Super Finding App

Chapter 1881: Dilemma (2)

"I don't agree. I don't agree. This is absolutely impossible. This is the ancestral house. It is the ancestral house. Selling the ancestral house. This is an outrageous thing. I have lived here for decades. , Now it is absolutely impossible for you to sell your ancestral home "

Granny Zhang Huanlan, who is in her 60s, is wearing a suit of colorful clothes, but her mental head is really good.

Obviously, the elderly now pay more and more attention to their own care and diet, and their life expectancy will become longer and longer.

Unless it's bad luck, just like Zhao Xiaohui's grandma, Zhao Juan, there are also a lot of old ladies doing fitness dance outside at 60.

In the living room on the first floor of the two-story bungalow, Grandma Zhang Huanlan was angry and sat in a chair, sitting beside her son Zhao Guo and his constrained daughter-in-law Wu Juan. On the other side was a young two The teenage grandson Zhao Gang, at this moment, the three of them all had a restless and tangled look on their faces.

Middle-aged woman Wu Juan hesitated and said

"Mom, I know it's really bad to do this, but now there is no way. He is your only grandson. Zhao Gang is your only grandson. Do you really want to see your only grandson ruined?

"Those people will really publish his story. You have seen it, and now I often put it on TV. Those people will send some bad photos or even some malicious text messages to bombard. All the relatives know what to do, and you should also know that family ugliness should not be advertised. "

Wu Juan knew that if she spoke in her own name, I was afraid that Zhang Huanlan could not agree.

The only thing he could use was his own son, Zhang Huilan's grandson. After all, it's quite reasonable to say that the next generation is relative.

As soon as Wu Juan's words fell, Zhao Gang, who was standing aside, fell on his knees in front of Zhang Huilan and hugged his grandmother's thigh. The crying is called a crap

"Grandma, grandma, you must save me, you must save me, if you don't save me. I will really die, I will really die"

"Grandma, grandma, please save me, please save me, I will be a good person in the future, make good money and obey you, grandma"

Zhao Gang hugged his grandmother's thigh, crying and crying.

Seeing his beloved grandson crying in front of him, the original hard heart suddenly softened.

You know this is her grandson

With a tangled look on his face, he opened his mouth, and couldn't say what he wanted to say.

His son Zhao Guo's face also became quite tangled. If he could, he really didn't want to sell his ancestral home.

But his own son was such a prodigal, he really couldn't do anything, hesitated and said

"If my mother really doesn't work, I'll go to the bank and see if I can mortgage this ancestral home. It shouldn't be sold if it is mortgaged. Although I have to pay back each month, it is better than Sold well "

When Wu Juan, a middle-aged woman on the side, immediately said,

"Mortgage, how about mortgage? Now the bank's mortgage for more than 30 years will not be mortgaged. The ancestral home has already passed the mortgage period, and the bank has no way to mortgage. There is really no other way than selling

Wu Juan considered it very clearly. If she sold her house and repaid her son's debt, she would live with Zhang Huanlan, but she could survive it.

But if the house is not sold, even if it is mortgaged, how much is the monthly payment?

Expenses at home will become even more scarce.

"Okay, okay, don't say any more, don't say any more, let me think about it, let me think about it."

Grandma Zhang Huanlan has become a lord of the six gods, some are at a loss

She really didn't want to sell her ancestral home, but she really couldn't bear looking at her grandson who was kneeling and weeping in front of her eyes.

Can it really be said that the ancestral home can only be sold?

He really had some overwhelming and didn't know what to do.

"Okay, okay, don't say it again, don't say it anymore, we let mother think about it, think more"

When Zhao Guoyi said quickly, he stopped his wife and crying son who would keep talking.

"Then we will go out now and go to the supermarket to buy some food. I will have a daughter-in-law to cook for a while."

Middle-aged woman Wu Juan said quickly.

While talking, he pulled his husband Zhao Guo out, and at the same time gave his son Zhao Gang a face.

"You are here to accompany grandma, talk to grandma, grandma, everything is for you"

Zhao Gang got up from the ground and nodded like a chick.

"I know, I know"

Wu Juan pulled her husband Zhao Guo and whispered to his husband while walking

"What are you still doing here? I guess your mother won't listen to what the two of us said. I think only what our son Zhao Gang said is useful. Sell ​​the house to pay off the debt, otherwise we would really have no other way. "

"I know I know"

Zhao Guo nodded his head, his heart was really mixed.

The door of the small bungalow on the second floor was opened, and towards the supermarket amidst the eyes and opinions of many Nanye villagers.

Standing on the side, Cheng Yiping saw this scene and clapped his hands.

"Okay, now we can go in"

Zhao Xiaohui had some strangeness, crooked her head and looked into one level.

"Mr. Cheng, how do you know that someone will come out after their fight is over?"

She was really puzzled, after all, just when she was about to enter the small bungalow and knocked on the door, she was stopped by Cheng Yiping, and everyone was waiting.

"It's very simple, I just guess it"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and said calmly

"They are not quarreling, it should be said that Zhang Huanlan ’s son and daughter-in-law are hoping to sell the ancestral home. They are asking Zhang Huanlan, so they will not stay long, and Zhang Huanlan will be considered. I just bet Just a moment, I didn't expect luck to be so good. "

Cheng Yiping said as he stepped forward and knocked gently on the door.

How could he tell Zhao Xiaohui that he had been observing through the soul in his mind the second-floor small bungalow Zhang Huanlan and his son Zhao Guo and his wife Wu Juan and grandson Zhao Gang.

What happened in the room can be said to be clear as Yiping knew.

At present, only Grandma Zhang Huanlan and her grandson Zhao Gang are in the family. It is more appropriate to go to negotiate.

With Cheng Yiping knocking on the door gently, Zhao Gang opened the door a moment later.

"Do you mom and dad bring the keys ..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped. Three people he didn't know appeared before him.

But his eyes fell on Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona's body instantly, with a stunning look in his eyes.

In particular, Zhao Xiaohui's temperament full of intellectuality has attracted people's attention.

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