Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 758: international News

"Dawa has been calling your name in the last time. I am sitting here with him every day, I know you will come, I want him to see you last."

The old man said to Dana, perhaps the wish has been reached, maybe too many days without eating, the old man said and suddenly fell down.


"Old man ~ old man, Xiaowei! Get water!"

The old man was just leaning on this side. Ye Chen had already come to his back and dragged him. By the way, he still hugged the rotted body of Davana.

Although the evil spirits were tangy, but Ye Chen did not wrinkle his brows. Looking at Dawa in his teens, the tenderness on his face has not completely disappeared. The happy life has not been enjoyed yet, but he has already left.

"Dawa, you are good, although we are meeting for the first time, but I will take care of the elderly for you, your hatred will be remembered, I will give you revenge!"

Ye Chen’s eyes flashed a strong anger, against the invaders, against these sinners, and the anger of these executioners!

He swears that they must pay for these people!

"Leaf team, this is definitely the poorest place in the whole region. Maybe the people in other places are suffering from the war, but they can definitely stay for a while, but here..."

The meaning of Dana’s father’s words is very obvious. If you want to save the disease, you can save it here. The people here can’t wait, but he doesn’t know how old Ye Chen’s ability is. So many hungry people are beyond the leaves. How well the team's ability is.

Therefore, his words did not finish, but let Ye Chen go to the Lord.

"Liu Yunfei, immediately lead the first group of people to count the number of hungry people, who should have food or water priority to those who need it the most, remember! After they finish drinking, you should go, don't throw food and Water doesn't matter. Tell them about two in the afternoon, we distribute food and water under the cathedral in the center of the area."


Liu Yunfei waved his hand. The first team of people including Lu Fei’s captain rumbling forward. At this moment, the mood of these players is the most complicated. It turns out that the people here are so poor. It turns out that this is peace!

The reason why Ye Chen confessed to Liu Yunfei was that he was afraid of throwing food and water to cause competition and cause a fight, as for two o'clock in the afternoon. . . This is the time that he calculated after reading the watch. It is almost noon, and he has to go back to the food at least.

As for the farm space, Ye Chen can't take it out, and the ingredients inside are all god-grade ingredients, so many people will eat it for a while.

"Stone, Tan Xiaowei, led the second brigade back to carry food and vegetables, and began to purchase a large amount of food, the account is on me."


The people of the second brigade quickly followed the stone and Tan Xiaowei to go back. Although they had just come back and ran back, but everyone did not have a trace of complaints, everyone was holding a fist and clenched, and the heart was full of strength.

This is the power to do something for these hungry people!

"The rest of the people immediately searched all areas with me, giving priority to those in the semi-conscious and coma, and giving them all under the cathedral."


Ye Chen’s last wave of hands, actually personally carrying the three thousand Chi Yanjun, the third battalion, was the hardest and the dirtiest and most tiring. He had to lead by example to let everyone know that the hungry people only have the sire. Going to work, don't be afraid of getting dirty and getting tired of getting everyone's approval.

"Big and strong, let's follow General Ye. Let's send the people's current situation to the world. This is war! The war brings not only disasters but also famine!"

Mu Shilan's eyes were a little red and swollen. She couldn't help but cry when she saw these skinny hungry people. Dawa was beaten to death for three days, and she couldn't help but cry.

Although as a journalist of the news, I should control my emotions to report the news to everyone. However, this scene with blood and tears is a deep impression of the audience in front of the TV, so that everyone has the feeling of empathy.


"Get out of bed, my male **** is on TV, ah!!! He is actually in Ikevi, and I said how I have not heard of my male **** recently."

I saw a fat girl in a double dormitory squatting at the door of the next door. Xiaomei, who was still in bed, immediately rushed out after hearing this sentence, even a coat was not worn, outside the spring. Leak ~ Unfortunately, no one has a chance to watch.

"Wife, come see it, it is the latest news report of Ike. It is actually a reporter from Mu Shilan who personally reported it. This Mu Shilan actually went to Ike as a war correspondent? Great..."

"Cut, it is not your dream lover, let me see what I have seen in the past, I don't care about international news, nor care about your beauty."

"Oh, but your male **** Ye Chen is also in the news."


After listening to a sudden burst of noise in the kitchen, a woman sat next to the man with the apron. . . . . .

"My God, Yingying, Ye Chen, watching the news, is your man, what is he doing?"

"It’s a hungry people. This is a hungry people in the Iq disaster area. My~god! How can these people be hungry like this? Is this still a person?"

"Everyone is coming to see it. This Ike finally got the first-hand news to come back. It is simply unbelievable. This is more pitiful than African refugees. It’s too bad."

For a time, the streets of China’s streets suddenly exploded. Everyone’s channel was locked on the channel of international news. At first, it was a channel that was inadvertently swept. Many people were crying with pears and rain. Mu Da reporter was attracted.

This is awkward. How did the big TV reporter from CCTV run to the international news station to host the show, and who was the goddess of their goddess bullied?

But when Da Zhuang turned the lens around, they were deeply shocked and began to call friends to let them see the news.

This is a man!

When they watched a figure holding a hungry old man passing by the camera, they blinked. Isn't this Ye Chen?

Isn't this the boss of the first beauty and first store, Ye Bo?

Isn't this the general of Ye, who has given China many times to glory for the people?

This scorpion does not matter, the woman at home ~ daughter and Ye Chen's fans instantly occupy the channel.

One pass and ten hundred pass each other to inform their friends and girlfriends, the combination of Mu Shilan and Ye Chen can definitely occupy all the channels of the entire TV.

And watching everyone watching slowly gathered up the excitement and began to immerse. . .

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