Super Finding App

Chapter 1582: Can't find it?

"It ’s really impermanent. Anthony did not expect that we would board the warship Tang 1 with the survivor tribe in the end. We can leave the ship's cemetery, but the surviving tribe people watch us. Their faces were quite displeased. They used to listen to our words and attacked the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship together, but now, one by one, we all see the glare. When I was just outside, they were even right. We ridiculed it, and seemed to blame us for the capture of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, thinking that we were the victims, and it was too humiliating. "

"I don't want to think that everyone made the decision in the first place. It's ridiculous to throw the pot at us now."

John Jones came in through the door with his teeth gritted, and sat on the stool in the room with his buttocks. While his counterpart Anthony was drinking tea at leisure, it seemed that he didn't mind the anger and dissatisfaction of John Jones.

Gently lower the tea. Raising his head and scratching the dust of his clothes, he said

"Isn't this a simple matter? If it were us, we would also put the blame on the head of the leader, so that they can alleviate the blame in their hearts, otherwise how can they feel relieved? But Even so, we don't need to care at all, the indigenous inhabitants of the survivor tribes in these ship cemeteries have no value to us. "

"Without this rescue team, we could completely captivate Yang Lao to become a leader among the survivor tribes, and to do great things in the survivor tribes, but now we do n’t need them at all, as long as we can leave the ship The cemetery returned to the outside world. What does his feeling in the tribe of survivors have to do with our thoughts? It has no effect at all, let them say it, the most important thing is that we Can leave the ship cemetery completely "

Anthony whispered

He had already thought very clearly that the indigenous inhabitants of this survivor's tribe could speak so hard, and what could be so bad?

It is the main thing that they leave this ship cemetery now!

"Anthony, what you said is completely correct. It is the most important thing to be able to leave this round of cemeteries. Are you really hiding the suicide note? But don't let Yang Lao discover them, even if you want to. At least, we can only give Yang Lao after we leave the ship's cemetery. Otherwise, if Yang Lao turns his face and does not confess his account, then we are finished, this time is our only hole card. "

John Jones said quickly

"Relax, there is no problem. Of course, this testament is long and rigorous, and I have thought about it. Even if we leave this ship cemetery, it will be all right for the testament to be given to Mr. Yang. Pay some more, after all, we have left the outside world for five or six years, and I know what the outside world has become, let alone penniless, but it is quite bad. "

"This old Yang's daughter is actually with Old Yang, and she can also find an old-age, she must have a lot of money on her, and then let her take some money to help us. I think this should be a very normal thing. , Yang Lao should not be stunned. "

When John Jones heard his eyes flashed, he nodded and rattled like a rattle.

"Yes, yes, yes, what you said is quite correct. Although we can leave the ship's cemetery, only God knows how to leave after leaving. This is the best if you have some money to defend yourself. The last letter Yang Lao and his daughter Yang Zi will definitely be willing to do. "

John Jones said with a gleam in his eyes as he spoke and paused.

"If that's the case, then the testament is really important. Are you sure you've hidden it? No one will find it?"

"Relax, rest assured, foolproof."

Just as the two people were talking babblely, all of a sudden the door was slammed open.

Yang Zi, Feng Zhifan, Yang Lao, and three members of the Ministry of National Security rushed in, and they were shocked by Anthony and John Jones.

"Who am I? It is Yang Lao. You are so excited to bring a group of people with you. What do you want to do? Do you want to repent, or do you not want a suicide note?"

Anthony and John Jones stood up with a bang, and their faces were a little ugly.

There is a way that those who come are not good, those who are good do not come.

Seeing this old Yang and Yang Zi and her boyfriend Feng Zhifan and three members of the Ministry of National Security rushing over, there is absolutely nothing good about it.

Anthony coughed and said quietly.

Mr. Yang opened his mouth, and there were some doubts and hesitations on his face. After all, he had talked with Anthony and John Jones. As long as he could leave the ship's cemetery, he would give his suicide note to himself. In the end, it seems that there are some bad things, just about to say, I saw Yang Zi out of the channel.

"Speak less nonsense, we came here to get the testament, as long as you hand it over, we will immediately turn around and leave"

Anthony's pupils shrank sharply, coldly

"Mr. Yang, is this your daughter? I didn't expect that you were so untrustworthy. Since it is something that everyone has already said, why do you want to regret it now, aren't you afraid that I will completely destroy the will Even if you leave the ship's cemetery by then, you will not have any testament. I see how you explain to your friends like your dead companion. "

"No, no, you're wrong, because you want my father to have an account with a previous friend, so I have to take the testament, and to be honest, I don't believe you!"

Yang Zi lifted her eyes and said a word

"I'm whispering that I will give the testament to my father, but if you repent at that time, God knows what other requirements you will come up with. In contrast, it will be in your own hands. The most secure, three, the testament is on him "

Yang Zi said, looking down at Feng Zhifan's phone.

At this moment, the red mark on the phone marking the target is still blinking, corresponding to Anthony in front of him.

"What, the testament is on Anthony? How is it possible that the testament is on Anthony?"

"Is this true or false"

All the people present were surprised and turned to look at Anthony.

Especially John Jones's eyes widened. He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't really think that Anthony would put his will on him.

Isn't he afraid that his will will be snatched away?

Anthony's complexion changed instantly and he said

"What do you want to do? Let me go, let go of me, what do you want to do, you are doing this wrong, you are doing this wrong!"

But no matter what Anthony shouted, the three members of the Ministry of National Security behind him came directly to control him.

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