Super Finding App

Chapter 1882: Meet

"Who are you? What exactly do you want to do?"

Although surprised by Zhang Xiaona's intellectual charm and Zhao Xiaohui's innocence and cuteness, Zhao Gang's complexion instantly turned pale, and his eyes fell on Cheng Yiping's body, with a touch of panic and panic in his eyes.

"What the **** do you want to do? This is my grandma's home. You can find me if there is anything to do with my grandma. Why can you find it here, why did you find it here?"

Obviously, Zhao Gang was Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui were the people who came to collect debts.

"Calm down, you are Zhao Gang. We are not here to find you. We are here to find your grandma, Zhang Huanlan."

Looking at Zhao Gang, full of panic and confusion, Cheng Yiping thought for a moment and understood immediately.

He Xiangqian and Zhao Gang regarded himself as someone who came to collect debts, of course.

"You, aren't you looking for me, are you looking for my grandma?"

Zhao Gang only reflected after half a ring. Now that he has some cups and bows, I'm afraid that debt collectors will come to trouble him.

Debt collectors can find his company, his home, it is not impossible to find his grandma here

"Yes, we're here to find your grandma, Zhang Huanlan. Hello, could you please make it?"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders. With regard to Zhao Gang, he can clearly see through the soul avatar.

But it's also like Cheng Yiping about Zhao Gang's breaking incident.

Pushed Zhao Gang away, walked in two or three steps, and there was a voice of doubt inside

"You came to me, who are you?"

Granny Zhang Hualan in her 60s is quite tough, but it seems that something bad has happened. At this moment, her face is pale and ugly, and her mental head is also bad.

For the elderly, the most important thing is to look at their mental state. Good spirits are good for the body, but once they are stimulated, the body will get worse.

Sometimes people's spirit can really affect people's physical health.

"Hello, hello, Grandma Zhang, we are really sorry to take the liberty to come"

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile, walked in two or three steps, disregarding Zhao Gang with hesitant look on the side, grabbed Grandma Zhang's hand, a bright smile overflowed on his face

"Hello Grandma Zhang, tell me about me. I am Cheng Yiping. This is my girlfriend Zhang Xiaona. We are accompanying this Zhang Xiaohui to find you."

Cheng Yiping introduced Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui to Hundred Zhang Lanlan while introducing herself.

Zhang Huanlan looked puzzled and looked at the three young people in front of her at a loss. He didn't know exactly what these people came over and shook his head.

"I wonder what the **** are you looking for me?"

"Grandma Zhang, don't get me wrong. We are not bad people. I don't know if you remember Zhao Juan?"

Cheng Yiping asked with a bright smile.

"Zhao Juan"

Grandma Zhang Huanlan had a look of surprise on her face, her tone became a little excited.

"Who the **** are you? How did you know Zhao Juan?"

"Grandma Zhang Xiaohui is Zhao Juan's granddaughter. We are here this time to fulfill Grandma Zhao Juan's last wish?"

"You are Zhao Juan's granddaughter, in order to fulfill Zhao Juan's last wish?"

"Could it be that…"

Grandma Zhang Huanlan looked surprised, her eyes fell on Zhao Xiaohui's body, with a hint of hesitation in her eyes.


After hearing Cheng Yiping's second half, I became a little excited and surprised.

"Yes, yes, Grandma Zhang, my grandma Zhao Juan passed away a few days ago, but she gave me this notebook before she died, and said that I hope I can fulfill her last wish, be able to I found a painting named friendship. We have found Grandma Bai Jinglan in Jinglan City. We got a girl under the waterfall from her. We know that Min is also my grandma's girlfriend. Another painting should be here. Can you give me, of course we don't want to, I just want to complete the grandmother's wishes and put together a painting called friendship. "

Zhao Xiaohui hurriedly said that she had a clear idea of ​​the matter.

Grandma Zhang Huanlan's complexion was unusually complex, she deeply saw Zhao Xiaohui sighed secretly

"It turned out that I didn't expect her to leave in front of us. Since it is the son of an old friend, then you can come in."

Talking, Grandma Zhang Yelan welcomed Cheng Xiaoping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui into the room

After everyone was seated, Grandma Zhang Yelan looked up and said

"I never thought about it. Xiaojuan's child would come and look for it one day. To be honest, the painting named friendship does exist, but it has been so long. I am about to forget it Maybe only when you are old will you remember the past events and memories. Now think about it. After 30 years, it is really impermanent. "

Zhang Huanlan shook her head gently, with a confused memory in her old eyes.

Who would have thought that after 30 years had passed and found the door again,

"Hello, please drink tea, please drink tea"

Zhao Gang walked over from the side with the tea, and placed a cup and a cup in front of Cheng Yiping, Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona, staring at Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui, these two are really beautiful, each with their own advantages.

"Grandma Zhang Huanlan, I will speak straight when I have something. This is Zhao Xiaohui, the granddaughter of Zhao Juan. This time we are here to fulfill Zhao Juan's last wish and complete the flower called friendship. The painting for friendship should be made by you and Zhao Juan and Bai Jinglan. We have obtained the painting from Grandma Bai Jinglan, and now I am just like you. I wonder if the flower is still there or not? "

Although Cheng Yiping knows very well whether this grandma's painting is still in or not, he knows very well that this cannot be said directly.

The Super Find App helped me find Grandma Zhang Yelan. If you say the picture there directly, it ’s too direct. In contrast, it ’s better for Grandma Zhang Yelan to say it yourself

Zhao Xiaohui's face changed slightly, anxiously

"Yes, Grandma Zhang doesn't know if this painting is still there"

After all, it ’s been 30 years ago. God knows what happened in these 30 years.

Whether the painting of 30 years ago is or not, this is not clear at all.

Even though Grandma Zhang Huanlan's speech in front of her has been lost, in Zhao Xiaohui's view, this is also a thing of the past.

Grandma Zhang Huanlan was about to speak, and suddenly, the door knocked again.

Zhao Gang frowned.

Is it because the parents are back?

Thinking of turning around and came to the door, opened the door.

At the door stood a man in a suit and leather shoes.

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