Just in the evening, although the whole Star Dragon Spirit city was in the dark, hundreds of bright lights were already in the market, and the whole city turned into a colorful night city, which was more lively than in the afternoon.

"I heard that the busiest time of Xinglong spirit city is not in the day, but in the night. Midnight is the most prosperous time!"

Xuanyuankun looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help opening his mouth.

"This cultivator has a place of extravagance."

Jiang Yuan looked at the crowd around him. He didn't expect that they were all practitioners.

"That's nature, and the practitioners are human beings! It is inevitable that there are seven emotions and six desires. This Xinglong spirit city is the mortal city of our practitioners. This is the only place in the world where we practitioners can have a good time! "

Xuanyuankun heard the words and gave a light smile.

"What's that?"

Jiang Yuan frowned and looked forward to the stall. He saw dozens of people sitting around on the spot.

"Just go and have a look?"

Xuanyuankun chuckled and directly pulled Jiang Yuan up.

"Come on! Have a look! It's all fine! "

Without waiting for them to see clearly, they fell into their ears first.


Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

"This stone is mine! I saw it first! I'll give you fifty medium stone! "

"Sixty! Boss, who are you going to sell it to

"Bah! Then I'll give you seventy yuan! "


Once again, the two men were sweating and blushing.

"I'll give you a hundred dollars!"

After a while, xuanyuankun directly pushed them away and looked at the stone in front of him, his eyes shining with gold.

Jiang Yuan saw that his brow was more tightly wrinkled, and his heart moved slightly.

The system probed the stone.

"Ding It's over. "

"Ding It's found that there are very few shengpin Shenshi Tianqiong guangchou, and the phagocytosis can't achieve the effect of upgrading. "

"Ding "The Yellow God stone, the green awn stone."

"Sure enough, it's a good one!"

Jiang Yuanxin read a turn, quickly forward.

"For a hundred bucks? Boy, this is mine. I'm going to make a decision! Three hundred medium level spirit stones! "

One of the disputing people roared, as if with great reluctance.

"Bah! How can you be a big man? I'll give you a thousand

Xuanyuankun heard that the price was as high as 1000 yuan.

"This broken stone, you give a thousand medium level spirit stones?"

Jiang Yuan quickly pulls Xuanyuan Kun down and asks in a soft voice.

"What broken stone is this..."

Xuanyuan Kun roared, but his voice was fierce. He quickly pulled Jiang Yuan in his ear and whispered: "this is the sky light meteorite! Holy stone! If you take it out, you need at least ten high-level spirit stones! I'll start with a thousand pieces of medium level spirit stone, and I'll make a lot of money in this business! "

"You've been cheated. It's not a meteorite."

Jiang Yuan shook his head.

"This is not a dazzling light of our family since we were young Forget it. No matter how much I tell you, you don't understand. Anyway, this is the sky light meteorite. Buy it and I'll invite you to have a good meal. "

Xuanyuankun is completely disbelief, not wait for ginger yuan export is turned around and asked: "say it out to how much money!"

"Five thousand medium stone! I'll tell you I'll order it! "

The man who just argued with xuanyuankun gasped and roared, but he didn't have any confidence.

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