Super God Evolution

Chapter 285: Trouble 2

"What the **** is going on? Why is there such a dangerous signal? I now feel terrified that something big is about to happen." A man said solemnly.

The teacher reached out and tapped on the light screen a few times, and soon the image just shot appeared on the screen.

Seeing the colorful butterflies inside, everyone's face, including the principal Liu Zhongping, changed.

The colorful butterfly itself is not terrible. What is scary is that every time the colorful butterfly appears, a group of lunatics will appear with it.

Then the members of the mysterious organization Colorful Butterfly, all members of the Colorful Butterfly practice the swallowing of heaven and earth, and enhance their strength by devouring human flesh and blood.

Colorful butterflies are the most terrifying terrorist organization in the world. Every time they appear, many evolvers will be killed and taken away.

They choose a place where there is no god-level evolutionr, and then kill all the human evolutionrs in the area, devour some, and the rest are all taken away, and slowly swallowed after returning.

The students of Baihaidao participating in the exchange conference all have the original armor, but that has no effect.

They will not waste time to break it apart, they will be taken away as soon as possible, and be taken away by those crazy people, it is better to be killed directly.

Those lunatics have the space treasures obtained by Kaga Star, and the space teleports artifacts. They are haunted. Even if they are god-level evolutionrs, don't want to catch up with them.

"Quickly inform the teachers and students of Hokkaido to let them escape quickly, and find a place nearby to hide if they can't escape." Liu Zhongping said with a deep voice.

"No, the signal has been interrupted, and we can no longer contact them." A staff member said with a heavy face.

"Colorful butterfly." Liu Jiang had heard about the color butterfly and knew the ability of the color butterfly. Seeing the fierce beast turned into fly ash, Liu Jiang's pupil contracted violently, then exclaimed.

The other students, when they saw the fierce beast turned into fly ash, also had a pale face and a cold heart.

They have all heard about the rumors of colorful butterflies. Naturally, they know the horrors of colorful butterflies.

"Oh, the reaction is very good." Six men in black flew over and saw Liu Jiang and his party looking at them. The big man wrapped in a black robe could not help laughing.

Liu Jiang's group, whether they are together or not, have no effect on them, so it takes a little more time.

"One king-level sixth level, one king-level fifth level, and four king-level fourth levels."

Feeling the original energy fluctuations in the coming person, Liu Jiang instantly judged the strength level of the six.

His eyes narrowed, the arc exploded above his wings, and his head was moving fast, thinking of a solution.

"By using the virtual power, I can kill the king-level and fourth-level evolutionaries, but I am not sure of the king-level fifth-level and sixth-level evolutionaries."

"And, in order to save people, expose the blurred power, and put myself in danger, it's not worth it."

"These people need to be saved, but only if I guarantee my secret and my safety."

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?" Shen Sheng, the gigantic man responsible for looking at the gate, asked. He didn't despise Liu Jiang because he was wearing a pompous appearance. His tone was indifferent, showing good quality.

It's not like Jiang Bo's plot in other novels.

"My name is Liu Jiang, the branch of Zhenxi Blacksmith Shop, I have something to do with the patriarch." Liu Jiang said, and after that he carefully waited for recovery, his expression was slightly restrained.

He was a member of the Liu clan, but he had not been to the Zhu family several times, and it was effortless all day.

Jinfeifei Ant looked around blankly, looking for a while, but did not find to look at a few guys for several years. Liu Jiang's shadow followed by the mighty flying away.

After the golden flying ants disappeared, Liu Jiang's figure appeared quietly, and appeared again.

Behind Liu Jiang, a pair of wings appeared, and when the wings were shocked, they shot toward the jungle below. Liu Jiang hunted a sixth-level cheetah and peeled the barbecue.

The new type of sit-ups, then high leg kicks, and then Shandong to practice muscles in the abdomen and buttocks.

Liu Jiang wrinkled his nose and smelled the scent. The saliva in his mouth flooded like tidal water. Liujiang drained his saliva, tore a piece of barbecue, and ate it.

Liu Jiang stepped forward two more times, the puppy stayed for a while, then ran away with his legs spread, and turned back after running a long distance.

Soon, he found the king-level big green cow yesterday.

Liu Jiang dived, not far in front of the big green cow.

What's the matter with the UAE? It's fun to teach physics teachers.

The big green cow swallowed a human warrior who had just been killed, looked up at Liu Jiang, his eyes flashed fiery, just finished five snacks, and now another one came to the door, happy.

Humans like to hunt monsters, and **** bones and skins of monsters, but why do they not like humans? Human skin is thin and rotten, and it is the most delicious food for sales.

The taste of human dim sum is really delicious. He likes to eat it so much. Thinking of this, his saliva dribbled down.

He subconsciously poked his mouth, and the drip of the corner of his mouth dripped on the ground, and the ground was wet for a moment.

Liu Jiangshan stared at Yao Yang from the top, and it was reported that a strong kind of selfishness appeared in his eyes.

The big green cow's sturdy limbs violently trampled the ground, and then came to Liu Jiang like a primary tank.

His strength was too fast, and the speed was too fast. In an instant, he appeared in front of him. Liu Jiang's pupils shrank and disappeared instantly.

When the green cow rushed past under the inertia, Liu Jiang appeared on his side and then swept across.

Liu Jiang felt terrified and instantly activated the blurred ability, and then the long horn was pushed over from his blurred belly.

Between the flashlights and the flints, it was fixed in the place of Liu Jiang's small tree, and all the hairs in the body exploded in a flash.

When Liu Jiang thought about it, he quickly backed away, and his metamorphosis appeared beyond 100 meters.

Despite activating the power, Liu Jiang retreated subconsciously and quickly backed out a few tens of meters, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still underestimated the power of the king-level beast." Liu Jiang touched his abdomen. Just now this big green cow was too fast, and it was so little that he was estimated to be killed.

Liu Jiang looked at Da Qing Niu's eyes full of palpitations. He had just been intimidated and his hair was all open.

"Although I have a virtual power, the king-level fierce beast is very powerful, the reaction is too much, and the speed is too fast. If I am a little careless, I will suffer a big loss."

Liu Jiang took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

The big green cow's huge eyes looked around cautiously. The human warrior mysteriously disappeared and appeared again, almost killing his life. He was alert in his heart and didn't dare to have any carelessness.

The perception of the big green bull corpse king-level beast is extremely powerful, no less than humans, he can feel the danger instinctively.

The people in his words were all stunned, and their faces became a little ugly. They were all predictive abilities that knew the horror of this man.

Now that her relationship is broken, it means that something really dangerous is about to happen.

Then the two mentions reported that the lazy egg was rolling on the floor, without you making a repressed sound, because the pain was too severe, and its sound did not dare to be too loud.

"The king-level beasts are too sensitive and fast, even if they have the ability to blur, I have to be careful." Liu Jiang was secretly vigilant, watching the big green cow kneeling on the ground.

If he was kicked by the pot-sized iron hoof, his head was absolutely no different from the watermelon that fell to the ground.

Liu Jiang stepped forward and came to the side of the big green cow, and appeared in vain. The hair on the entire body of the niece exploded in an instant.

Daqing Niu's eyes widened violently, but Liu Jiang's Phantom Warblade instantly crossed his neck and cut a deep foot and a foot wound.

The big green cow's huge body fell heavily on the ground, and the blood was sprayed wildly. The big green cow's huge body struggled frantically, but the more struggling, the faster the blood was sprayed, and the ground was red for a moment. Liu Jiang took the opportunity to make two more knives, and Da Qingniu's huge body twitched for a moment. After a minute, he completely lost his movement.

I will split the Daqing post office unhurriedly, hit the head, and then dig out the tired source energy crystal nucleus of the big golden cow's head, wipe the blood stains on it, and then bite the light with the teeth twice, which is charming. The voice of Jinhe in Vietnam.

It was heard that several people looked up and down at Liu Jiang. The Liu family received Lala and there was nothing loose but just talk about me. There are many tribes in the eight major branches. They know Liu Jiang a little bit, but they don’t know it. However, they naturally know the name Liu Jiang.

For a while, the team leader went to Nangong and helped Liu Jiang get the herbs back.

"Xiao Xiao, take Liu Jiang to see the patriarch." The strong man opened his mouth, and a small man dressed in Tsing Yi and robe walked out of the door. He said to Liu Jiang, "Please come with me. The team leader is waiting for you at the supermarket. You past."

"Well, okay." Liu Jiang nodded. As the patriarch of the four big families in Lingjiang City, there are many things to be busy, and it is impossible to wait for him all the time.

Suddenly, Liu Jiang heard a sullen majestic voice in the room not far away.

"Hum, I kneel as soon as I kneel." The voice of another crisp and childish girl sounded, with loneliness in your voice. Shouldn't you still have an hour of e-commerce. The teacher was la la la and was afraid that the desktop spoke very well in the world, crying and grieved.

"Who asked you to arrange to arrange your class to drive your mother to inspect and find that you can't find a dollar to accompany me. Kneeling here, kneeling in the ancestral hall and copying the family rules to me three times." Majestic voice was heard Came out.

"Woo, I know..."

Then la la la la la la go see if you can't be there? Liu Jiang saw a ten-year-old girl running past the door of the room. She was crying sadly and ran to the backyard without looking back.

"The original armor defense is super strong, even if it is a king-level sixth-level evolution, it will take at least half an hour to completely break through."

"So, we activate the primary armor, they cannot choose to attack our primary armor slowly, but will choose to take us into the space bracelet and take us away."

"When we are all taken into the storage space, they will definitely relax their vigilance. At this time, my opportunity will come."

Liu Jiang's head is like a crystal, running fast, and the moment of zero and one second, these thoughts are swept through.

As the genetic strength increased and his physical fitness became stronger, his brain response became more flexible, and the speed of thinking things became faster and faster.

The big man is not much nonsense. With a big wave of his hand, he took five people behind him to shoot at Liu Jiang and others.

"Run fast, everyone runs separately, can escape one by one, the first time can not run to activate the original armor." Liu Jiang shouted.

Before his words fell, a group of people turned around and escaped to the distance.

The same is true of Liu Jiang, when his wings were shocked, he shot toward the distance.

"Childish." The big man headed with a grin, then blasted towards Liu Jiang.

His speed is super fast, and lightning generally pounces on Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang feels powerful and responds quickly, but he is only a 7th-level evolutionary, and his straight-line flight speed is much worse than that of the 6th-level evolutionary level.

In an instant, Dahan caught up with Liu Jiang, slashed towards Liu Jiang, Liu Jiang's side of the body, avoiding this knife, and at the same time thought, he could melt into the ball at Dantian, in an instant, his body A thin reticle emerged and enveloped him.

"Small things." The big man smiled and put Liu Jiang into the storage bracelet.


Many students saw this Can't help desperation, Liu Jiang was so fast, he ran in front of them in the blink of an eye, but he was still easily caught by them. They are far slower than Liu Jiang, how could they run Off.

"You bastard." Tian Mei, Yuzi, whose brain circuit is different from others, screamed and rushed towards the big man. At the same time, he activated the primary armor and bombarded the big man under the effect of inertia. Anyway, he could not escape, anyway. There is no doubt that she wants to die with the teenager she likes.

"Ah..." a student screamed, he was stabbed to death.

The other students were terrified in their hearts and quickly activated the original armor one by one.

A minute later, six people gathered up a group of students wrapped in storage bracelets and blasted away in the other direction.

In a storage bracelet with a length, width and height of only one meter, two people wrapped in primary energy nuclei were stacked together and squeezed together.

The storage bracelet was dark, and no one could see each other.

"Liu Jiangjun, are you?" Tian Mei Yuzi tentatively asked, she wanted to die together when her mind was hot, but now calm down and think about it, the strongman has so many space **** for storage bracelets, they are not necessarily Can close together, die together.

"Yu Zi, are you?" Liu Jiang asked.

"Um, Liu Jiangjun, it's me." Tian Mei Yuzi nodded again and again.

"Don't be afraid, maybe someone will rescue us out." Liu Jiang reassured that he didn't want to do it for the time being, but her tone was quite a lot, with a touch of self-confidence, and everything that was under control.

There are two pieces of Liujiang in southern China in Qingdao. In the dark, he grabbed Liu Jiang's arm and fell on Liu Jiang's body.

She felt that this time there was life or death, so he did not want to have any regrets, he just wanted to be with Liu Jiang at the last moment of his life.

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