Super Finding App

Chapter 1608: High-speed rail

[The high-speed train to Jiangzhen City will arrive in 5 minutes, and the high-speed train to Jiangzhen City will arrive in 5 minutes. Please stand within the yellow line. Please stand within the yellow line.]

Not easy.

Although going out is only a week, but it feels like a month, or even a year.

What happened in this period is really too much.

Then finally I can return to Jiangzhen City.

Standing at the high-speed rail platform, Cheng Yiping took a long breath and stretched out his hands to sort out his clothes.

In front of the high-speed rail platform is an endless stream of people on both sides. Although he can let Tan Xueqing from the Ministry of National Security and other special cars to transport himself to Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping thought and gave up.

The most important thing is that after the incident at the ship's cemetery, Cheng Yiping wanted to rest for a while.

Taking the high-speed rail to Tianzhenhai and returning to Jiangzhen City along the way is also a time to relax and organize your mood.

Having said that, this time things seem really noisy enough.

The entire Mercury Star was turbulent. After all, there were people from Mercury Star countries in the ship's cemetery.

Even if there were no dignitaries on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, just living in the ship's cemetery for 10 years, and the 20-year-old survivors were rescued, it will definitely cause a sensation.

It seems that this period of time and quite lively, there are all kinds of rumors on the Internet, it is really interesting.

Cheng Yiping stood on the edge of the platform, within the red line, watching the latest situation of the Tianruohai rescue from the mobile phone. It can be said that the various messages were dizzying.

And many passengers are talking and discussing on the platform.

"Do you know the latest rescue event in Tianluohai? Do you know the latest rescue event in Tianluohai?"

"Of course I know. Of course I know, this matter, but now it is spreading, I really did not expect that I have a so-called steamer cemetery in the sky falling into the sea"

"Someone was trapped in this ship's cemetery for 10 or even 20 years. This is really incredible. If it were me, it would have been in this so-called steamship. The cemetery died alive "

"Yes, that's right, that's it, but I'm the strangest. I am curious about the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. Listening to them saying that the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is full of dignitaries and is quite luxurious. If we were to go there once, how good would it be? "

"No, no, we definitely can't go, what can we do when we go? Don't forget that those are noble officials, so they can be rescued quickly when they are trapped in the sky, if they change to In our case, it may not be possible to be rescued. "

"No, ca n’t you say that? I do n’t think it would be right if we said that. As a citizen of the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, if something goes wrong, the country will come to our rescue. This is absolutely no problem. This is Question of principle "

"Come less, come and see if you come less. Not only are the citizens of our Kingdom of Tang Dynasty in this ship cemetery, nor are they trapped here for 10 or 20 years."

"That's not true. At the beginning, they also rescued, but who can think of the way to enter the ship's cemetery turned out to be in the so-called ghost storm. Who would be willing to cross the ghost storm area, this is simply death."

"Yes, this is the most important thing. The way to enter the ship's cemetery turned out to be a ghost storm, to be honest. If it was not for the accuracy of the news, I would never believe it. is fake"

"Yeah. Yeah, and you guys do n’t know, the main thing in this news is this super finder app. I heard that it is the super finder app that can find the place where the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is located. This super finder app is too amazing. "

"I also think that this super finder app is really amazing. It has been regarded as useless for a long time. I also think it is a rogue software bundled with force. Now it seems that this super finder app is really useful. There is already a Super Find App in it, and I now pray for two hours a day, for nothing else. Just for the faith point, no matter what you look for, there will be no problem at all.

"Hey hey, this is the right thing. The Super Hidden App is really very useful. I thought that I could only help people find mobile phones, lost wallets and the like. Now it ’s not like this, it seems something. You can find it, it's just amazing, it's just like a search engine, of course, the prerequisite is that you have enough faith points. "

"Yes. That's right, but then again, what I care about most is the so-called steamer cemetery. I heard that the steamer cemetery is divided into the mob tribes and the survivor tribes. It is said that there are many inhumane things. You say, will they be punished if they return to our current society? "

"This is quite interesting. It is not clear whether I will be punished. I just feel very curious. You said that those who have lived in the ship's cemetery for 10 or 20 years, or even 3, Five years of survivors returned to reality, what will happen? "

"No, no, it is really possible for you to say so. If it is 3 to 5 years, it will be fine. Maybe it won't change much. It is just a joy, but if it is 10 years. In 20 years, it will be troublesome. Maybe my wife has remarried, and the child has already followed others. "

"Yeah, yeah, this is pretty good. If after 10 years and 20 years it is found out that there are already wrongdoings and all the family members have died, then it will be terrible. It is too pathetic."

Cheng Yiping listened to the crowd around the platform and listened to the discussion among the passengers.

For many passengers, it is the rescue activity of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship discovered by Tian Ruohai.

The many survivors rescued from the ship's cemetery are their best talks,

Think about being trapped within this ship's cemetery for 10 years and 20 years, no matter what the topic is.

Everyone also started to talk about it. Talking.

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly. Compared with these passengers, he felt deeper about the original inhabitants in the ship cemetery.

After all, they got them out of the ship cemetery with their own hands.

But after being rescued, if they can survive in reality, Cheng Yiping will really not be the master.

I just hope that they can really be quiet and that everything will be on track.

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