Super Finding App

Chapter 1581: excitement

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? The warship has been completely repaired. Is it true?"

This good news instantly fell into the ears of Tan Xueqing and the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu, like a thunderstorm, which made them look surprised.

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, turned her head and said excitedly

"Are you sure? All three warships have been repaired?"

The breathless staff member ran over with a look of excitement on his face.

"It's true, it's true. Secretary Wang has now repeatedly confirmed with the people in the maintenance department that the three warships have been repaired. I heard that as long as they are adjusted, they can go to sea."

The staff member said excitedly.

No one wants to leave here throughout the ship's cemetery. Now the three warships have been locked and repaired by the maintenance department, which undoubtedly shows that they can leave the ship's cemetery!

"It's great, it's great, this is really great. Tan Xueqing, let's go now and go to the maintenance department to ask the detailed situation. What if the three warships are really ready to go to the sea immediately to find success? Yiping, let him show the way to leave the ship's cemetery, and notify all the people of the three warships to return to their rooms, and do not have any accidents. "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, turned her head and instructed immediately.

With a look of excitement on his face, Tan Xueqing and two quickly walked towards the maintenance department.

At the moment, within the maintenance department of Tiantang No. 3, Secretary Wang's face became extremely excited. In front of her, the soldier in charge of the maintenance department of the warship wiped the sweat from his forehead, but his face was filled with excitement. , Said

"Fortunately, fortunately, these three warships are very stubborn. Although they were rolled into the ship's cemetery by the tornado storm, most of them were not damaged. Now we have repaired and completed them. Going to sea is completely without any problems "

"Very well, what about the maintenance of these three warships? Did they do what I ordered?"

Secretary Wang saw Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, and Tan Xueqing hurried over, and quickly stood up to salute, then turned and asked.

The head of the maintenance department wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a slight complex look on his face

"Secretary Wang, Your Royal Highness Princess Two, in full accordance with your requirements, all the resources are repaired first with Tiantang No. 3, which is the most sturdy. The next maintenance resources are allocated to Tian Tang No. 2 and Tian Tang. Fortunately, warship No. 1 is controlled by Tiantang No. 2 or Tiantang No. 1. Although it is more damaged than Tiantang No. 3, there is no problem after repairing. Large impacts will not cause damage to the hull "

As long as you don't suffer a big impact?

The two princesses Tang Xuanyu, Secretary Wang and Tan Xueqing who were present at the scene were slightly relaxed. The three knew everything at a glance. What did the maintenance team leader mean?

Tang Xuanyu took a deep breath and turned his head.

"That being the case, then Han Lei, you should immediately issue a notice, telling all the people on the three warships that the warships have been repaired, so that they can return to their rooms as soon as possible, and at the same time will be invited to come over. Knowing how to leave this ship cemetery, we have been here for too long "

Feng Zhifan excitedly ran on the warship with his face on his face, looking excited, clutching the black mobile phone tightly in his hand:

When passing the deck, many staff members and sailors were hit. He greeted him quickly, and quickly went towards his goal after saying no.

"Really, it's true, it's all true"

"It's true, it's true, it's all true"

"The **** of search is here!"

Feng Zhifan was really too excited, and he was snoring with excitement:

He never expected that the pious search of things would be successful, stumbled on the deck, and then went directly to the door of Yang Zi's room, knocking violently.

A moment later, Yang Zi's room door was opened, her face full of sorrow, and her eyes looked up. There was still a mobile phone on the desktop, and the page of pious objects in the mobile phone was shining with golden light.

Feng Zhifan said quickly and excitedly

"Yang Zi, Yang Zi, I succeeded, I succeeded, the God of Object Searching came, and the God of Object Searching came, he told me where the uncle's testament was hidden, and he told me where the testament was hidden Anymore? "

In the room, Yang Zi has been praying to the pious object-seeking page of the mobile phone, hoping that the **** of object-seeking will come.

But I don't know why her belief line is not so deep. It can be seen that although she is very keen to find the testament, it is not so intense, so there is nothing happening on the devotional search page of the super search app in her mobile phone. The change.

Yang Zi even had some despair, and at this time the door was violently knocked on, and Yang Zi opened the door in confusion, and his boyfriend Feng Zhifan was excited.

Before speaking, I saw my boyfriend Feng Zhifan excitedly

"The piety-seeking of the super-hunting app has succeeded, and the **** of searching has come"

"Really, are you really telling me? Feng Zhifan, you didn't lie to me."

Yang Zi and Feng Zhifan walked on the deck aisle to the room where Lao Yang was.

Along the way, Yang Zi seemed to be dreaming and he had asked many times.

Feng Zhifan's head and rattle said

"It's true, it's true, of course it's true, how could I lie to it with this thing, you see, my phone has shown that my super-hunting app has been religiously successful.

"The above shows exactly where the testament is located. As long as we follow this route, we will be able to find the testament."

Feng Zhifan said excitedly.

While handing his cell phone to Yang Zi's hand.

Yang Zi took the mobile phone, her eyes lit up, and you can clearly see that the page of pious search on this phone has changed to a page of super search, the red mark is constantly flashing.

A long line told them exactly where the testament was hidden.

It just makes Yang Zi feel stranger.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?

Why has he not been successful in using devotion to find things, but Feng Zhifan, his boyfriend, has succeeded in using super things?

This is too strange.

Is this God of Finding Things Real?

Yang Zi really had some doubts, but his doubts were immediately thrown behind his head.

The world is big, and it is only important to find his father ’s testament so that he can safely leave the ship's cemetery.

Didn't find her next to her, Feng Zhifan's excited face flushed red and murmured in his mouth.

"Great, great, I can marry Yang Zi when I find the testament, I can marry Yang Zi, great, great ..."

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