Super Farm System

Chapter 136: Is this a monk?

"I am second, what have I seen? Superman possessed?"

The last group of dragon members ran back and looked around and almost scared out.

He has to start to wonder if the two are carrying the same weight.

So surprised by the fact that Ye Chen’s appearance behind him is in his twenties and he is seven or eight years younger than himself.

In addition, I have been in the military for so many years, trained for so many years, actually caught up with a new recruit who has not yet participated in the training of new recruits?

"Have a little Li?"

The teammates around saw Xiao Li somewhat abnormal and asked quickly.

"Hua Zige, look back."

Xiao Li quickly adjusted his pace and speeded up. The shock was just stumbled by himself~

"Looking back? Look back~"

The buddy who was called Xiaozi by Xiao Li was half said, just like the big **** who was holding his neck, and it was dumb.

"I Cao, this ~ this"

Hua Zige did not finish talking, and quickly accelerated the pace and rushed forward.

At the end of the day, Xiao Li and Hua Zi actually crossed the teammates and ran forward.

"I rely on this, Xiao Li and Hua Zi are ill? This is just the beginning, how can I not help?"

Close to them, several people in front of them were puzzled and looked at Xiao Li and Hua Zi, who suddenly accelerated. Some doubts.

Step on step~

"What voice? How do you feel ~ there are people behind you?"

"Are you illusory? You only have Xiao Li and Hua Zi behind. He suddenly mad and speed up, will there be someone behind him?"

"Isn't that new recruits catch up?"

"Don't be kidding, don't say they carry a load--even if they are half-loaded, they can't keep up. You can at least pull them 200 meters."

The large playground with a slanting round side is not the same as the tail of the new recruits.

The previous person shook his head with a funny smile. It seems that he didn’t sleep well last night, and he had an illusion~


Just when a few people just had to adjust their pace and continue to run, suddenly a foreign language came from behind them~

"I rely!"

"My day!"

"What the hell?!"

The three dragon group members who just left their hearts were directly scared by this greeting. Turning the stiff neck and running back and looking back. . .

"I rely! It is you!"

The three people also gave a shock at the same time~ How is it possible? The other party is also two weights~ How is it possible?

I remembered the sudden acceleration of Xiao Li and Hua Zi, and the three suddenly understood.

Quickly adjust the pace, but also speed up and ran.

"Rely, what are you scared to call? How suddenly speed up?"

The players in the front row looked at the teammates who suddenly accelerated and looked at them.


This queue is also like the people in front, and then exclaimed and turned around to speed up!

“I am very scary? How can I speed up one by one?”

Ye Chen was silently watching a group of suddenly accelerated members of the Dragon Group. Since you are accelerating, then you are also accelerating.

The Wang team and the Xu team were stunned and watched the funny scene of the operation.

A group of hundreds of dragon group members from the back to the front, whoever turned back to see the morning behind the leaves, all clenched their teeth and suddenly speeded up and ran to the front of the team~ And our Ye Chen children's shoes, a speechless and helpless expression, as for?

He is not a wild beast~

Yes, he is not ~ but Xu Dongqiang is!

Xu Dongqiang, one of the three captains of the Dragon Group, is superior in strength. It is hard and hard~ usually lazy, but as long as it is a competition, it is a competition, it will become a bloodthirsty beast! Have a strong heart!

"Remember! This newcomer's selection~ You usually don't care if you are lazy, but if the competition is competition, then you must give Laozi a 200% status. If you give Laozi a shame, then Laozi will definitely let You know the lazy and incompetent end!"

Yes, the meaning of the words is lazy but to be used!

If you are lazy, don't use it! Then don't blame him for his bald head!

So there is such a scene~

If they lose to Ye Chen, who is also carrying two weights, the waiting for them is cruel to the heinous devil training, and there is training with bald strength.

"Hey~ How do they run faster and faster? Are the members of the Dragon Group so powerful?"

Ye Chen was speechless and admired, watching a group of dragon group members who were speeding up and running. It turned out that there were people on the earth who could not be so powerful without the system!

Admire ~ admire ~

"The troops in front are letting go! Let go!"

Wang Jun and Ye Chen’s ranking was due to the late arrival, so they were at the end of the team and suddenly heard a burst of rumbling behind them~

There was also a sudden scream, and the recruits in the back row turned around.

"I rely! This **** is fake?"

“Word Day, is our gap so big?”

"I suddenly didn't have the confidence to play, they are not people at all~"

Looking at the group behind him, the group of dragons recruited with two weight-bearing teeth, and the troops in front of them gave way.

Don't let it go, people's strength is strong~ The slowness of running is also the way of people, it shouldn't be~

If this is heard by members of this group of dragons, you must cry.

They are strong, but they are also limited. If there is a leaf behind them, they don’t want to be so fast~

The members of the rumbling dragon group passed by a group of dumbfounded 3,000 recruits, leaving an eyeball that fell to the ground.

"Second brother, this group of dragons is really amazing, really admire them~"

Just when Wang Jun had just returned, watching the gradual sighing of the dragon group that was gradually drifting away, suddenly a voice rang around him.

Then it is getting farther and farther~

"Big Brother?!"

Looking at Ye Chen's pace with the Dragon Group, and then looking at the faster and faster members of the Dragon Group, Wang Jun actually felt a bit funny.

How did this group of dragons who pulled their whole circle feel that they were afraid of being caught up by the big brother?

The way it runs faster and faster is not normal.

This is the third lap. . .

The subsequent scene further verified Wang Jun’s guess.



The acceleration of the circle and the circle, the chasing of the circle and the chasing and surpassing the recruits of the Luzhong Military Region.

Looked at the one-eyed red neck thick, the head of the blue violent violent, the soy bean sweating beads full face of the dragon group members.

All Luzhong recruits are sincerely admired~

It turns out that people are strong~ it is so powerful~ admire! Admire!

"My day, I can't do it. It's only 7 laps. If I can run 13 laps at most, but I am chased by this grandson, I can't breathe."

Xiao Li, who was the first to accelerate, said while panting and talking with Huazi.

"Day, Lao Tzu is not going to work anymore. This grandson chased us for a full 7 laps. How fast we accelerate, how fast he runs~ Is this playing me?"

The Huazi on the other side is also about to die.

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