Super Finding App

Chapter 1102: Tourism (1)

Only 500 points of faith were obtained, which made Cheng Yiping in Jiangzhen City hesitant and doubtful. If it was not in his mind, the extraordinary light representing the line of pious faith burst out with a golden light. The symbol is The words of a fanatic believer Cheng Yiping would really think that Fang Li's devotion and belief in the **** of the super finder app has changed dramatically.

But now it seems that this is not the case, it seems that it can be concluded that this belief point is the same as the previous search value of the Super Find App. The obtained faith points are related to the degree of joy obtained by the seeker.

For the first time, Fang Li helped find the hidden money of the fake doctor in the black clinic in the capital. Because it was direct money, this completely made Fang Li and other people who were deceived very happy, and this second time, The doctor who helped Fang Li find her child's illness, although 100% willing, would certainly be able to treat her child's illness.

However, after all, seeing a doctor is a long process, and it is not a simple cure. Even if it is devoted to the super finder app, it is impossible for Fang Li to give a lot of points of faith at once. After all, it is only after seeing that his child has been treated well, he will be affirmed, and a high level of joy will erupt.

From this, it can be concluded that after the super finder app has evolved into belief finder, the faith points given are not only related to the finder's belief but also the joy ...

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes and studied carefully. Through Fangli's devotion to seek things this time, he seemed to have explored some rules of faith to find things.

Looking up, I saw three young girls besides Fang Li in my mind, an elderly couple and a middle-aged father holding a teenage child. They were pious looking for things, although their line of faith was unusually bright. , But it has only reached the level of believers, and there is a considerable distance from mad believers.

The reason why God is called God is because God is not responsive, but mysterious and unpredictable.

What's more, pious search is only available when the seeker has insufficient faith points in the super search app.

In other words, what the seeker must have is a large number of faith points, which requires Cheng Yiping to pay in advance. Today, the only belief point that Cheng Yiping has is only 10,000 points, and the belief of three people is only a believer. If you use it, you may not be able to make up the difference, and you may even need to lose money!

Therefore, Cheng Yiping needs to take a look at the pious search for things. If these three people really need pious search for things, then the only thing they can do is keep storing the points of faith, as long as there are enough points of faith. Naturally, you can use the functions of the Super Hidden Object app.

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes, he thought very clearly, the pious search of the super finder app can never be used endlessly, this is simply impossible, and he does n’t have so many points of faith use. The only thing that can be done is the true and urgent need of pious finders.

Or, as you have stipulated, it is related to human life and abducted children, so important things can use pious find things.

Cheng Yiping, who was transparent in his heart, exhaled a long breath, after all, although religious devotion is very magical, it must also be applied to the belief point. In the case of insufficient belief points, even as a person who is a super find object app authority Cheng Yiping has no use at all, he can only stare.

Therefore, for the point of belief, many seekers need, and the same level of authority for the super find app also needs, after all, now the super find app has been fully released on the entire network of Mercury Star, and people who need it Quite a lot.

Cheng Yiping is not able to search for all things religiously. In this case, the faith points are not enough.

"But in general, this is a good thing for me. At least I have a better understanding of belief in finding things. The point of belief does not depend solely on the piety of the seeker. The need for finding things is just like finding the value. The joy level of a person looking for something. "

Cheng Yiping touched his chin, his eyes flashed.

The night sky and air in Jiangzhen City are unusually cool. With the arrival of the hot summer day, walking in the park in such cool weather as night will be refreshing, and many people ’s gates in Jiangzhen City will be cool here. Come out for a cool chat during the night, it's nice.

"Did you finally finish it? This work is not easy. It is really rare to not have to work overtime today." ...

In the leisurely riverside of Jiangzhen City, in a lush park, Cheng Yiping held Zhang Xiaona's soft hand, and raised her mouth slightly. It seemed that Zhang Xiaona's work had been very busy since she returned, and she had to work overtime every day, sometimes I can't see it for a few days. Although this makes Cheng Yiping a little bit upset, Cheng Yiping knows that this is work, and Zhang Zhaona is not the type of woman who can stay out of work and stay at home.

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, is more of a strong woman type. After all, for Zhang Xiaona, she needs more work support rather than waiting for men at home.

If Cheng Yiping really locks Zhang Xiaona at home, I am afraid that the relationship between Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona will not only end, but also completely destroy this blooming flower of Zhang Xiaona.

Zhang Xiaona is a woman with a high degree of career. For her independent personality. At home, the husband and the husband teach everything to the man. This is something she will never allow. This is also her independent personality and character. It is this kind of character that will attract Cheng Yiping.

"The work has been completed. This time it is a documentary, but it is finally completed and it has been taken for three days."

Zhang Xiaona smiled slightly, with an intellectual smile on her face, and she knew that her work brought some burden to Cheng Yiping.

After all, as people in love, they want to be able to stick together for 24 hours, rather than once they work to a level, basically they are lonely widows.

"It's okay, it's okay, this is your job after all, but since the unit rarely takes you off, let's go travel."

Travel is definitely the only way to promote the relationship between couples. Someone once said that if you want to promote a relationship with a woman, the best way is to travel, because women are born with a sense of crisis, and when they go to the field In the case of unfamiliar life, women can only rely on the men around them unconsciously.

In a strange environment, the two can increase their emotions and even break through the last layer of relationship.

Of course, Cheng Yiping did not expect to break through that last layer of relationship with Zhang Xiaona during this trip, but it is also good to increase the relationship with Zhang Xiaona through tourism.

Think about it, traveling with your beloved woman is not a romantic thing.

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