"See, if it's not shengpin, how can you get such a high price?" Xuanyuankun chuckled and said: "brother, this stone is mine! I'll give you 8000 pieces of medium level spirit stones! "

"Eight Eight Eight thousand! "

Smell speech that man shook to shake head, also can't offer again high price obviously.

"Then this stone is yours."

The stall owner didn't say much. He picked up the stone and handed it to xuanyuankun.

Seeing this, xuanyuankun's face turned red, and his body was slightly shaken. Looking at the stone, he was excited: "this is money!"


Without waiting for the reaction of the stall owner, Jiang Yuan directly hit the stone in the hands of the stall owner on the ground.

"Jiang Yuan, what are you doing?"

Xuanyuankun saw a frown and quickly turned back to ask.

"Bold! Why are you so young? "

The stall owner also stood up and looked at Jiang Yuan's anger.

For a moment, people in the street were looking at the stalls.

"See for yourself."

Jiang Yuan didn't say much. He reached for the stone on the ground.

A crack appeared on the sacred stone, extending directly up, and the light blue stone exposed under a thin layer of stone clothing.

"What? Qingmangshi! Are you a bully? "

Xuanyuankun also understood everything in an instant. He was even more afraid when he thought of the scene. He actually bought a piece of huangpinshenshi with 8000 pieces of medium level spirit stone. If he said it, he would have to be laughed to death by others.

"What kind of deception? We brought our own price to buy this stall. You and I agreed to complete the transaction. The price you two raised has nothing to do with me. I'm stupid. I can't blame you! "

The stall owner chuckled and was not afraid of Xuanyuan Kun's words.

"Don't you cheat people by borrowing this stone coat?"

Xuanyuankun heard the words again.

"How can I cheat? How do you know that I know what's inside this stone? "

The stall owner shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "let's judge. The deal has just been reached after the two people raised their price. Now they have broken the stone, but they don't give the money to them. Isn't that not the rule of Xinglongling city?"

"Yes! This rule is here. No matter what happens when a transaction is concluded, the goods and money have to change owners. They really did not do it right. "

"Yes! It's no wonder that other people are stupid. They have to pay for their money when they destroy people's property! "

"Pay! Pay the money quickly


For a moment, the crowd was furious.

"Do you want me to dig out 8000 pieces of medium level spirit stone for this huangpin God stone? No way

Xuanyuankun turned a deaf ear and was about to leave.

"If you don't abide by the rules of Xinglong spirit City, I'll take you to the chamber of Commerce to argue!"

However, the stall owner was in front of them.

"You stop us? Do you dare to do it? "

Xuanyuankun chuckled, straightened his waist, and then left directly against the stall owner.

"Why not? Xinglong spirit City stipulates that if there is a big fight in the transaction, Xinglong spirit city will judge from a fair point of view. You two don't conform to the rules of Xinglong spirit city now, so if there is a fight, you two will be caught. In the end, you will not only pay the money, but also suffer from the disaster of imprisonment. What's more, you will lose the qualification to join Xinglong spirit city forever! "

The stall owner sneered and did not give way to xuanyuankun.

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