"Ginger Jiang Yuan

Wen Yan's face was stiff, and his figure kept retreating.

"Yes, so please go away."

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

"I don't regret the first time you learn this secret from me

Although he was afraid of Jiang Yuan, he couldn't swallow this tone. He had been called the first genius of Linfeng city since he was a child. How could he be humiliated like Jiang Yuan.

"Oh? As far as I know, you are not

Jiang Yuan shook his head slightly, looked at the young man in hemp clothes in the crowd, and then gently pointed out: "he is the first one."

For a moment, everyone looked in the direction Jiang Yuan pointed to, and was seeing the puzzled eyes of the young man in hemp clothes.

"He is the first one to understand the secret of heart!"

"He doesn't look like a genius at all!"

"Yes, it looks like our servants."



The boy in hemp clothes is still not confident, as if everything happened in his dream. He has never been regarded as a genius.

"Yes, it's you."

Jiang Yuan nodded, waved his right hand, wrapped the body of the boy gently with a spiritual force, and took the boy to the second floor.

Still in a daze, the young man's eyes blinked slightly. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. The whole black face turned purple black, as if poisoned.

"Don't be afraid. Be confident. In the future, you will be the first weapon refiner in the kingdom of Dawu besides me!"

Jiang Yuan patted the boy on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Refining Weapon refiner!? I really can

The boy's body trembled, but he was still not confident.

"Yes, you can!"

Jiang Yuan's eyes were firm and nodded heavily.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan, who was like a God, looked like this, the young man gave a little meal, as if he had suddenly awakened me. He straightened his waist, clasped his hands and said in a high voice, "I will try my best!"

"That's OK!"

Seeing that the boy who had been shrinking suddenly became like this, Chu Mengyou was stunned and looked at Jiang Yuan.

What kind of charm does Jiang Yuan have in front of him to make such a big change.

"Come and say your name to everyone in a loud voice, and your parents will follow you to live a life of luxury. This is our guarantee from Jiuling Pavilion! Enter my Jiuling Pavilion, and there is no one in heaven and earth to deceive

Jiang Yuan grabbed the young man's hands trembling with excitement and said in a high voice.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Xia Tiesheng! I will be a member of Jiuling Pavilion in the future! No one dares to bully me any more

Xia Tiesheng raised his hands, his voice trembled and powerful, as if he was venting his anger of being bullied for many years.

It's just strange to say that.

Jiang Yuan is secretly smile, heart: in fact, I can still bully you.

Chu Mengyou looks at the two people's actions, but he is also forced to smile. Xia Tiesheng is really fooled by Jiang Yuan.

Just when Chu Mengyou is laughing, Jiang Yuan looks at Chu Mengyou. Chu Mengyou's body suddenly trembles. How does Jiang Yuan stare at himself.

"Mengyou, this little brother will be handed over to you. The refining of utensils is a major event. You must do it yourself and answer the worries and doubts of this little brother."

Jiang Yuan smiles and whispers.

"But I don't know how to refine..."

Before Chu Mengyou finished, Jiang Yuan turned his head, which made Chu Mengyou speechless.

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