Time went by, and soon there appeared a batch of boys and girls who beat their chests and feet, and were annoyed.

It's true that for those without talent, the way of refining weapons is much more difficult than that of refining pills and poisons!

With boredom, one by one boys and girls shake their heads out of the door.

However, there are still many people in dawukuo who have heard the news. Some people have left, and soon others have added in.

But up to now, no one has successfully understood the secret of refining weapons.

Even he doesn't have the talent to practice martial arts.

"No, the smell is."

All of a sudden, Jiang Yuan reacts from his trance posture, because he feels the smell of magic weapon refining.

With surprise, Jiang Yuan quickly began to see where the source of the breath was.

But what he didn't expect was that the source of the breath came from the young man in linen who had just helped to persuade him.

But this young man is a puzzled expression, as if some are not confident, still thinking about whether he is doing the right general.

Jiang Yuan smile, and did not remind.

"I made it! I've learned the mental Dharma! "

After a while, a young man exclaimed in the crowd, which immediately interrupted many young men and women who were still understanding the heart formula, and caused a burst of disdain.

Seeing the crowd's appearance, the young man frowned slightly and took a proud attitude. He looked like a nouveau riche. He mocked and said, "what are you looking at? I'm Zhao Qian. I'm the first one to understand this heart formula. You spicy chickens should go home and farm. The way of refining utensils is not suitable for you."

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan frowned and shook his head. Looking at the arrogant young man, he was not happy. This kind of person who likes to pretend is really disgusting.

Chu Mengyou also walked out of the door in this strange sound. Looking at the young man standing in front of the crowd downstairs, he asked softly, "do you understand?"

Smell speech that youth body a turn, flaunt general, high voice way: "right! I've learned the secret, but it's faster than these people. I don't know if you'd like to have dinner with me tonight. "

"Er..." Chu Mengyou is slightly stunned. She can't imagine that the first person who understands the heart formula will look like this.

"What's the matter? Am I not qualified? Don't you want to take the refiner in Jiuling pavilion? I'm the most gifted weapon refiner! "

As if he had been the strongest weapon refiner in the mainland, the arrogant attitude of the young man was disgusting.

"Sorry, you're not enough."

Jiang Yuan chumengyou's side is already in Chu Mengyou's side.

"I don't have enough!? Are you enough? Do you know how to refine weapons? "

The boy obviously didn't see Jiang Yuan. When he saw that Jiang Yuan suddenly came to Chu Mengyou, he was more jealous.

"Of course I will, and I can tell you clearly that you can't be recruited by Jiuling Pavilion, and I'm the only one who can have dinner with Chu Pavilion master."

Jiang Yuan takes Chu Mengyou into his arms.

"Who are you? Tell you my father is the leader of Linfeng city! He is in charge of Tianyang town! Let go of Miss Chu. I'll spare you

See Jiang Yuan this appearance, that youth is double fists clench, angry, in his eyes this Chu Mengyou already is her person.

"That's Jiang Yuan!"

Finally, on the first floor, some people in Tianyang town have recognized Jiang Yuan's identity.

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