Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 759: Huaxia News goes to the world

For a time, every household in Huaxia, the streets and alleys, even the TV sets in the classrooms of the school were all opened. Everyone looked at the most real and shocking scene.

"Old man, nothing, not dirty, not dirty~ I will be there soon."

The TV uploaded the gentle voice of Ye Chen. The old man had dirty clothes, and his body was dirty. There were still a few flies around him. He kept pushing Ye Chen gently. Some embarrassed expression on my face.

However, Ye Chen was holding the old man to the cathedral as if he had nothing to do, only because the old man’s left leg had been broken, and the wall that had collapsed when the war broke out a few days ago broke his leg.

Just wrapped in a piece of worn clothes and simply lie in a corner. When Ye Chen found him, the old man was already dying. He quickly took water and food from the farm and gave him food. The old man It’s just a matter of slowing down.

"Hado, have you seen it? This is how powerful people are!"

The Dana family was stunned and watched the busy peacekeeping forces. Almost every hungry people were taken care of and helped, and they were much stronger than the occasional distribution of some food and medicine by several of them.

Once the national army and the war machine are in operation, this efficiency and efficiency can shock everyone.

"Morning brother, come on! I know that there is a kind heart behind your strong, and the wounds brought to you by the disaster area come back to Yingying to make up for you."

Lu Yingying prayed with her hands together and prayed for the health and safety of Ye Chen. She couldn't help her in the disaster area, but she thought about it. If she saw such a miserable scene, her heart would be greatly affected.

So she decided to wait for Ye Chen to come back and comfort him. As for what method to comfort, Lu Yingying’s face flashed a trace of bad smile~

"Hurry up to link China's international channel, they have the first-hand news of the war correspondents, and immediately find the translator to translate the dialogue in the news."

The Russian Foreign Minister immediately called the Chinese TV station to request a link signal, and they also had to broadcast the news simultaneously.

"Shah Russian Foreign Minister's phone call? I have been the director for decades, or I received such a grand call for the first time."

The TV station director who just dropped the phone just sighed and turned around and wanted to make a few jokes. The phone then rang again.

"English Foreign Minister?"

"Oh~ hello~ can~ can~"

"Hey ~ Minister of Foreign Affairs of Del?"

"Oh~ Ok, no problem..."


For a time, the TV news of this international news was directly smashed. Later, the head of the station slammed his head and released the authority directly. Whoever came to fuck, he could connect to the news, and then he followed the call. He was afraid that his heart would suffer. Bird.

The news reported by Mu Shilan in this scene has also been broadcasted in various places all over the world. Of course, these places are not only beautiful.

Mei Jianli’s defense ministers Anthony and Prandt watched the news in the old face with an old face, and this **** them!

Through the reports of the people, this place was originally a slum, and people here have not eaten enough. . .

The war only broke the opportunity for them to go out to work for bread, but this ruined wall was originally like this. This person was originally skinny. . .

However, this news report, especially the boy named Dawa was smashed and killed by bullets, and the left leg of the old man who was holding this man was broken. The disaster brought about.

Although they have some responsibility, this place is very poor. It can only be said that Ye Chen is really looking for a place to look for. . . .

If you are an average person, even Ike’s people may not be able to find it here, let alone other international journalists and war correspondents, that is, the Dana family who often do good deeds knows it, if you ask others I really can't find it here.

For a time, the pressure on public opinion that Mei Jianli received in the world increased instantly. The anti-war people held protests in every country and refused to buy any products of Megumi, including the hot AP7 mobile phone.


"Bastard! Immediately give me the best chef in the army to rush to this place, not to say that we are beautiful and inhumane, to cook for these victims at noon, to reflect our kindness and care."

Prandt’s one-shot table, no loss of being the president of a country, immediately responded to the immediate situation, and the war has already begun. He is unlikely to be so kind.

Before the people of the whole world only saw the news of the outbreak of the war and did not see that the lives of these people were not too concerned, but they were reported by the **** Huaxia News. If they did not respond, his president would not do anything. .

"Huh ~ okay, lost the lock in time, any of the TV programs of Mei Jianli have been sealed, no one can connect to China's international news, we do not know these."

Anthony secretly thanked himself for his quick response. When he knew the first time, he called the Foreign Minister and was not allowed to connect with the news of China. He also told the major TV stations that he could not report the news.

Therefore, the people of Mei Jianli are still in the dark.

"Immediately dispatched soldiers to block the roads in this area, and these peacekeepers cannot be moved around. If the reports are everywhere, the pressure on us is too great."

Anthony thought for a while and then suddenly made a decision, and this sentence also got the approval of Prandt.

"But now the army is dragged by Hulme, and it can send up to 30,000 soldiers to block the area."

"Ten 30,000? Too many people, these people are just some peacekeepers who work in logistics. Hundreds of soldiers can block them from tens of thousands of people."

"Yeah, the last time the 10,000th team in China was blocked by my two hundred soldiers for three hours. When the past, our mission has been completed, a group of people."

When I heard the conversations of the two big brothers, the following generals expressed their opinions. Unfortunately, they did not know the news that Kidd was abolished, and they did not know that the Jiangsaki and other brigades in the peacekeeping force had been turned over. .

Otherwise, they will never look at China's peacekeeping forces so much.

“Well, this news is still being reported. I immediately sent a helicopter to transport the chefs and ingredients in the past, cooking for these hungry people and showing our image of beauty.”


Prandt’s reinstatement is really good. As a superior, I don’t look at the past and only pay attention to the present. Now I should do this!

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