Super Finding App

Chapter 1101: Failed (2)

"What the **** is going on here? Why the devotion to find things failed"

"This is simply impossible. Why did Fang Li succeed in finding things two times in a row, but she failed to come to me. Why is this? Isn't my heart sincere enough ..."

The middle-aged father who was holding the teenage boy was obviously not too patient. After praying for a moment sincerely, he found nothing to do, and became angry and angry. He turned to his son who was holding his pale face and coughing. He was at a loss as to what to do.

"Calm down, calm down, I'm afraid this is the meaning of the **** of finding things. If the devout finding of this super finding app is 100% successful, I'm afraid it has already been noisy on the Internet. It seems that we have nothing to do with pious search of things, or that the **** of search for things thinks that our heart is not sincere ...

The young girl looked at the pious search page inside the phone and said nothing quietly.

With anxiety in her heart, but for her to become a devout zealot like Sister Fang Li, as a modern and fashionable girl, it is impossible at all. She has her own ideas and cannot give her body and mind to a nihilistic god.

"Depressed, depressing, this is really depressing, but what should we do if the devotion to find things is not successful? Is it just to wait and die?"

"This is absolutely impossible. It's too depressing. Does the God of Finding Things still look at human gender?"

The middle-aged father holding the hand of the ten-year-old boy said with gritted teeth. He seemed to be anxious and had some mouth to cover.

"Speak well, speak well, and speak carefully, if you say that this super finder app does not have a finder god, you can say anything, but since Fang Li has succeeded in piety search twice, and she has found a cure The doctor of the child ’s disease is enough to show that the Super Hidden App may really have a God. Since it is true, you should pay attention to your words. In this way, you give the God of the Hidden Object that will offend the Super Hidden App If I were God, I wouldn't help you to find things calmly .... "

The elderly old couple hurriedly blurted out, saying that as elderly people, they have more awe and belief in God than ordinary people, and knowing the words is not something they can say.

As soon as the middle-aged father holding the hand of a teenager heard his face, his face became pale and opened his mouth. He was originally a man with a big personality and a hot temper. He could do it without saying a word, but faced With his own child, who is seriously ill, and has a god-seeking God who is looking for a super-hunting app, even if the fire is great, he can only suppress it and nodded violently.

"I know, I know, I know I said something wrong, but I was anxious in my heart, I was really anxious in my heart, and I saw that Fangli's pious search for things had succeeded twice, but why did it really take my turn Is it a failure? I just want to find a doctor who treats my child's disease. Isn't this excessive? My child is only ten years old, he is only ten years old, and his life has just begun. "

The middle-aged father who was holding the ten-year-old boy burst into tears. One way is that the man has tears and doesn't flick, but he hasn't reached the sad spot.

"It's okay. Although we can't be as devoted to finding things as Sister Fang Li is, we don't forget that the super finder app can also believe in path finding. We can believe in finding things ..."

After the young girl helped her father to the side of the hospital corridor and sat down, she took out her pink cell phone and exited the page of pious search. The belief search that was clicked still revealed that there were insufficient points of faith.

"I know, but there are not enough faith points. I used faith to find things and told me that I actually need 800 points of faith. What can I do? I only have ten points of faith now ..."

The middle-aged father holding a ten-year-old boy was crying without tears. He did n’t like and use the Super Hidden App originally, but he never expected that when he needed it, he only had 10 o’clock. 800 points.

"It's okay, 10 o'clock, 800 o'clock, but as long as this super finder app can really help us find a doctor for treatment by our loved ones, even if it takes a long time, we can get together the belief snacks, we can go to Ask other people on the Internet to help us with the Super Hidden Object app to find them with their belief points, or to slowly walk around by themselves, as long as you have enough faith points to find objects ... ”

The young girl gritted her teeth and said that she had made a decision. If the Super Find App has not enough beliefs, then you can look for devout believers on the Internet. People with enough beliefs can help find them, even if they spend Money is also being spared.

If you can't find it, then first place your father in Tiantang First Hospital to stabilize the condition, and slowly save enough faith points to find a doctor who can cure his father's disease.

It ’s just that this second method takes a long time, and I do n’t know when I can earn enough faith points. If my father ’s condition is delayed, it ’s worth the money.

"Yes, yes, it seems that this can really only be the case now. From now on, I am the most loyal believer of this super finder app. Whenever it is okay, I will go to this prayer page to pray for an early date. Save enough faith ... "

The affection is great. Even a grumpy middle-aged father who has never believed in a god, at this moment looks at his ten-year-old son who is coughing constantly, with a firm light in his eyes.

As long as he can cure his son's illness, as long as he can find a doctor who can cure his son's illness, even if he believes in the so-called **** of finding things from now on, there is no problem at all.

The young girl, her sick father, the middle-aged father and the old couple holding a ten-year-old man, and Fang Li did not find that when they came to the Third Armed Hospital of Tang Dynasty, when Fang Li held the child and saw At this moment of Doctor Ju, the avatar in the state of soul beside Fang Li showed a faint smile, and the whole body disappeared like smoke.

At the same time, Cheng Yiping's home in Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping's mind instantly appeared a piece of text.

[Successful Faith Finding Objects]

[Get 500 points of faith]

[10,000 points of current belief]

Chen Yiping exhaled a long breath, slightly raised his eyes and frowned slightly, and was slightly dissatisfied with the faith points he obtained.

"Is there only 500 points? At the beginning, there are 3,000 points and the second time, there are 500 points. Is it that faith has degenerated?"

"No, it's impossible. According to Fang Li's line of faith, her line of faith is stronger than before, so how can the number of faith points become less?"

"I am afraid that in addition to this line of faith, it depends on the happiness of the seeker after the success of the search ..."

"It's the only way to explain why Fangli's faith is more religious, but she gets less faith points."

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