Super Farm System

Chapter 135: accelerate!

System word: Please host the system task as soon as possible, through this system to infer that there are still individuals on the earth that can threaten the host, will bring certain threats to the system, please upgrade your strength as soon as possible!

"Since China has these soldiers, there are no other reasons for other countries to exist. It seems that this upgrade is bound to succeed!"

Now is not only the time limit set by the system, but Ye Chen has a hint of oppression.

Just as the frog at the bottom of the well jumped out of the dry well, it was discovered that the outside world was actually bigger, and of course the danger was even more!

This is a high problem!

When you stand in a higher place, you will find farther places and scenery.

"Report! Ye Chen applied for 2 weight packs!"

Just dressed in a group of dragons, they are dressed neatly, enjoying the envy of a group of recruits, surprised eyes~

An abrupt voice suddenly rang in the silent playground.


A group of newcomers who are trying to force themselves are all focused on Ye Chen.

"Where is this stupid hat? Also 2 weights?"

"Rely, I hate being disturbed when I hate it, or I am disturbed by a fool~"

“Does this child know how much weight it has? Two more? Who did he think he is?”

"I really want to tell this child that it is necessary to put it in force. If you don't have this capital, don't force it!"

The newcomers in the Dragon Group have turned their heads to talk about it. The eyes of Ye Chen are also full of disdain and contempt.

"Oh? Pharaoh, is there such a funny doll in your team? He knows what it feels like to run 5 kilometers on the back load?"

Xu Dongqiang came to the side of the Wang team and looked at Ye Chen, who applied for a raise, and played with a look.

"Hey, Xu team, this Ye Chen~"

"Okay, let's get started, come back and have breakfast."

The Xu team can not go down regardless of Ye Chen. If you want to force it, you should be prepared for the Thunder.


Ye Chen is not trying to force it. If he wants to force it, he can run with 4 loads on his back!

But he can't expose all his strength at once, so he will be caught as a mouse.

Rice should be eaten bit by bit, step by step step by step ~

He wants the dragon group to notice him!

Because Ye Chen felt a bit of oppression and tension at this time~ I met the same kind of powerful person and brought him nervousness!

So he has to step up and enter the dragon group, close to Ye Weiguo!

Unlock the mystery of life~ Upgrade!

Out of the prepared team, Ye Chen put a load on his back and returned to the team!

"All have! Prepare ~ go ~!"

Under the command of the Kings, three thousand new recruits and more than one hundred dragon group recruits all ran around the playground at a neat pace.

This playground has 500 meters in a circle, just ten laps!

When the Xu team started running from the team, Yu Guang put a part of it on Ye Chen, although he did not care about this recruit on his mouth and in action.

However, as the captain of a dragon group, he still subconsciously left part of his eyes on Ye Chen.

Because he wants to know, is this a material that can be made?

Still a little boy who is sensational?

"Big brother, you are carrying two weights... can't you do it?"

Wang Jun ran around Ye Chen, although he knew the strength of his eldest brother, but this is 5 kilometers~~~

"Rely! Look!"

"My day, this is just the beginning, the distance is actually getting farther and farther away?"

Listening to the voice of the ear, Ye Chen and Wang Jun looked up and looked forward.

As a result, the recruits of the Dragon Group who had been running side by side were actually getting faster and faster, and they had already exceeded the recruits in Luzhong! and people are 2 weights!

This is just a lap!

Although it is a 5km weight run, don't forget that everyone has not eaten!

The first few laps can still be sustained, but the last few laps will never be neat, and some will have to reach the end.

Of course, the time is late, there is no need to eat breakfast.

"I rely on, my sister's metamorphosis, originally looked at them carrying two weights and running with us has been very abnormal, and people are still accelerating! Big Brother ~ you say metamorphosis?"

When Wang Jun ran, he widened his eyes and continued to spit.

But after spitting for a long time, I didn’t see someone responding around, and I turned my head and looked at it.

Huh? Big brother?

"I am second, look, this is not Ye Chen?"

"Yeah, look at it, this Ye Chen is actually out of the team~ and the faster it runs!"

"Oh my God, I know that Ye Chen is a big force, but I don't know how fast people are."

A group of new soldiers looked at their team, the faster they ran, the farther away Ye Chen, only the infinite emotion.

Different people have different lives~ This group of metamorphosis!

Although I thought so in my heart, there was another pride and excitement that suddenly popped up in my heart.

One of the perverts is still their people!

Good~ Ye Chen is the person in their Luzhong Military Region!

Suddenly everyone’s eyes ignited an unknown name and desire~

Let them compare themselves to this group of dragons, and it is estimated that they won't win. . .

But the appearance of Ye Chen gave everyone great hope and confidence, because ~

They have Ye Chen!

"Fast! Fast! Catch up!"

The recruits in the back ran all the way, and cheered Ye Chen in the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, Pharaoh, this little doll is awful, actually actually ran."

Xu Dongqiang was surprised to see Ye Chen, who was running in the middle of the two teams, and his eyes flashed a little surprised.

The new recruits he brought are definitely talented and stable people who can enter the tiger group!

Absolutely an elite in the special forces!

But this little doll is also in its twenties?

Or is it a new recruit in the Luzhong Military Region?

"Oh, he is Ye Chen, okay, it’s so sloppy~"

The Wang team heard the surprise of the Xu team, and his heart was dark, but his face was filled with a calm and calm look.


Finally, I was able to install it in front of the Xu team~

Really cool!

"Is this still sloppy? I rely on, Pharaoh, you are forced to do this, I will give you a perfect score."

"But ~ I just don't know if this child can persist at this speed, knowing that this has just begun... If you use all your strength to gamble, this child is really stupid..."

The Xu team looked at the faster and faster, and soon they would follow Ye Chen of the Dragon Group. Unfortunately, they shook their heads~

"Only to support a hero, I pushed myself to the full force, hehe~"

Young people~ still too young.

"I wipe, can the people in this dragon group hurry up? I am going to catch up. If I catch up, will I continue to speed up? Or will I run along?"

This is the inner monologue of Ye Chenye, who is spitting on the side while running.

But if you let the people in front hear it, you have to turn back and spit on him for a minute. Then say a word~

"Brother. You have installed it."

The last member of the dragon group felt a voice behind him, and looked back curiously. As a result, he almost stumbled himself~

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