Super Finding App

Chapter 1103: Tourism (2)

"That's okay. Just after the end of this time, Jiangzhen TV station put me on a five-day vacation. We can indeed travel, but even abroad, I haven't forgotten the horrors of the flood. We are in the country. Well, it should be safer ... "

Zhang Xiaona's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, her slender figure was full of intellectual taste, turned, her pupils looked like a starry sky into a flat smile, and looked like fairies under the bright moonlight.

"Okay, that's fine, so let's go find some information and see what good tour groups can report."

Cheng Yiping throbbed violently, watching Zhang Xiaona, who looked like a fairy in the moonlight, nodded heavily, and imagined that the two of them were traveling with Zhang Xiaona. If they can really spend the wonderful time, I am afraid it may be true. Can break through the last step ...

"In this case, then I'll call my friend. I remember one of my friends who was working in a travel agency and asked if she had any cheap and economical tourist locations. I heard she had Little tail order, if it is a tail order, then you can buy it at half price, which is very cost-effective ... "

Zhang Xiaona, who is full of intellectuals, screamed like a child. She always wanted to go out, but as a strong woman, she focused her life on either her work or her grandma's caring family. Very few.

If this is not Cheng Yiping's proposal, maybe she will really stay at Grandma's house for the past three days to help Grandma.

"Okay, okay, Zhang Xiaona, if you really have acquaintances, that would be great. Although I also want to travel, I don't know about travel. Although driving by car is relatively free, I feel that I am in a strange place. Let's follow the group. "

Cheng Yiping hesitated for a moment, holding Zhang Xiaona's soft hands, feeling Zhang Xiaona's silky, silky feel, which made Cheng Yiping drunk.

For tourism, Cheng Yiping has always been yearning for it, but unfortunately, it used to be that there was no time or money, or there was no time and money. After finding a super finder app, it was difficult to find a super finder. With the ability of the app, Cheng Yiping was able to go north and south, and in the process of helping people find things, he had a lot of sights and insights, but after all, it was just a person, and Zhang Xiaona was together for the first time.

Compared with the free and self-driving tour, Cheng Yiping felt that it was better to be with the group for the first time with Zhang Xiaona, even if it was reported for some high-end discs, at least it would not buzz and turn like two headless flies.

"Okay, although it is very comfortable to talk about driving by car, we are more convenient with the group. In this case, I will call my friend to see if she has time and if there is cheap and economical ... ... "

Obviously, Zhang Xiaona, who has been a half-orphan since he was a child, prefers cheaper and more affordable, and preferably single-tailed ones, to the more expensive ones.

After speaking, Zhang Xiaona, who was full of knowledge, took out her mobile phone and made a call. After a moment, she nodded and let go of her mobile phone.

"My friend said that she does have a few single order groups, and it is very cost-effective. Let us go to his travel agency to consult tomorrow."

"That being the case, then we will go tomorrow ...."

Nodded into a flat, nodded.

the next day.

Parkson Travel Agency is located on a slightly bustling street in Jiangzhen City.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona came to Parkson Travel Agency and pushed open the glass door of the travel agency. There are various tourism resources, posters and various rules and regulations on both sides of the entire travel agency. It feels like this is a fairly formal Travel agency.

"Zhang Xiaona, Zhang Xiaona, you came here so early"

Wang Qian, dressed in professional attire, ran out from the back of the counter, laughing with a hand that held Zhang Xiaona.

"Yes, I told you already. Your work pressure is so great. You should have come out for a trip. Every time you shirk it. Why do you think about traveling this time? Are you enlightened?"

In a short sentence, it can be seen that the relationship between Wang Qian and Zhang Xiaona is quite good. Cheng Yiping followed behind and touched himself with some embarrassment. My nose turned to the various agencies around the travel agency. Travel Resources.

It has to be said that today's Tiantang Kingdom has developed, people's living standards have improved, and they are more and more enthusiastic about tourism. A variety of tourism flows, short-term, long-term, domestic and foreign, It can be said that only you can't think of it. Without you, even private customization is completely possible.

"My work is over. It ’s a rare TV station to give me five days off this time. I just want to go out and travel. If you have a good group, it ’s better to be the last order, but it ’s not the kind of shopping. Mission, I have no money to buy ... "

"I know, I know Zhang Xiaona, do you still believe me? After you called me yesterday, I deliberately looked for a few very high end orders for you, and after that, you can go to Jiangzhen City. Well-known host, if I dare to pit you, you will report on TV at that time, will my Parkson travel agency still be open or not? "

Parkson Travel Service dressed in uniform, Wang Qian smiled lightly, and gave out a silver bell-like laughter, looking down at the flatness of the various brochures around the exhibition site behind him, and her beautiful eyes showed a bright look.

"Yes, Zhang Xiaona, this is your boyfriend. It's not easy. I really thought you would never fall in love in my life. I didn't expect to talk about the subject without paying attention. Honestly, what is he? Amazing place? If it comes to our Zhang Xiaona, I'm really curious ... "

Wang Qian's eyes were constantly moving. She was really curious. Zhang Xiaona was a well-known intellectual beauty in their circle, and there was a constant stream of suitors.

However, Zhang Xiaona seems to have an insulator-like distance to the boys. I didn't expect Zhang Xiaona to talk about the subject without paying attention.

When she heard the news now, her jaw dropped in surprise. He was really curious about Zhang Xiaona's subject. At this moment, her eyes froze and frowned slightly.

"Seriously, Zhang Xiaona, where in the world do you fascinate you so much, and he is willing to talk to him about the appearance of the subject, it does not look too tall, about 1 meter 7 is it very rich? No, look at him They do n’t look like rich people, why is that? ”

Zhang Xiaona smiled softly, revealing a sweet smile, her eyes fell on Cheng Yiping, and she turned to look slightly at the corner of Wang Qian's mouth and smiled slightly.

"Because I like him ..."

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