Super God Evolution

Chapter 303: Xianxingsan

I want to know where I found it. He is my only baby, and she is cute. Now he is hunting.

"First of all, you have to know, what do girls want most? You can only get their hearts if you choose what you want. Do you know what Qianyu wants most?" Liu Jiang asked back.

"She..." Yang Chengna didn't say what Qian Yu wanted most.

"Girls are all the same, especially girls of the age of Qianyu, what they most desire is to have a pure, sweet love." Liu Jiang talked and talked, and he said something wrong. .

The candid eyes and the expression of integrity and selflessness are all telling the truth. His words are correct and there is no doubt.

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded and warned: "You wouldn't be bluffing me, you also like Qian Yu, how could you help me chase her."

Finally, Liu Jiang secretly worried about the child's IQ.

"Who said I like her, she was so violent, and when I saw her, I beat her. My scalp felt numb and my legs became soft. I like the gentle girl like Liuge in class 18, the wild cat like Qianyu, except Ordinary people do not dare to like your arrogance, because even if you get married, you have to worry about domestic violence every day." Liu Jiang said with a wry smile, and then said right again, "And with your IQ, I can bluff you. ?"

"Well, this is also true." Wen Yan, Yang Cheng laughed happily, Liu Jiang's words made him quite useful, and then he asked with curiosity, "Do you like Liu Ge?"

Liu Ge, they are eighteen next door

Fatty Ma Hongwei looked at Yang Wu and smiled, "You can't help but bring such a brilliant genius back to the Super God Gene Headquarters."

Yang Wu rejoiced in his heart, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "The key is Liu Jiang's greatness. Not only does he work hard enough on weekdays, he also awakens the genetic ability."


Fatty Ma Hongwei's eyes fell on Liu Jiang, his face became solemn, "Would you like to join my super-scientist gene now?"

"I do." Liu Jiang nodded without hesitation.

How many people squeezed their heads and wanted to join the Super God Gene but couldn't join it? How could he be unwilling?

The big boss of Super God Gene is a member of the Human Union Parliament and the world's first master, with a reputation.

Super God Gene is the largest interest group of the Human Alliance and the world's largest power. It controls nearly one-third of the world's cities, has an independent army, an independent system, and an independent law.

The most important thing is that the Super God gene is very short-sighted. Whoever dares to kill members of the Super God gene is waiting for a steady stream of powerful men to pursue it. No one dares to easily move the members of the supernatural gene.

Liu Jiang's small ball is coming in a wrong direction. Liu Jiang is afraid that someone will be in trouble. There is a big background where the super-scientific gene is so strong. Whoever dares to move him will have to weigh it.

"Haha, very good." The fat man smiled heartily. "According to the contract, you can choose a large villa in Wudu District with high security measures. You can choose to go to the three villas in Wudu."

"There are also ninth-level beast souls with special abilities, but this will not be available until you become an evolver."

"In addition, every month I provide you with two million worth of training resources. I have no temper to accompany me, my network card, and the Chinese version of the person who is bubbling at home. The five million limit purchase resources are waiting for you to become an evolver. These The quota will be increased accordingly, and the specific data will be written on the contract." The fat man glanced at the middle-aged man next to him, and said, "Old Xiao, go to prepare a contract and bring it to Liu Jiang to carefully check the terms."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded and turned to print the contract.

Soon, the man took the completed contract, the fat man took the contract and signed his name, pressed his fingerprint, and then handed the contract to Liu Jiang, "Liu Jiang, joined the super gene, you graduated from university, but You can only choose to work for Super God Gene, to serve Super God Gene, you can choose to join Super God Gene Hunter Squad, you can choose to enter the army of Super God Gene, you can also go to the company of Super God Gene to do business, or even choose to work in Super God Gene. The city controlled by the God Gene is in politics, but if you want to leave the Super God Gene or switch to other forces, you will have to compensate the Super God Gene for all ten times of compensation."

Super God's genetic welfare is good, and there is a complete system, the welfare is great.

He joined the Super God Gene, but he never thought of leaving.

Liu Jiang carefully read the contract. Every clause in the contract was written in detail. Every right and obligation was also clearly written. No problems were found. Liu Jiang signed the pen and signed the fingerprint.

"Liu Jiang, you are welcome to join the Super God Gene." The fat man smiled and extended his hand to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang also reached out and held hands with the fat man.

A particularly good-looking girl in class, she is no less than a thousand feathers in appearance, quiet all day, and not very talkative. He feels like a depression patient, he does not like it, but many boys in class 17 have a crush on Liu Ge, he I know.

"Of course I like it. I have been secretly in secret for several years." Liu Jiang pretended to be a little embarrassed, and then took out his phone from his backpack, opened it, and turned over a few pictures of Liu Ge.

These pictures were downloaded by Liu Jiang from the old classmate Liu Ge gray letter space after school, there are high school and junior high school.

"This is my secret, you must not tell it." Liu Jiang urged.

"I will keep it confidential for you." Yang Cheng assured Liu Jiang by taking a chest shot. After seeing the photos in Liu Jiang's mobile phone, he no longer held a trace of hostility towards Liu Jiang.

I remember he took a dog to chase the rabbit, the rabbit must run fast.

Both are secretly in love with girls, which makes him feel a confidant to Liu Jiang.

Yang Cheng hooked Liu Jiang's shoulder and was very intimate and humbly asking, "Well, how can I give Qian Yu the kind of pure, sweet dead love."

"First of all, it is to give her freedom, not to let her rush into depression." Liu Jiang was full of scorn, "Love is enjoyment, the most beautiful thing, think about it makes people laugh beautiful, you are so haunting her all day , She must be bored, she hates seeing you, how can you still get her heart."

"Then what should I do?" Yang Cheng asked anxiously. Liu Jiang's sentence was considered to be an idea. Qian Yu now walked around when he saw him, obviously bored with him.

"Specifically, it is a little farther away from her." Liu Jiang talked eloquently. "Don't buzz around people like flies all day. This is the first step and the most critical step. The second step, It is to give her a soft love like a spring breeze and let her feel your tenderness. Be sure to be gentle, and don’t let your love become a burden and pressure."

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully. He felt that Liu Jiang was justified and said humbly, "What exactly should I do?"

"Next, Lao Xiao will give you a three-dimensional view of the vacant villas in Wudu District. You can choose your favorite villa." The fat man smiled. "As for your cultivation resources, you can choose your own. It is less than two million. The money will accumulate to the next month, more than two million parts, you can pay for the difference yourself, but I think you still bought it all, you can’t use it and you can sell it to make money. Three-dimensional view and detailed functions of your elixir."

Looking at Yang Cheng's jealousy, you know that Yang Cheng is jealous. After all, Yang Cheng's crush on Qian Yu is a well-known secret in the class.

In the past, a boy wrote a letter to Qian Yu, and then Yang Cheng beat the student every day in the name of learning. Finally, he was forced to drop out of school.

Liu Jiang thought a little, thinking about dealing with the next crisis.

In the campus of this era, fighting between students is very common. As long as there is no human life, the school will not care too much.

Yang Cheng's combat effectiveness is not something he can compete with. If he comes to him every day to discuss, he shouldn't think about training well.

After school in the afternoon, as the clear and loud bells rang through the campus, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the campus, and a large number of students poured out from the teaching buildings, talking and laughing and walking towards the entrance of the school.

Liu Jiang said that he had something to do with Wei Qiang in advance, and then walked out of the campus gate.

Just after leaving the school gate, a tall figure was standing in front of him, it was Yang Cheng.

Liu Jiang’s pupils contracted violently, his heartbeat accelerated instantly, and a chill rushed all the way from the heel to the heavenly cover. Yang Cheng’s threat to Liu Jiang was too great. Liu Jiang was like a rat locked by a poisonous snake, and he didn’t dare to move his fingers. all of a sudden.

Sure enough, it came.

"Do you know why Qianyu doesn't like you?" Liu Jiang didn't wait for Yang Cheng to speak, so he spoke first.

The raging Yang Cheng did not expect Liu Jiang to say such a word, he was stunned all at once.

The fierce momentum disappeared in an instant.

This sentence directly inserted into Yang Cheng's heart.

Yang Cheng shouted angrily, "How could she not like me?"

"Look at you, the long Yushu Linfeng, handsome and handsome, Jianmei starry eyes, and has a super martial art talent and strong strength, there is money at home, it is completely the legendary Prince Charming!"

Hearing this, Yang Cheng's mood lightened up, and the hostility towards Liu Jiang dispersed a lot unconsciously.

Liu Jiang slowly mastered the rhythm of speaking, "Your condition can be said to be quite excellent, but the pursuit of girls should pay attention to the methods and methods. You are too rough. If you don't pay attention, you don't want to catch up with a thousand feathers in your life. "

"What way?" Yang Cheng asked eagerly.

The IQ of the girl in love is zero, and the IQ of the boy in love is not high.

Now, Yang Cheng's IQ is a little arrears.

Liu Jiang nodded.

"By the way, my name is Ma Hongwei, don't forget the young man." The fat man said with a smile, and then left the luxurious room with two warriors who looked like students.

In the large luxurious room, there are only three middle-aged men, Liu Jiang and Yang Wu.

The middle-aged man looked at Liu Jiang and smiled: "My name is Xiao Zuo, you can call me old Xiao."

"Sir Xiao, good." Liu Jiang respectfully saluted.

"Haha, I am not an adult, just an errand." Xiao Zuolang smiled and then asked, "Yes, do you want to choose the Baoli villa community in Beicheng District, or Zhaoqing villa community in Nancheng District, or Happy Villa Community in Dongcheng District."

Liu Jiang hesitated slightly.

My home is in Dongcheng District, and relatives and friends are also in Dongcheng District. The most important thing is that Qianyu's family seems to be in the Happy Villa Community.

"Just choose the happy villa community in Dongcheng District." Liu Jiang replied.


The middle-aged man's wrist brace has a light screen in front of him.

After a few clicks above, a three-dimensional view of the happy villa community appeared.

"Happiness Villa Community now has three vacant villas, this one is No. 99, this one is No. 147, and this one is No. 61." Xiao Zuo introduced three vacant villas to Liu Jiang, " Ninety-ninth is only four hundred square meters, and it is the smallest building. The one-fourth and seventeenth are eight hundred square meters. The environment is very good.

Liu Jiang touched his head and looked at Yang Wu with embarrassment.

"Why, why do you look at me this way?" Yang Wu asked strangely.

Liu Jiang asked a little embarrassedly, "Well, Mr. Yang Wu, what is Qian Yu's family?"

Yang Wu has done home visits before and knows the address of each student.

Yang Wu looked at Liu Jiang with a profound expression. Liu Jiang looked very embarrassed and grinned a little later. "Her home is on the 62nd."

"Then I will choose number 61." Liu Jiang said, scratching his head.

"Okay, when are you going to move." Xiao Zuo asked.

"Just tomorrow afternoon."

"What resources do you plan to have?" Zuo Xiao asked.

Liu Jiang thought slightly and said, "Take a super-enhanced potion."

Liu Jiang looked up suspiciously, and was right at the eyes of thousands of water Qian Yu saw Liu Jiang and immediately saw her when she got the note, and she couldn't help but flustered. Liu Jiang hadn't read her paper yet. It’s really strange how she knew it was written by her.

Qiao's face blushed slightly, and she turned her head in a panic, staring blankly at the sloth teacher who hadn't finished the first sentence, her mood fluctuating.

"Blushing, blushing, what did she write?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Cheng was not calm at all. He turned his head sharply and watched Liu Jiang's eyes breathing fire, but Liu Jiang didn't even notice it.

At the moment Liu Jiang was carefully opening the paper with a fold, and every time he opened it, his heartbeat would be much faster.

"Thousands of feathers, she will not confess to me, is it that I was impressed by her bravery in the morning training, it should be."

"If she confessed like me, would I accept it or accept it."

"But she is so powerful, will it be domestic violence."

"I'm so excited. What's the name of the child in the future?"

Liu Jiang opened the note step by step, and it was hard to excite himself.

Finally, the note was opened, and I saw a line of Juanxiu neatly written in small letters:

"You worked hard in the morning!"

Unlike what was imagined, Liu Jiang was embarrassed.

But more still happy, this is the first time Qian Yu has passed a note to him. Although it is just a nonsense without any nutrition, Liu Jiang is still very excited.

Liu Jiang carefully folded the paper, and then sandwiched the paper into the book like a treasure.

Raised his head, and then met the eyes of Yang Cheng about to breathe fire.

That damn, raped the baby bunny, I really don’t know, this is completely a big plant, what circumstances I want you to buy this camper van.

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