Super Farm System

Chapter 137: Joseph was thundered~

Ye Chen listened to the dialogue between Xiao Li and Hua Zi, who was slower and slower in front.

Strangely scratching my head, they didn't usually train like this? Is this afraid of being caught up by me to speed up?

Everyone knows that if people jog at a constant speed, they can run for one kilometer, but if they run faster, they will have to sprint a little less, not to mention the sprint.

This time because of Ye Chen’s reason, this group of young people who have been very strong, has been forced to accelerate for 7 laps!

Now they are tired, they are blushing, their necks are thick, and their legs are filled with lead.

"Fuck. Lao Tzu has never been so embarrassed in the other six military regions. Even at the previous rhythm, I can safely pull this group of new recruits!"

"Yes, Hua Zige is the grandson. If it weren’t for the horrible training of the Xu team, Laozi would never be so desperate."

The two of them gasped and looked back at Ye Chen. They were all grandchildren.

"Call~ I can't do it~"

As Xiao Li gave up, the whole person slowly slowed down and finally turned into a walk~

Not only him, everyone saw the first person who gave up, and in an instant 10 members of the dragon group also slowed down.

Was overtaken by Ye Chen one by one~

"I am going, this grandson is really a recruit? How do I feel better than the people in the Tiger Group!"

From the running to the ten people who went away, they nodded their heads together~

"My day, my eldest brother is a bully. Although we pulled us three times, we actually chased the dragon group to more than a dozen people~ Wow, see you are more powerful~ really energetic~"

Wang Jun and nearly three thousand new recruits have seen that it is wrong. The members of this dragon group are no longer strong, and their strength is strong. Shouldn’t they carry two weights on their backs?

Looking at Ye Chen, who has been running with the Dragon Group, is like a person running with more than 100 people.

Is it because Ye Chen?

"Xu ~ Xu team ~ This is the new training method for the Dragon Group this year?"

The Wang team was silently watching more than one hundred dragons recruiting desperately to accelerate one by one.


To be surprised, no one is more surprised than Xu Dongqiang, starting from the third lap! His gaze has not left Ye Chen for a second!

Carrying the weight of the same weight as a person, a full 7 laps of 3.5 kilometers has been in an accelerated state!

No one can imagine ~

How tired this is!

Many metamorphosis!

Yes, metamorphosis!

From the third lap, the eyes of the Xu team have been locked in Ye Chen, who has been accelerating. He looks out, and the child still has spare time!

The final result is really not what he expected, now 8 laps, he is still running with the dragon group~

And the members of the Dragon Group who are still running are actually less than half!

56 people!

In addition, there are still 56 people in Ye Chen running at speed!

Of course, the acceleration that has been said is a very slow speed~ very slow acceleration~ as long as there is no speed reduction, it is acceleration~

On the other side, Xiao Li looked at the rumble around him~ Rumble~ After their Luzhong recruits~

Sad in my heart~

This his mother has been tied to the number of laps!

Yes~ He and Huazi still have more than a dozen people, actually being tied to the number of laps~

Just because there are too many overdrafts in the early stage, there are not many physical strengths at this time. They carry 2 weights like mountains and can only walk!

The recruits in the Luzhong Military Region are slow, but at a constant speed~

Slowly, slowly overtake the dragon team recruits of this community team~

Just like a tortoise and a rabbit race!

"My day, sad! Really his mother's sorrow! Actually surpassed by a group of new soldiers."

More and more members of the Dragon Group who are in the team are watching the recruits of the Luzhong Military Region to match the level and surpass!

And our Ye Chen has completely tied the first echelon!

There are only 3 people this time!

In the last half of the lap, only three people are still accelerating.

Everyone on the playground focused on these three people!

The first person looks a bit like a bald head, and the small head is now thick and the neck is thick, and the blue veins on the neck are like a snake.

His name is Xu Yang~ It is the voice of Xu Dongqiang! It is also the first place in the Dragon Group recruits! I have been trained by the Xu team since I was a child, and I have developed a non-human body.

The second place is a long leg, tall, and has more than 1 meter. The skinny looks are not like a soldier.

His name is Zhang Tao, he is a sports specialty student. His specialty is running and his endurance is extraordinary! There is leg length ~^_^

The last one is of course Ye Chen. In fact, he can still be faster, but suddenly he thinks that this person has just come, if he doesn’t give up on his face.

After all, it is the son of Huaxia~

If this is heard by the first two people, it must be mined in minutes and Ye Chen!

Ge Laozi, if you surpass them to get the first, they will not be so desperate.

Just like the members who gave up later, they have all gone.

But you follow this closely, and there is always a step of transcendence. It’s really a sudden death.

"My second time, this is a metamorphosis from where it came out. It doesn't look burly. How can it run like this?"

This is the inner monologue of Xu Yang’s madness, so I want to swear.

"I rely on, just look back and see how this buddy wants to surpass me. How can there be such a metamorphosis? I want to go home and hold my mother's thigh and say, there are many abnormal people outside~"

Zhang Tao, who is more than a meter and nine, actually wants to go home and hold her mother to complain. Besides Xu Yang, he has not lost in running.

"Forget it, let people make it, and having a third place should have caught the attention of the Dragon Group. Then there will be competitions, and it will not be too late."

Seeing that she was going to catch up with the second, Ye Chen suddenly slowed down her footsteps, and her face made a full force and her weakness.

He wants to let everyone know that he has done his best to get this result, or how to explain it to everyone?

He is born 6 times the physique of ordinary people?

"Hue~ I finally didn't chase, scared the baby, demo~ I said, except Xu Yang, I haven't lost in running yet~ Oh~ Mom~"

Zhang Tao moved his big long legs that began to fork under the navel. He ran back and looked at Ye Chen. When he saw that Ye Chen was not going to work, he looked at his face in a moment.

But who knows, the most invisible people in heaven, the result is that Zhang Tao, who was 50 meters away from the end, was suddenly stumbled by a small stone on the ground.

The bang hit the ground.

Ye Chen’s forehead, 哎~

It’s a pity that you can’t live forever.

If you want to run, concentrate on running, how can you be stumbled by the stones in front. . .

Silently ran over Zhang Tao, who was struggling to get up at the point, Ye Chen entered the end.

Second place!

Even the Wang team and the Xu team who kept watching them shook their heads without words~

Moses, Joseph was thundered. . .

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