Super God Evolution

Chapter 295: Super Nangong Super Three

He was still standing there, but the fangs lizard was forced, because the prey was disappeared at once, and his sturdy limbs stepped on the branches of the tree, and then he stopped his body.

When he stopped his body, Liu Jiang appeared in vain, Liu Jiang appeared too abrupt, the fangs lizard had no time to respond, Liu Jiang's sword in his hand was like lightning, and he instantly pierced the fangs lizard's eyes, Penetrated his brain.

Other fangs lizards screamed and rushed up, Liu Jiang activated the blur ability again, and then a group of fangs lizards passed through his body.

Those fangs lizard roared and looked around blankly. Liu Jiang thought about it, and they appeared again in their vision.

"This is the underwear that the patriarch asked people to prepare for you. Your set has not been washed." Liu Xiao hung out of the bathhouse with a set of underwear.

"Thank you." Liu Jiang said with a smile, the patriarch's affairs were too thoughtful.

Wearing new clothes and new trousers, Liu Jiang walked out of the bathhouse, basking in the bright sunshine and feeling particularly comfortable all over his body.

"Liu Jiang, this time, you have to be grateful to the patriarch. For the sake of you, the patriarch even beat the lady hard." Liu Xiao said, talking about the patriarch, his waist was straightened and his face was straight. Tribute.

Liu Jiang froze, he asked, "For me, what's going on?"

"Oh, you look good, now let you see the genetic abilities of your son." Liu Jiang grinned and said that he grabbed a few steel barbecues and strode towards a few young men.

"Xiaojiang, you must be careful." Wang Rong cried behind him, "The sign is too thin and not secure enough. You should still take a kitchen knife. Also, don't kill people, at most interrupt them. Just legs."

It has been decades since the world has changed, and the human mind has completely changed. No one can survive. Even the small citizens like Wang Rong and Liu Ze have strong violent factors in their bones.

The main family of the Liu family, as the four major families of the Lingjiang city, the mansion occupies an extremely large area. The main entrance of the mansion is very wide, enough for fifteen or six people to enter.

On each side of the gate, stood two big men, two meters tall, holding spears and wearing armor.

Each of them has a red tiger with a height of one meter and a length of nearly two meters.

This red tiger, but the bronze senior monster beast flame tiger.

In the past, because I couldn't beat it, I was afraid of getting into trouble. In the face of the bullies of these little hooligans, I could only swallow it, but once I turned over, I could never be weak.

Middle-aged bald man, this time has been slapped another seven or eight slapped, his cheeks have become swollen pig head, blood hung on the corners of his mouth, messy hair, his heart was very angry, full of suffocation, but four young young men Surrounded by groups, he did not dare to resist and asked for fun. A man with a family, a career, and a small sense of superiority, has a little status in the company, and his popularity is not bad. He gets along well with his colleagues. He eats out together and occasionally rushes to pay. He occasionally quarrels with his wife at home, but always It's quite easy to say. He never did anything that hurt his face. Today, he was arbitrarily fanned by four young men in front of everyone. I was afraid that the pain in his heart was a hundred times worse than the wound on his face.

"Only when you become a strong man can you stand upright in front of Nangong Xian'er, Nangong Xian'er will look down on you, and you will make Nangong Xian'er regret it." Liu Zhen said lightly, inspiring Liu Jiang to regain his fighting spirit.

I do not want. "Liu Jiang gritted his teeth and shook his head, thinking of Nangong Xian'er, a strong hatred rose in his heart, and his inner anger almost exploded his chest."

He couldn't figure out why Nangong Xian'er would treat him.

"Pill Washing Pill is your only chance. After eating Pill Washing Pill and upgrading your qualifications, you can become a bronze warrior and lead a superior life." Wang Rong, who was blowing meat porridge, inserted a sentence.

The warriors can be divided into black iron, bronze, silver, gold, black gold, legend, extraordinary, sacred, and **** according to their strength, from low to high.

Each level is subdivided into nine stars. The vast majority of ordinary people are black iron warriors all their lives. Just like she and Liu Zhen, they live at the lowest level of society.

But as long as you become a bronze warrior, it will be different, and your social status will immediately improve. No matter what job you do, you will make money faster than the black iron warrior.

For example, if you play iron, a bronze one-star warrior can do the work of three black iron nine-stars. If you do more work, you will naturally earn more money.

This is just a matter of moments, because the speed is too fast, and other people have not even recovered, Liu Jiang pulled out the sign on the face of the young young man, and then stepped forward, slammed into the second On the leg of the young man, blood spewed out suddenly, dripping down the sign. The young man only felt his legs were soft, his eyes flashed with Venus, and then he sat on the ground holding his thighs softly.

The fangs lizard pounced again, and then Liu Jiang activated the ability again, disappearing into the fangs lizard's sight and perception, and the fangs lizard was stunned again.

The foremost fangs lizard rushed over under the influence of inertia. When he rushed over, Liu Jiang's feet moved, and then appeared on the side of the fangs lizard, Liu Jiang's sword A beautiful arc was drawn across the neck of the fangs lizard in an instant.

A huge head rose into the sky, blood spewed, and the second fang lizard was dead.

Before waiting for other fangs to come up, Liu Jiang's figure disappeared again.

Then it appeared again.

A group of bloodthirsty lizards who had always been bloodthirsty were afraid for the first time. Instead of throwing them up, they turned and ran away.

The scene in front of them was too weird, beyond their cognition, they were terrified.

"Haha, cool." Liu Jiang grinned, and then his wings fluttered, then he rushed to one of the fangs lizards.

The Tusk is fast, but he is flying, and he quickly catches up.

Fang Lizard's thick tail twitched violently and pulled towards him, and then he thought about it, and the tail passed through his body, then he jumped to Fang Lizard's body, and then appeared, a knife Insert the posterior part of the fangs lizard, and then twist firmly.

Liu Jiang turned around and found that the other fangs were all gone.

"Haha, the ability to blur is great." Liu Jiang's heart was exceptionally carefree, and the extremely powerful force gave him extremely strong execution.

Dozens of nine-level fangs lizards can't help him at all, or even hurt him. If he is fast enough, none of these fangs lizards can run away.

"Intentional killing of the clan, the death penalty was imposed." Liu Xing looked up carefully at Liu Ze's eyes, and then spoke carefully.

"You remembered that killing the clan deliberately is a death sentence. If you dare to deliberately kill the clan, I can only execute the death penalty on you and follow the rules of the family."

Liu Ze's voice was very cold and very serious. The whole body of Liu Xing's two brothers and sisters shuddered.

Liu Xiaoguo was tearful, and looked quite cute.

Wang Yisheng, with a clear voice, looked at Liu Jiang with big eyes.

A group of them caught more than 1,000 pounds of crayfish and abalone crabs.

It doesn't matter, haha ​​laugh is really rewarding.

Then the two small claws waved again and again, as if fighting a fist, and took a few strokes, holding two hairy fists against Liu Jiang, and posing in a fighting pose.

Liu Jiang slowly widened his eyes, the puppy was too small, he was not taller than his slap when he stood up, he was fat and chubby, and he had two big eyes with water spirits, which made him feel little threat. .

In order to see more clearly, Liu Jiang stepped forward two steps, the puppy Wang bang, and then began to punch, punched a few punches, and then pinched two small fists against Liu Jiang, a very fierce look.

"What is he doing? Is it like some murderers pretending to be fierce.

His whole body was trembling, the pain was too strong and too horrible, and finally he knelt down on the ground.

Then the two mentions reported that the lazy egg was rolling on the floor, without you making a repressed sound, because the pain was too severe, and its sound did not dare to be too loud.

"Who are you?" Xiao Nian sat on the ground with his stomach covered. He suspected that his intestines might have been kicked off by Liu Jiang. He was scared. The infinite bravery and courage had disappeared completely and cleanly.

"Ah!" The bald uncle on the side suddenly violently kicked **** the bridge of the young man's nose. "I am your ancestor." This foot, I don't know how much anger it contains. The sarcasm and the resentment of life are all attached to it. The kick kick is called a cruel one, and the call is a hearty one. The kicked young youth's nose is filled directly, and a four two is clearly printed on the entire face. Yard shoe prints.

"Haha, okay, good fight." Some people in the crowd were applauded. Obviously, this kick was a big heart. The middle-aged bald man couldn't help but got up, looked around his chest with his head up, and said to everyone that he too Very cruel, but not a coward.

Every New Year, he and his parents will come to the main house, he has been to the main house many times.

But every time I saw the flaming tiger, I couldn't help but be afraid.

Liu Jiang came to the gate and looked at the flaming tiger. There was still some instinctive fear. It was human instinct to fear that he could spike his existence.

However, this time, in addition to fear, it was more awe-inspiring, marveling at the powerful heritage of the Liu family. Four bronze warriors with bronze flames and tiger-headed warriors were looking at the gate. What kind of heritage is this.

The fourteen-year-old boy felt the powerful background of the main house for the first time, and felt his insignificance for the first time.

With his current qualifications, even if he struggles for a lifetime, there is only a slight possibility of becoming a bronze warrior.

Liu Jiang walked to the hooligan with his thigh screaming, grabbed the collar of the hooligan and pulled it in front of him, "Dare to go to the site covered by my brother Liu Jian to do things, who gave you the guts, you Is it impatient to live?"

The hooligan is a little ignorant, and he doesn’t know what the so-called Liu Jian is, but it sounds very powerful. Is it really that he accidentally caused a big man? The hooligan’s fear is not good. A flattering smile, "Brother, I'm wrong, I will never dare to come here to do things again."

"I love you, my brother."

"If people see you in this area in the future, I promise you will not see the sun the next day." Liu Jiang continued to threaten.

A powerful hooligan with power and status will not come to such an inferior place because it will degrade his status.

"The king-level beasts are too sensitive and fast. Even if they have the ability to blur, I have to be careful." Liu Jiang was secretly vigilant, looking at the big green cow kneeling on the ground.

The moment he pierced the egg of the big green cow, the big iron hoof of the big green cow almost kicked on his head.

Zhang Jian could clearly feel the fierce wind brought by the huge iron hoof.

All the white hairs burst when they rose.

If he was kicked by the pot-sized iron hoof, his head was absolutely no different from the watermelon that fell to the ground.

Liu Jiang stepped forward, came to the side of the big green cow, and appeared in vain.

Daqing Niu's eyes widened sharply, but Liu Jiang's Phantom Warblade instantly crossed his neck and cut a deep foot and a foot wound.

The big green cow's huge body fell heavily on the ground, and the blood was sprayed wildly. The big green cow's huge body struggled frantically, but the more struggling, the faster the blood was sprayed, and the ground was red for a moment. Liu Jiang took the opportunity to make two more knives, and Daqingniu's huge body twitched once and for all. After a minute, he completely lost his movements.

Will split the Daqing post office without haste, hit the head and then dig out the source energy crystal nucleus of the big golden bull's head.

Can't afford it, Liu Jiang had to say so sourly

However, the blue wolf is only a black iron monster, far worse than the flaming tiger.

Looking at the body of the big green cow, Liu Jiang's heart filled with uncontrollable pride.

The wonderful UAE has a good temper.

It is said that several people looked at Liu Jiang up and down. The Liu family has eight major branches and a lot of people. They see Liu Jiang a little bit familiar, but they don’t know it, but they naturally know the name Liu Jiang.

For a while, the team leader went to Nangong and helped Liu Jiang get the herbs back.

"Xiao Xiao, take Liu Jiang to see the patriarch." The strong man opened his mouth, and a little man in Tsing Yi and robe walked out of the gate. He said to Liu Jiang, "Please follow me."

It's nothing for me to climb up for the second year.

"Well, okay." Liu Jiang nodded. As the patriarch of the four big families in Lingjiang City, there are many things to be busy, and it is impossible to wait for him all the time.

The little young man who had just passed out was awake because of pulling out the steel sign, and cried with his thigh on one side.

The other two young men finally reacted. I don't know where they were from a small dagger, and they rushed to Liu Jiang. The crowd around him screamed in a rage. Liu Jiang felt fully open, and their actions seemed to be Slow down suddenly.

Liu Jiang easily avoided the knife of the young man in front of him, and the moment he passed by, Liu Jiang stuck the steel sign on the young man's buttocks. One of them was quite crazy, but it was not a human root steel at all. The tag was just inserted from the **** and nailed diagonally into the meat.

Then, with a fierce kick, the last young man was kicked off and hit the plastic table not far away, and the broken table was torn apart.

Holding a steel sign in his hand, Liu Jiang stepped towards the young man with a bad face.

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