Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: remuneration

"Less Lord, is this what you do?"

Dongyangzi stared at the two giant corpses on the ground. Although the huge worms of this yak had already died, the faint pressure from the corpse had already stunned the three.

"This little one is this guy who killed it. As for this big one, I am killing."

Ye Chen smiled and sat in the loop, and gave Lilith a driving gesture. Ye Chen comfortably leaned against the leather back.


Seeing Ye Chen’s understated expression, the two people in Dongyangzi shuddered, and what was the strength of the young master?

As for Lilith, regardless of this, while driving, she is excited to aim at Ye Chen frequently. This is his male god, a god-like man!

"Hey, you don't have to look at me like this. In fact, this guy is a bit embarrassed to die. He didn't play its true strength at all. I was directly killed on the spot by myself."

Ye Chen said that this is the truth. He listened to the opinions of Xuanyuan Huangdi and directly magnified the move, and found the weakness of this monster. The last unexpected shift was made by using the sharpness of Xuanyuanjian and Xuanyuanjian. It is on the weakness of the other side.

This yak-like behemoth has a strong body in the mountains, but this abdomen is its Achilles heel, and the location resembling the heart of the Earth's creatures is here.

If the battle between the worms is usually attacking the other's head and limbs, there is very little direct attack on the abdomen, and this yak-like behemoth does not allow other behemoths to approach his abdomen, four huge and thick limbs. Can issue war to trample this skill.

The war tramples on the power of carrying lightning, which can cause tremendous shock and destruction, is very terrifying.

In the end, even if there is an attack that can break through all the defense attacks to its abdomen, it has the last protection, energy cover!

The energy hood that is emitted by the third-order four-element is generally not broken.

"So I said that this super worm died a bit embarrassed, and my shifting position and Xuanyuan sword have not seen it."

Ye Chen smiled and told the few people about the process of the battle. After hearing the words of Ye Chen, the two people in Dongyangzi were obviously relieved. The battle of the Lord was indeed a bit tricky. The other party’s loss was too large. And the lesser masters have more patterns.

Just like a bullet that will teleport, it is directly at the position of the other party's heart. How to hide?

Xuanyuanjian is the strongest soldier in China, attacked by Xuanyuanjian, and a protective cover is really weak.

"What a few masters harvested is a few orders of grass?"

There is a hint of curiosity on the face of Dongyangzi. The level of this beast is so high, then this spirit grass must have at least a third order.

Ye Chen has already told the Dongyangzi the order of the system, so the name of the grass is also known to them.

As for this order, there are also middle and high points. In the case of the two people, the spirit grass of this behemoth should be the third-order medium or high grade.

"Oh, this time has a great harvest, the level of this spirit grass is... fourth order!"

Ye Chen deliberately dragged a long tone and hanged the taste of the three people before telling the final answer.


"Four...fourth order?"

For the first time, Dongyangzi knew that this spirit grass had such a high level of existence. The fourth stage of Ye Chen could shock both people.


Ye Chen was not a stingy person. He took out the grass and handed it to Dong Yangzi and Dong Yunzi.

The mysterious and radiant lines on the grass can see the two people fascinated, slowly rubbing the lines on the grass, and the two silently handed back the grass.

"Less master, this spirit grass is not the same, when I was in contact with the brothers, the infuriating speed actually accelerated by three points. If I absorbed it, my brother and I could conclude that our bottlenecks for many years will definitely make a breakthrough, even reaching the magic. The peak of the kingdom."

"Yes, this kind of spirit grass must be used well and should not be easily wasted."

Seeing the two people respectfully submitting them back, Ye Chen’s face flashed a smile, he can see the envy and longing in the eyes of the two people. If there is no Xuanyuan Jianyin’s existence, Ye Chen really dare not take this spirit grass. Handed over to two people to observe.

For the two people, he has the same feeling. If you have to wait, you must refine this spirit grass and see what kind of promotion can be made by Xuanyuan.

"People are all resistant to certain diseases. When you restore your aura, I suggest you choose from the first and second orders. If you want to increase the true gas content of Xuanyuan, I suggest you start with the third-order low-quality grass. use."

"If you use good grass, and use low-level grass, it will waste a lot if you don't care."

Xuanyuan Huangdi’s words sounded from Ye Chen’s brain, and he was very satisfied with Ye Chen’s harvest.

Do not say anything else, in the view of Xuanyuan Huangdi, this kind of grass can definitely improve a lot of true air content of Ye Chen, this trip to the Bermuda Triangle has this kind of grass is worthwhile!

"Right, thank you Lilith, if I didn't miss you, I would have missed it. These few grasses are my thanks to you."

Ye Chen took out a few first- and second-order spirits and handed them to Lilith. In fact, he did not know that these spirits were useful to Lilith. At this time, he wanted to express his gratitude.

"How can this be done? I have no strength at all. These spirits are all obtained by your hard work and killing insects..."

Lilith's face flashed a little excitement, she was very happy to help her male god, and she really didn't think so much about her return.

And this place is so fun and so novel, fully satisfied her curiosity and curiosity.

"You will accept it. If you try this, the grass will not work for you."

Ye Chenhe smiled and refused Lilith's humility, and directly put the grass on the other's lap. He also wanted to do an experiment. These cats, wolves and so on are actually one of the warriors.

I don't know if Lingcao has any use for them. If it is useful, then Lu Yingying is there...

I think that here, Ye Chen actually has the impulse to try and Lilith. If it is true, then the value of this grass can be great.

A new way to earn extra money and improve the level of the Earth's biology reappears.

Now he has to consider not only his own future, but also the safety of the earth's thousands of lives. Only when the life on the earth is strong, the earth will be safer and more prosperous.

If you can make a big profit on this basis, it is really a good thing.

After all, this second-order spirit grass is of little use to him.

The system is now word: a new steel weapon is found in front, suspected of earth products...

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