Super Finding App

Chapter 1075: Opportunity (2)

"No, no, absolutely not. If not, I will report this directly to the upper level of the vehicle claims company. I will not believe that the business manager He Tianming can cover the sky in the vehicle claims company!"

Hong Lin gritted his teeth and said, although he was just an intern, he definitely didn't want to be someone else's cannon fodder, let others play like an idiot, he became a pot man.

"Yes, I definitely want to do this. Although what Brother Zhao said might end up being lost, but since it was the sales manager He Guangming's first shot, it was just quitting. Since I lost my job, Why am I afraid of that business manager and manager? Anyway, I won't do this claim case! "

"It's a big deal not to be paid this month!"

Hong Lin said with gritted teeth, but it was impossible to say that he was not afraid. After all, he was just an intern. He really didn't know which one to find for the senior leaders of the vehicle claims company.

And he knew very well that once he reported this incident, even if the business manager He Guangming was fired, he would surely be the end of it. After all, no leader ghost likes to stab a knife from behind, although it is a Subordinate yourself.

"There is no way, there is no way, it seems that this is definitely no way, except to follow Brother Zhao's dragging tricks, you can only report to the upper level of the vehicle claims company, or find the vehicle stolen by Mr. Qiao."

Standing under the dark clouds, watching the rain falling continuously in the city, as if cleaning the city, the intern Hong Lin showed a bitter smile. If life can be washed like this rain, everything is not clean It's so good to stay white, but why is this reality full of conspiracy traps, abductions and deceptions.

Obviously, people who go to work will eventually be involved in it, or they will be convicted, or betrayed, or they can only follow the flow, is there no other way?

"Real or fake? Are you saying that true? Is the Super Hidden App really amazing?"

"Of course it really is that I will lie to you. Didn't you see it? I found the missing necklace."


There is a cafe next to the eaves of Honglin's station. The door of the cafe was opened. The two young girls dressed in fashion still came out, chatting, the two looked up, looked at the rain, and seemed to feel drizzle. There are some big ones, and they chattered at the door, and the words of chat fell into Hong Lin's ears.

Super Hidden Object app.

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener intentionally, as if a flash of aura of light flashed in Hong Lin's head, he seemed to think of something.

"Look at my gold bracelet, but I just bought it for less than a week. I asked my boyfriend to buy it for a long time. I didn't expect to lose it when I was working today. I was so scared that the three souls had lost seven souls. Although it was said that this bracelet for my boyfriend was just a cow and a hair, after all, was it given by the boyfriend? It would be bad if I lost it. "

Two women dressed in fashion, one of them looked at his wrist, and the gold bracelet on the wrist was very dazzling and chuckled.

"Fortunately, I have the Super Hidden Object app, and what I said to you at that time, the Super Hidden Object app is really amazing. You still do n’t believe me, but fortunately I downloaded the Super Hidden Object app myself. When I ’m fine every day, I Just go to log in, but there are many points of faith just enough for me to find this missing necklace, but I found it, and I told you, thankfully I walked fast enough, I have already seen that someone has seen I want to pick it up in front of me, but I still scold it. Otherwise, if someone finds the bracelet later, it will be impossible to find anyone, and the Super Hidden Object app is really amazing. "

"Really? Really? This Super Hidden Object app is really so amazing. Now they are all bursting screens on the Internet. To be honest, I do n’t know how such amazing things came out. Are there aliens? "

"I don't care if there are aliens, does this have anything to do with us? It doesn't matter, as long as it is easy to use, since I have a super finder app, I will never be afraid of losing things."

"It's true, but the only bad thing is that the Super Hidden App needs belief in everything it does. If you don't have faith, you can't find it. It's too depressing."

"It's true, and ah, it is said that there is a **** of finding things. I have never prayed successfully sincerely, but if there is a **** of finding things, maybe this super hunting app is made by the **** of finding things. . "

Two stylish young girls talked about me in a word, one of them smiled brightly.

"Yes, yes, you know, when it comes to the Super Hidden Object app, I also remembered one thing, did you know that? When I used to browse the web, I heard someone introduce a job that helps people find things. Is there any connection between the room's super-find studio, a super-find app, and a super-find studio? "

"I've heard people say this, it's a bit like a city legend, but if you have a connection, I think it's unlikely, after all, the word super is too bad, as long as there is People with a little ability can use it. What super food, super studio, super girl, super male voice, etc. are all rotten. It shouldn't matter, but I think the current business of Super Find Studio is definitely not good! "


"Because of the Super Hidden App, everyone has a Super Hidden App. Who will go to the Super Hidden Object Studio?"

"you're right."

The two wonderful young girls chatted whispered, and laughed lightly, making a pleasant bell.

At this moment, the drizzle in Jiangzhen City seemed to be small. The two fashionable girls left after talking to each other, leaving Honglin with a grim expression.

Yeah, yeah, why did I forget the Super Hidden Object app?

There was a flash of light in Hong Lin's eyes, and the super-hunting app that reminded him fell from the sky like a beam in the dark.

"Yeah, yeah, Brother Zhao said that if you really don't want to rip your face with business manager He Tianming, and you don't want to be a pot-knight, besides using a drag trick, you can just steal this gentleman's vehicle. Can come here "

"Although I'm not a detective, even the police haven't looked for Mr. Qiao's stolen vehicle until now, but don't forget that there is a Super Hidden Object app in the world, maybe I can find Mr. Qiao's place with the Super Hidden Object app. Stolen vehicle! "

"As long as the stolen vehicle is found, the compensation will definitely not be as much as it is now, and I can justify the normal process of the company and compensate!"

Thinking of this, Hong Lin's pupils lit up instantly.

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