Super Finding App

Chapter 1607: Save me i have money

"I have nothing wrong, I have nothing wrong, I have nothing wrong, all this is Zhao Qian's fault, all this is Zhao Qian's fault"

"If Zhao Qian didn't let us climb this and Zishan, all of this would not happen. It's not my fault, it's Zhao Zhao's fault!"

Liu Wei fled into the desert, fled in a hurry, pale, and gave up his girlfriend Zhao Lu with his own hands, feeling guilt and guilt spontaneously.

But at this moment he blamed all of this on Zhao Qian's body to make up for and evade his own giving up. He could even say that he had killed Zhao Lu's guilt.

Frightened Liu Wei ran desperately, his precious clothes had been cut by branches and rocks long before he was in a panic, and he stumbled. Even so, he didn't care.

The only idea is to run faster, run faster, and be sure to leave here and Zishan.

Suddenly, a cricket at the foot fell to the ground, and the ground continued to shake. As soon as I was about to get up, I found that the rock under the foot broke instantly.

Liu Wei made a mournful sound of love and sorrow, the rock supporting the whole body cracked and fell into the black abyss.

"It's finished, it's finished, it's dead, it's dead"

Zhao Qian's face was unusually pale and bloodless, and he ran desperately with a slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi.

Looking at the surroundings as if the sky is falling apart, the end of the world looks like a panic, with a look of horror on his face.

He didn't even know who actually did what and what kind of thing would cause almost half of the whole mountain in Zishan to collapse!

How much explosive force does it take to do this?

Even people who no longer have common sense should know that the explosion of the mountain body is extremely particular about how it is possible to use a detonator indiscriminately?

What kind of person can make such a thing is not realistic at all, even without any safety!

Zhao Qian and the chubby young girl Wang Yueshi struggled on the way down the mountain.

Suddenly his face changed, but when he saw a collapse in front, Zhao Lu fell into the crack. Zhao Wei reached out and grabbed her.

After a while, it seemed that Liu Wei fell to the ground because of Liu's physical strength, and Zhao Lu fell into the crack.

Zhao Qian's face changed drastically, he made panic and panic, and screamed desperately.

"Zhao Lu, Zhao Lu, rushed to the end quickly, without taking into account the collapsed mountain, leaped down and jumped towards the abyss of the gap into which Zhao Lu fell.

The chubby girl's eyes were about to stare, and she hurried over two or three steps.

Looking at Zhao Qian jumping into the abyss, he gritted his teeth and grabbed Zhao Qian's hind feet to pull him, but he too underestimated Zhao Qian's physical strength and gravity.

Under the influence of inertia, the chubby girl Wang Yueshi, a girly along with Zhao Qian, did not enter the crack.

Earth shaking, mountain landslide!

The other side of Yu Zishan was full of confidence. The boss had fled into fright at the moment. He sat down on the ground as the starting point of the explosion and was also the most severely damaged place.

He saw with his own eyes a huge pothole in the area of ​​the explosion he chose, and then around the origin of the explosion, cracks like spider webs continued around the center, the ground shook, the mountain collapsed, and the mountain collapsed.

The boss's face was pale and bloodless, and his head shook like a rattle.

"This is not right. How is this wrong? I just added two detonators. It just doubled the number of explosions. How could this happen, how could this happen?"

The boss's face was pale and bloodless. At this moment, many migrant workers had either fled into the desert or fled into the cliff that had been cracked and shuddered. They didn't know what would happen next.

When the boss saw this situation, he could still stay here, fleeing in fright.

The technician now regrets that even the intestines are coming out. If he knew this was the case, he would definitely not help the boss in blasting with Yuzishan in order to covet money.

This is simply a matter of death!

Even the expensive electronic instruments simply didn't care about getting away.

His own life is the most important, and he growled at his boss while running.

"Do you have a brain in the end? Do you still have a brain? Don't you know that it is very dangerous to form a blast in the mountain? If you can add a detonator and increase the dose, you still need our technicians to do it. What, do you have any brains? "

The boss at the moment also yelled at the technical staff.

"Enough is enough. What do you mean by these? Now go, go, go, leave, you blame it if you blame it. If you can calculate the weight earlier, you will blast the mine out earlier, I That's not going to happen. Isn't it that you are doing too much mother-in-law? "

One way is to hit a rake. This is a rake.

The hysterical technical staff of the boss hysterically did not care about having too much entanglement with him and ran down the mountain quickly.


The boss behind him stumbled, fell to the ground, raised his head and just got ready, the black cloud on his head pressed down, looked up, and a huge stone fell from the sky and hit the boss heavily, making him miserable. Wailing, crying desperately

"Save me, save me, save me quickly ..."

At this moment, the migrant workers and technicians who fled on both sides heard the shouts, stopped, turned around and watched the boss overwhelmed by the huge stone. The lower body was almost crushed by the stone. Only the upper body was desperately shouting outside. With

"Come and save me, come to me quickly, I give money, I give money, I give double money, no? I give 10 times the money, and whoever saves me, I am willing to give you 10 times the wages 10 times the salary! "

"You silly"

The technician whispered a whisper, without any pause at all, turned and ran.

The other migrant workers glanced at each other and turned around and ran away.

Although they have no culture, they are definitely not idiots.

In today's landslides, whoever stays here is not going to die.

Not to mention the huge stone on the boss's body. Without 3 or 4 people, it is impossible to push it away, and it is impossible to remove it without a few minutes.

God knows if there is such a time.

The boss' face changed greatly and he was terrified. He didn't think about the development of the matter at all, and shouted desperately.

"I'm willing to give 100 times the price, I'll give 100 times the price, I'll give 100 times the price, I beg you, begging you to save me quickly, save me quickly"

But no matter how the boss shouted, no one turned away:

The desperate boss heard the clicking noise, and was terrified to find that the remaining large rock was cracking.

An ominous lingering around him.

Only a bang was heard, and the rocks shattered. The boss instantly felt a feeling of weightlessness, and the rocks under him cracked.

Below is the black bottomless abyss.

The whole person instantly fell into the crack.

The boss screamed in despair ...

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