Super Finding App

Chapter 1076: hope

Since the Super Hidden App appeared on Aqua Blue Star, it has been a very magical item for everyone in Tiantang Kingdom.

Even Tian Tangguo specially set up a relevant department to conduct a rigorous investigation and research on the super finder app, but so far nothing has been found. Although the download of the super finder app was restricted through the management of the network, it was frightened It was found that the Super Hidden Object app is an application that cannot be traced by the Internet at all.

With the emergence of other randomness of credit along with the download, it can be said that it is invincible.

Super finder app has even gradually become a trend, and it has become the best tool for people to find people.

There are even a lot of investors appearing on the Internet who hope to cooperate with those behind the scenes of the Super Hidden App.

After all, think about the almost random binding of almost all of the people in Tiantangguo in the super finder app, reaching hundreds of millions of users, whether it is advertising or sales are a huge business opportunity.

But Cheng Yiping is not a fool. How could he cooperate with these merchants? If other people know that he is behind the scenes of the Super Hidden App, that day will be big.

In the past, the Super Hidden Object app was only in his mind. He could use the Super Hidden App to find people and find things, make money, and find various excuses to fool the past. After the app's backup system was uploaded to the Internet, billions of people in the Aquamarine Tiantang Kingdom are using it. The huge business opportunities and the super-hunting app cannot be used to find people and find things that can be explained by science and theory. Once people's ability is known, it is definitely a big trouble.

Therefore, Cheng Yiping basically blocked the news when he saw these news on the Internet seeking to cooperate with the super finder app.

But you still have n’t said that there are really many people who pretend to be users of the Super Hidden App to negotiate fraud with these merchants, and the results are unknown, but according to the follow-up news later, Cheng Yiping estimates these people ’s The consequences are not so good.

Hong Lin naturally got the Super Finding App when he downloaded the software on his phone, but he didn't believe in the Super Finding App. After all, this thing can only help people find and find things.

Hong Lin has n’t lost anything, and he keeps it on his phone. Even if he deletes it, unless he does n’t download any software or application on the network, he will be downloaded again randomly.

The Super Hidden Object App is like a bundle of rogue software. Over time, Hong Lin will leave it alone, as long as it will not affect himself.

And now, Hong Lin pinned all his hopes on this super finder app, took out his mobile phone and tapped the super finder app, then sadly found that the super finder app in the mobile phone has not been used for a long time, it can only be regarded as A simple believer, with very few beliefs, only a dozen or so, is simply not enough to find Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle.

"Hell, how could this be the case? If I had known it would be the case, I would understand that every day, praying with pious heart, at least I can get the point of faith, and what can x do now? Is there no other way ... "

Hong Lin looked at her super mobile app in her mobile phone and cried without tears.

It is said that when the book is used, the party hates it, and the same is true of the faith points of the Super Hidden App. Only when it is used does it know how aggrieved the lack of faith points is.

Hong Lin looked at the Super Hidden App on the mobile phone in depression. Helpless, is there really no other way?

"No, no? As the saying goes, the method is dead, but how can a person be strangled if he is a living person? Since my Super Hidden Object app is not available, I can ask other people online for help I use"

"Ask others to help me find Mr. Qiao ’s lost vehicle. This is not enough. After all, if I am on the Internet, I do n’t know when I will be able to accept my request this time. If it exceeds today, Mr. Qiao will be tomorrow. I will go to a claims company to make a claim. If I ca n’t keep up, I will pay 1 million out. The time is too short, it ’s too late. ”

"So, in addition to using the Super Find App to find Mr. Joe's missing vehicle, is there any other way to find Mr. Joe's missing vehicle?"

Hong Lin frowned and began to think seriously, suddenly a flash of aura in his head.


The two fashionable women just said that the urban legend super service studio in Jiangzhen City!

"I have heard of it before, but at that time it was only a message and I did n’t care about it, but now it seems that since incredible applications such as the Super Hidden App will appear, maybe this urban legend is true. If I do n’t If you remember it wrong, it should be called Super Hidden Object Studio. "

Hong Lin thought of this, his eyes shot out, he quickly pulled out his phone to open the webpage, and began to look up carefully.

I have to say that now belongs to the era of the Internet. As long as the news you posted does not violate national regulations and sensitive topics, you can basically find out, let alone Hong Lin remembers the name of the Super Hidden Object Studio.

as expected.

Hong Linling used the webpage search bar on her phone to easily find the post of Super Hidden Object Studio a and read it carefully.

After a moment of hesitation, he took out his mobile phone and opened the letter Z. A message was sent from the search for Super Hidden Object Studio, [Hello, is this the Super Hidden Object Studio? I need your help】

After sending the news, Hong Lin waited anxiously, hoping to receive a reply from Super Finding Studio immediately.

But after waiting for a while, I found no reply, and immediately became confused, a hint of ominous feeling flashed in my heart.

"No, isn't it really like what these two stylish beauties said. It is because the appearance of the Super Hidden App that made the business of the Super Hidden Studio bleak, so it just quit?

"So even if Super Find Studio is added to contact them, they don't bother, does it mean that this road will not work?"

Hong Lin was extremely depressed. If Super Finding Studio couldn't help it, it seems that it is really difficult to find the car stolen by Mr. Qiao.

When Hong Lin was depressed and a little bit depressed, the letter Z in the phone suddenly popped out of a message

[Super Finding Studio has added you as a friend. 】



Did Super Find Studio really add it?

Hong Lin's expression of despair and loss of hope suddenly became excited, staring at the letter Z in the phone.

I saw a message from the other Super Hidden Object Studio.

[Hello, what help do you need? Super Hidden Object Studio is your best looking object helper! 】

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