Super God Evolution

Chapter 284: Run into trouble

""I don't know what you are going to do, but this way, it should not be right, you in this broad daylight, robbed blatantly. "Liu Jiang ate the buns and walked forward slowly. Hearing his words, he felt the spiritual fluctuations in him, and there was a road around him immediately.

However, he did not care, because the lightning storm bombarded for a long time, the range of movement is large, and it can also blast such a big pit.

"Boom... There was a violent thunder and lightning roaring suddenly in the distance, and the whole world was slightly bright.

"Lightning storm." He quickly jumped to the top of the tree and looked at the lightning storm not far away. "The lightning storm is not very powerful, and his combat effectiveness should not have improved much."

He made a conclusion in his heart, and then blasted towards where Liu Jiang was.

Simultaneously activating the tortoise breathing method, his breathing and body temperature gradually weakened, and finally seemed to disappear completely.

Since the other party wants to deal with him, he will not be polite.

"I don't know who sent it, how to find me."

As soon as Liu Jiang's wings were closed, he landed on the ground, took out a piece of dried meat from the bracelet, and then ate slowly, eating while walking slowly, very leisurely.

"Good opportunity. I thought he would wait until the night to rest. I didn't expect to have a good opportunity to do it now." Feilong Chiguni stepped forward quickly and wanted to kill Liu Jiang as soon as possible.

But he is not clear that Liu Jiang has become a king-level evolutionary, and Liu Jiang's mind is much stronger than the average person, not only the scope is strong, but also the perception is powerful and amazing.

He thought that no one could detect it, and Liu Jiang saw nothing in his eyes.

When he was still 500 meters away from Liu Jiang, countless thick lightnings instantly formed, and then madly drove to Feilong Chiguni.

"Damn, why is the power of this lightning storm so exaggerated." Ferron Chiguni's body was trembling violently, and he was a little dazed.

In an instant, a small knife shot into his body, and then cut back and forth.

He first wraps the cheetah's fur, digs out the internal organs, and then sets it on the fire to start grilling.

The power particles of the soul, which are invisible to the naked eye in the air, flow through the pores of the whole body a little bit into Liu Jiang’s body through the flow, and finally enter the space of Liu Jiang Zhang Tielin’s Red Sea, becoming the most pure soul power.

"The power of extracting the purest plant and tree essences from the fragrant forest grass is combined with the southern sky of the moon to refine the immortal spirit."

Early the next morning, the glimmer of light in Liu's eyes flashed, and the power of his soul had been completely restored.

After eating some dried meat and drinking two bottles of mineral water, a pair of wings emerged from behind Liu Jiang, and the wings flapped. He rose into the sky and looked for powerful beasts around him.

He can't wait to test the true power of the blurred power.

He has been looking forward to the powerful and powerful ability of fiction in the legend. He does not know how the effect will be, and whether it will be as powerful as imagined.

Three minutes later, Liu Jiang discovered a group of nine-level fangs lizards, they rested on a tree with a height of 200 meters.

This group of fangs is the same group that had a fierce battle with Liu Jiang yesterday. Yesterday, Liu Jiang killed a fang, and then successfully retreated.

In addition to his little Fudan's eggs, if the severe pain on the street will make him, but the loss of consciousness in the future, that is the best chance to kill him.

The fang-toothed lizard is extremely fast. I am like lightning. It appears in front of Liu Jiang in an instant. It opens its huge mouth and bites at Liu Jiang fiercely.

He was still standing there, but the fangs lizard was forced, because the prey was disappeared at once, and his sturdy limbs stepped on the branches of the tree, and then he stopped his body.

When he stopped his body, Liu Jiang appeared in vain, Liu Jiang appeared too abrupt, the fangs lizard had no time to respond, Liu Jiang's sword in his hand was like lightning, and he instantly pierced the fangs lizard's eyes, Penetrated his brain.

Other fangs lizards screamed and rushed up, Liu Jiang activated the blur ability again, and then a group of fangs lizards passed through his body.

Those fangs lizard roared and looked around blankly. Liu Jiang thought about it, and they appeared again in their vision.

The fangs lizard pounced again, and then Liu Jiang activated the ability again, disappearing into the fangs lizard's sight and perception, and the fangs lizard was stunned again.

The foremost fangs lizard rushed over under the influence of inertia. When he rushed over, Liu Jiang's feet moved, and then appeared on the side of the fangs lizard, Liu Jiang's sword A beautiful arc was drawn across the neck of the fangs lizard in an instant.

"He really was fed up with that kind of day. He didn't like that kind of day. She said that he met a man who was really good for him and good for her."

A huge head rose into the sky, blood spewed out, and under the influence of the inertia of the huge body, it flew far away, then smashed **** the ground, and twitched violently and lost it.

"You bastard, you are really **** tnd, see how I kill you." His speed was like lightning, and he appeared in the depths of her in an instant, and then the dream one ruled his physical value. ? Where his small body withstood such a terrible attack, in a flash he fell back heavily.

He was lying on the ground with big mouths squirting blood, and that look looked particularly miserable.

Ferron Chiguni fell out of the void, and he spurted a spit of blood and fell softly to the ground. The violent and extreme pain in his body made him unable to exert any strength.

"His lightning storm power is so great." Feilong Chiguni's eyes died Liu Jiang, fear in his heart, he knew that he was planted today, and might die.

"Brother, can you tell me who sent you?" Liu Jiang appeared, crouching in front of Feilong Chiguni and asked lightly.

"What sent it?" Ferron Chiguni looked blank. "I'm following a fierce beast. I don't understand what you said."

Then he entered a tree house, activated the space teleportation artifact, and then the next moment, he appeared outside the survival base of the big boy.

He was dressed in black and a pair of wings of iron pterosaurs were behind him. His wings were instigated, and the powerful mind was opened with all his strength, searching for the traces of Bishi Kaganu.

A group of bloodthirsty lizards who had always been bloodthirsty were afraid for the first time. Instead of throwing them up, they turned and ran away.

The scene in front of them was too weird, beyond their cognition, they were terrified.

"Haha, cool." Liu Jiang grinned, and then his wings fluttered, then he rushed to one of the fangs lizards.

The Tusk is fast, but he is flying, and he quickly catches it up. The phantom war knife flashes across the TV like lightning and splits one of the foreigners into two.

The blood moved wildly, the muscles twitched, and then the tooth surprise was dead and could not die anymore.

Fang Lizard's thick tail twitched violently and pulled towards him, and then he thought about it, and the tail passed through his body, then he jumped to Fang Lizard's body, and then appeared, a knife Insert the posterior part of the fangs lizard, and then twist firmly.

Liu Jiang turned around and found that the other fangs were all gone.

"Haha, the ability to blur is great." Liu Jiang's heart was exceptionally carefree, and the extremely powerful force gave him extremely strong execution.

Dozens of nine-level fangs lizards can't help him at all, or even hurt him. If he is fast enough, none of these fangs lizards can run away.

"You remembered that killing the clan deliberately is a death sentence. If you dare to deliberately kill the clan, I can only execute the death penalty on you and follow the rules of the family."

"Family rules are a country, a family, and a strong foundation. For a country to develop and be strong, it must abide by the family rules."

Liu Zesheng's temper tantrum I can't eat your temporary mobile phone card address. The sound was very cold and very serious. The whole body of Liu Xing's two brothers and sisters shuddered.

Liu Xiaoguo was tearful, and looked quite cute.

Wang Yisheng, with a clear voice, looked at Liu Jiang with big eyes.

He turned out to be quite smart and wanted to frighten the enemy through his strong appearance, but there was nothing in his heart. He didn’t know how cute he was, nor did he know that the Liu family didn’t have a bit of lethality, classic The killer didn't even know.

The dog was too small, and he was not taller than his slap when he stood up. He was chubby and fat, and he had two big eyes with water spirits, which made him unable to feel much threat.

In order to see more clearly, Liu Jiang stepped forward two steps, the puppy Wang bang, and then began to punch, punched a few punches, and then pinched two small fists against Liu Jiang, a very fierce look.

"What is he doing? Is it like some murderers pretending to be fierce.

He didn't let the man contact him. He couldn't believe the man. He was afraid of warning when the other party called, so he wanted to do it himself.

He was fast and efficient, and soon found the traces of Bishkaganu.

Bish Kaganu and several students acted together.

At this time, all the light screens were black, and their miniature flying mosquito cameras were disturbed and no longer work. This shows that the madmen of the colorful butterfly have to act.

"Notify us that the god-level strongmen around Hokkaido of the Evolution University hurried over and sent a request to the four superpowers to ask their nearest god-level evolutionary to come to support." Liu Zhongping continued, "We must rush over as fast as possible. Those students, the most talented young people in the entire Human League, saved a few."

"The god-level evolutionrs of our evolution university have already passed, but they will arrive in ten minutes. The four superpowers do not have god-level powerful activities around Baihaidao, and it will take longer to catch up." Staff Said.

"Ten minutes." Liu Zhongping's face was heavy, and the madman of colorful butterflies, the speed of each hands was quite scary.

Baihaidao is quite big, but the speed of those lunatics is extremely horrible. Ten minutes is enough to wash the entire Baihaidao blood again.

Ten minutes later, the bodies of the teachers and students of Baihai Road are estimated to be cold.

"This original armor is really a waste of space. If the storage bracelet is large enough, it won't fit." The fat man muttered.

The trio gathered all the students in a group and then blasted away in the other direction.


Throughout the Baihai Road, countless students were killed and devoured, and more were captured and stuffed into storage bracelets.


In the middle of Baihai Road, Liu Jiang and his party are hunting and killing beasts.

Liu Jiang is like lightning, extremely fast, coupled with the extremely powerful perception and reaction ability, his efficiency in killing beasts is extremely terrifying.

One blow is to kill a 9th-level beast. The next moment, the head of a 8th-level beast rises into the sky.

Behind him, more than 60 people followed him, hunting beasts with lower ranks. Their combat effectiveness was much worse than that of Liu Jiang, but in fact it was still very powerful.

Especially after activating abilities, the fighting power is very strong.

They swept all the way, and they only changed their direction when there were two or more beasts ahead.

Liu Jiang once again stabbed a ninth-grade fangs pig, and suddenly his pupils shrank violently, and six black warriors appeared in his perception.

These men in black were blasting straight at them with lightning, with a clear goal, that is, they were alone.

His wings were shocked, and he greeted him, shouting, "I don't know how expensive you are."

Liu Jiang's voice was very loud and spread far away. Wang Hong and others heard the The members of the barbarian squad heard that they gave up the beast to be killed and stared at the sky. Six people.

Those fierce beasts escaped by chance and ran away one by one, but a few colorful butterflies stayed on them. The next moment, the wild beasts became a mass of fly ash and drifted away.

Suddenly shocked, Liu Jiang's wings flew into the dense forest and got into a dense bush.

The next moment, his figure had disappeared completely.

Bish Kaganu and several companions fanned out for fierce beasts, about 15 meters apart, and Bish Kaganu was on the far right.

Liu Jiang stepped forward quietly, and when Bushi Kaganu passed a big tree, he shot like a lightning, pinched Bishi Kaganu's neck, pinched it instantly, received it in the storage bracelet, and then instantly disappear.

Liu Jiang shot too quickly, and the movement was also very small. Bi Shi Kaganu's teammates didn't even find any anomalies. They moved forward on their own, looking for the fierce beasts.

Liu Jiang smiled slightly, disappeared in an instant, appeared in a tree crown, activated the space teleportation artifact, and the next moment appeared in a dense forest a hundred miles away.

Liu Jiang found a tree house and threw out Bi Shi Kaganu, and he went down with a few knives, first discarding Bi Shi Kaganu's limbs.

When Bi Shi Kaganu woke up in a terrible pain, he could not help looking at Liu Jiang, and when he saw the half-dead man next to him, he exclaimed in shock.

"Liu Jiang, Rao Ming, let me kill you and I will give you 500 billion, no, it is 1 trillion." Bi Shi Kaganu has been terrified.

"It really is you." Liu Jiang's expression instantly became cold. Before, he wasn't sure that this was the way to do it, but his one stop was the whole thing to know the matter, and his heart was angered.

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