjian stabbed!

Each sword has the power to stab a sword normally, that is, this second is equal to ten times the attack power!

And each of the sword leaves can change direction in the morning. If the target is dodged, Ye Chen can also pursue the movement according to the target.

"Transformed position!"

Ye Chen summoned a farm-level duckling to the abdomen of the beast, and then launched a shifting position with only three chances a day!

Drawing on the previous lesson, this behemoth seems to be particularly valued for the protection of the abdomen. Ye Chen’s previous blow was not close enough and he was stepped down by a quick retreat.

That time, Ye Chen will save the rising space!

When it appeared again, it was not far from the belly of the behemoth.

As for Ye Chen’s previous position, it turned into a screaming duckling...

Hey! ! !

Although I can't see my abdomen position, this behemoth seems to be able to feel the enemy's invasion under her belly. After a flustered suffocation, another unexpected thing happened in the morning, a light curtain!

A light curtain like a hood is actually covered on the belly of the behemoth!

"Haha, it does have a hand, but it is useless!"

"Star Strike! Out!"


Looking for an area, Ye Chen directly stabbed out the long sword in his hand. The sharp leaf of the Xuanyuan sword has not seen anything to stop. As the artifact of the most powerful force in China, this Xuanyuan sword Power and status can be seen.

Roar! !

When the first sword, this seemingly strong and powerful mask has been broken, Xuanyuan sword with the soul of the soul directly into the other's abdomen position, open the belly!

A large piece of blood, such as a water pipe that has opened a gate, is generally falling.

Ten swords!

Only after the first sword stabbed into the opponent, the muscles of the giant beast became stiff, and the paralyzed nature of the true thunder was displayed.

If this usual paralysis attribute occurs on the opponent, it is just a moment, but Ye Chen’s sword is too fast, one second and ten swords!

This squad of swords has paralyzed the horror monster.


A loud yak behemoth crashed into the ground with a loud bang and violent vibration.

Some people worried that Ye Chen quietly drove over Lilys. They saw a scene of a huge monster crashing into the ground in the faraway position. They were obviously in the car and felt a shock like a mountain shake.

"My Scorpio, is this a beast killed by the Lord?"

Dongyangzi stared at his own eyes, which was far from the behemoth, but because the behemoth was too tall, they saw this behemoth at a great distance.

I just didn't think that this huge monster was solved by the young master in minutes. It was terrible!

From the beginning to the end, this horrible behemoth only issued two moves, one is the thunder and the big foot from the sky ~ war trample!

One is to protect the abdomen's energy mask, which was also torn by Xuanyuanjian.

In fact, under the premise of the same quality, the size of human beings is the most standard combat individual.

Otherwise, this cockroach will not become an adult after entering the earth, turning his own individual into a human size.

"Call~ It’s better to have a Thunderbolt armor, otherwise you have to make it dirty."

A huge corpse suddenly squirmed in the upper abdomen. A man with a flash of electric light suddenly drilled through the flesh of the beast's belly. This person is Ye Chen!

"The greater the individual, the greater the weakness is also infinitely magnified, so in the same level of circumstances, never make your body too tall, so easy to be caught by others."

The voice of the Yellow Emperor reveals a wisdom. The species on the earth evolved hundreds of millions of years or more. Now only human beings have survived and become the hegemons of the earth.

This is definitely the result of nature's most natural and most natural choice.

Individuals of this size will not make the planet too heavy, nor will they waste all kinds of food, even the battles will take advantage.

In fact, Ye Chen did not know that the insects on this insect star are only low- and medium-level creatures. Only the fourth-order insects are called zergs!

It is also the brothers of the Xuanyuan Huangdi and Yandi who met on the earth. Only the fourth-order worms will be transformed!

On the insect star, the creatures below the fourth order are called beasts. After the fourth order, the thoughts and languages ​​are called the family!

On this vast and innocent planet, more than 95% of the area is wilderness and worms, and the number of zergs is very small. They have not encountered the Zerg civilization and the city of Dongyang.

The opportunity is too embarrassing to encounter a Zerg city from more than a thousand times the planet.

Otherwise, the dozens of third-order demons who entered here in the past will not live the present.


After Ye Chen jumped off the body of the behemoth, he immediately came to the edge of this mysterious and complicated spirit grass, the fourth-order grass!

When the grass was held in the hand, Ye Chen felt that the infuriating in the body actually produced a slight fluctuation!

"Little Lord!"

"Ye Chen!"

Just when Ye Chen wanted to study this kind of grass, a Land Rover was opened by Lilith, and a few people in the car all shook hands toward Ye Chen.

"How come you guys?"

Ye Chen threw the grass into the farm, and took out a few low-level grasses and absorbed them. Just Xuanyuanjian spent a lot of infuriating on him, only the essence contained in Lingcao could be restored.

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