Super God Evolution

Chapter 294: Brutal Nangong Super 2

Hearing that the pupils left by this number shrank violently, he did not expect that the person he trusted most would stab him in the back at the critical moment, kicking him into the abyss. He was really angry, but he did know, Anger has no effect at this time, and he takes a few deep breaths to force himself to calm down.

"What should I do." Qian Yu's face changed dramatically, 480 billion yuan, nearly 500 billion. This is an astronomical figure. He knows that Liu Jiang is very powerful, but the possibility of trying to make so much money in the past twenty days, really Very small. "

Liu Jiang only smiled slightly, Qian Yu's eyes widened at once.

"You're all this?" Liu Jiang asked curiously.

"that's it!"

Bushi Kaganu was stunned, and all the students in the audience were also stunned.

"Oh, you don't want to pretend." Bi Shi Kaganu had a very bad hunch in his heart, but he still didn't want to believe, "Don't be crooked, get out as soon as you have something."

Zhang Ze said, "Liu Jiang, take out what you got."

"Okay." Liu Jiang stepped forward and entered the blue light curtain. When his thoughts moved, more than a hundred primary energy nuclei appeared on the front plate.


Soon the scan was completed, Zhang Ze took it away, and then continued to take it out.

At the beginning, they were all very low-level beast crystal cores.

Two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, one thousand, one thousand five hundred.

Slowly, the faces of the students around him changed slightly.

"There are more than 1,500 first-class beasts. How many beasts did he kill? I heard that he killed a lot of eight or nine beasts."

"His lightning storm is too powerful to kill a large number of low-level beasts in a second. The number of low-level beasts he hunts should be exaggerated." Fortunately, he finally recovered his ability to move and he did not trace activities. After taking a look at the figure, I felt the power in my body, and my heart became more and more quiet.

When the body recovers, there is a chance of getting out of trouble.

But his face was always shy and flinching, and he was beaten up,

"Hey, the body recovered, did you have another idea." Yang Erde patted Liu Jiang's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Dare not dare." Liu Jiang shook his head again and again.

"Oh, look, how did this manuscript I edited." Yang Erde suddenly opened the light screen and pointed to the manuscript he just wrote to show to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang's face immediately became black when he saw the manuscript.

"I set this manuscript to be sent regularly. If the scheduled time is not modified after a period of time, this manuscript will be sent to thousands of websites of the Human Martial Arts Alliance. By then, all martial arts know that you Liu Jiang has a mysterious little The ball can create a black ball in the vortex of Dantian space." Yang Erde said with a smile, "So, don't think about finding someone to mess with me, or thinking about finding someone to help."

Wang Xiaowen stepped on an ice skate and stood quietly in the void.

The Ice Toad Soul Beast has been fused, and the ice power will be excited at any time, bursting out the most powerful power.

Liu Jiang controlled his abdomen loose, and then a stream of urine came out, he screamed for mercy, "I said, I said... woo, don't hit me, I said..."

Liu Jiang screamed while begging for mercy. He rolled all over the floor and cried.

His whole body exuded a chill, and the temperature of the whole space had dropped a lot. Under the hot sun and the fiery sky, there was a slight mist.

Why did my money suddenly become so cold? what the **** is it? Could it be that the strong man with the ice attribute comes? There is nothing wrong with her guess. At this time, there is indeed a strong person with the ice attribute, that is, the little prince Wang Xiaowen.

In the distance, in the sky, everyone watching the battle has a lot of discussion, noisy.

Liu Jiang looked at the mist that filled the space and felt the faint coldness on his body, and he was a little horrified.

He glanced at Wang Xiaowen, his heart slightly dignified.

"Fat man, Qianshan, let's do it. Kill this beast, and the fruit will be mature in thirty seconds. The blood holy fruit can only belong to us humans." Wang Xiaowen said coldly.

"Pharaoh, let me see your ice field."

On the other side, the fat man Tie Nantian opened his mouth, and his twelve pairs of thin wings flapped. The silver light above the wings circulated, and the silver was brilliant, especially brilliant under the shining sun.

He stood tall, and his tall body looked particularly eye-catching, like a god.

The martial arts around were horrified, and the fat man's instinctive energy wave that erupted out was really terrifying and much stronger than before.

His eyes were very small, with only one gap, but the cold light that came out of the gap made his heart awe-inspiring.

"We are ready." Qianshan wings exuded a faint red awn, and the tall body looked extraordinarily handsome.

Unfortunately, his arms were tied and hung around his neck, which greatly weakened his majesty.

The three of them were very tacit. After two sentences, they moved.

"Ice field!" Wang Xiaowen shouted loudly. The temperature in the space where the dragon was located suddenly dropped dozens of times. A layer of cold frost appeared on the body of the dragon, and the whole body stiffened instantly.

"God, Jiaolong is dead now." Some exclaimed, seeing Wang Xiaowang killed the Jiaolong in a blink of an eye, someone suddenly exclaimed.

The three Wang Xiaowen went all out, and the fighting power was too terrifying.

In a blink of an eye, Jiaolong was killed, which is really incredible.

Not long ago, it was obvious to all that the 40-meter-long Jiaolong rammed and crushed all the way, like a broken bamboo, and slaughtered too much. Too many powerful evolvers were instantly killed by Jiaolong.

Now, within a few seconds, Jiaolong was killed by several people.

This is really incredible.

"Jiaolong was killed in advance, which is good." Wang Xiaowen grinned.


On the Xueling Shengguo tree, the **** Shengling Shengguo has been completely transformed into gold, exuding a golden light, which is breathtaking.

"The fruit is ripe, let's go." Wang Xiaowen waved his hand, and Liu Jiang blazed away at the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

They are fast, and they will arrive in an instant.

"Hurry up, the **** holy fruit can only belong to our Black Mamba mercenary guild." The fat man Tie Nantian shouted and rushed to the fruit tree with a group of warriors.

"Haha, still give me all the best." Qianshan laughed, surrounded by more than a dozen flying knives around his body, blasted toward the Super God Gene and Blood Wolf Mercenary Guild respectively.

"You don't ask me about the super-scientific gene." Wang Xiaowen smiled, and his thoughts moved, a layer of frost appeared on all members of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Guild and the Black Mamba Mercenary Guild.

The blood holy fruit tree is very large, with a crown of 30 meters in diameter.

The beast crystal nucleus has limited value. The total value of these 800 monster beast crystal nucleuses is less than one billion, one billion, which is a lot for ordinary students, but for them, it is really not What kind of.

Their gambling contract, or decisive beast soul.

Bish Kaganu pulled out 1,100 primary energy nuclei before and after.

One thousand and one hundred primary crystal nuclei of different grades, totaling 1.1 billion.

After Bi Shikaganu finished, he looked back at Liu Jiang, his mouth slightly upturned.

The 1.1 billion crystal nucleus is only a small part.

The most valuable thing is the fierce beast soul.

When he thought about it, he recruited twenty small jade bottles from the storage bracelet.

"Drip, the first-class fierce beast of fangs and pigs."

"Drip, the third-level beast of bloodthirsty demon mouse beast soul."

"Drip, the bloodthirsty monster of level nine fierce beast wolf beast soul, has a special power speed."

"Drip, the bloodthirsty monster of level nine fierce beast wolf beast soul, has a special power speed."


Twenty beast souls, there are eighteen level nine fierce beast bloodthirsty wolf beast souls, and all have speed abilities.

"His, there are eighteen nine-level bloodthirsty monster wolf special beast souls, this one is more than seven billion, and eighteen is twelve-six billion."

A group of students took a breath in the air, and even Zhang Ze was slightly moved. He harvested 90 billion yuan a month. The top ten total income was stable. He looked up at Liu Jiang and found that Liu Jia's face did not fluctuate. , He could not help but be curious.

Zhang Ze stayed for a while, activated the lightning cat of teleportation ability, but it was not so easy to grasp, even if he was not enough to kill him, he looked at Liu Jiang, but saw Liu Jiang His face was calm and his pupils did not shrink slightly. "How much did this kid do?"

"It's too cruel, there are 3,800 of the first and second crystal nuclei alone." Someone's eyes widened exaggeratedly.

"Brother, the name of Little Thor, you can check it out online. He is completely a fighting maniac, fighting day and night, and the number of killing beasts is more terrifying than most of the eighth or nineth-level evolutionaries. ."

"Because there are too many beasts to kill, even the number of killing the whole Kaifeng beast is reduced."


"Huh, some crystal nucleus, how much money you can have." Bi Shi Kaganu's unpleasant feeling became stronger, but he also felt that Liu Jiang deliberately disgusted him before losing everything.

"Yes, that's it." Bi Shi Kaganu said to himself.

Four thousand, five thousand, six thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand.

"No wonder he can make such a great reputation in just one month. The speed of killing beasts is terrifying. One month, just one month, he killed only below level 7. so much."

"It's completely a beast. The speed of Wang Shan's sister is so horrible, and he killed more than 3,000 fierce beasts, and Liu Jiang's 20,000."

"After killing so many fierce beasts, where is the cardinal number, there must be no less soul beasts in his hands."


There was a lot of discussion on the field, and the other students standing in line did not register at all, and all came to count the crystal beasts of the beasts.

Twenty-three thousand and twenty-five thousand.

"Animals, the number of eight-level crystal nuclei is actually more than the number of seven-level beasts."

Nine levels, twenty-seven thousand and seventeen.

"There are only 2,000 beasts of the 9th-level fierce beast. Little Thor, I think it's just a lunatic."

When Liu Jiang took out six or seventy king-level first-level monsters and two king-level second-level beasts and beasts, the scene was quiet again.

"My God, I killed so many king-levels, there are two king-levels.

"The fierce beast crystal nucleus alone, accumulating 27.3 billion, ah, mad."

Liu Jiang waved his hand and took out a hundred beast souls.

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred.

"Crazy, there are so many beast souls, and many of them have special abilities alone. These beast souls have a total value of more than 200 billion yuan."

"It's just below level 8, and none of the level 8 has been taken."

Five, six hundred, seven hundred.

"His, there are so many eighth and ninth level beasts and spirits. His total value is already 460 billion, and he will soon catch up with Bish Kaganu."

"There are more than 20 billion, I don't know if he still has a beast soul."

"I'm so nervous, I have never seen a huge bet worth 500 billion yuan."

"Take out a few more nine-level fierce beast souls, Liu Jiang won, I don't know if he still has."

Qian Yu squeezed his fist nervously, and looked at Liu Jiang with big eyes, wondering if Liu Jiang still had a beast soul.

Bi Shikagan's tense body shook slightly.

He paid 20 billion, and Liu Jiang surpassed him with another 20 billion.

His eyes were fixed on Liu Jiang, hoping that Liu Jiang would not take out the beast soul.

"If it wins, it will be 500 billion yuan. If it loses, he will lose all his dime."

In the blink of an eye, all the warriors shot into the canopy of the Blood Spirit Sacred Fruit Tree and rushed towards the Blood Spirit Sacred Fruits.

"Lightning Storm!" Liu Jiang whispered softly, and the arc circulated wildly in his eyes. Then, an arc of thin arms and arms appeared around the body instantly. The arc circulated madly, and a lightning storm with a diameter of 30 meters was formed in a blink of an eye~www The intense and extreme light immediately covered the canopy of the Holy Spirit Tree of Blood.

Liu Jiang controlled the crazy and raging arc, and blasted the surrounding warriors except the Blood Jiao Hunter Squad.

A thick electric arc blasted on the body, even the fat man Tie Nantian, his hair erected, and the whole person trembled.

"I won't. I already have two kinds of beast souls. I'm very satisfied. I just hope you can let me go." Liu Jiang looked at Yang Erde with some fear and said cautiously.

He patted Liu Jiang on the shoulder and smiled heartily. "Relax, my purpose is a black ball, not you. As long as you cooperate well with me, why am I killing you."

"When you hold the ball, you will kill me for the first time." Liu Jiang thought so, but he didn't show anything on his face. He nodded cautiously, very frightened, like the tragic torture. , Has tortured and collapsed him.

"Then let's go back to Wudu, let's transform and take me away." Yang Erde said with a smile.

Liu Jiang had no choice but to transform into Leiyi Demon Wolf, Yang Erde jumped on the back.

Liu Jiang fanned his wings and quickly blasted towards Wu Ducheng.

Feeling the power of the bleak soul in his body, Liu Jiang was secretly anxious. There was no key to a bank safe in his house.

As long as you get home, things will definitely help, and by this person's fierce means, he will never let him go.

In a moment, all the crystal nuclei were scanned, Zhang Ze shot, and took it away directly, but Bi Shika deceived me to satisfy me not to be tacky and love me. The storage bracelet before Ganu touched, once again recruited 100 Many.

My money is taken from him, and it seems like a steady stream of crystal boxes. How many people he took can be combined. This is really too exaggerated, it is simply incredible.

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