Super God Evolution

Chapter 304: Xianxing IV

"I don't know who sent it, how to find me."

As soon as Liu Jiang's wings were closed, he landed on the ground and took out a piece of dried meat from the bracelet. Then he ate it slowly and cheated and asked you if you like to pee. Do you like it? laid back.

"Good opportunity. I thought he would wait until the night to rest. I didn't expect to have a good opportunity to do it now." Feilong Chiguni stepped forward quickly and wanted to kill Liu Jiang as soon as possible.

But he is not clear that Liu Jiang has become a king-level evolutionary, and Liu Jiang's mind is much stronger than the average person, not only the scope is strong, but also the perception is powerful and amazing.

He thought that no one could detect it, and Liu Jiang saw nothing in his eyes.

When he was still 500 meters away from Liu Jiang, countless thick lightnings instantly formed, and then madly drove to Feilong Chiguni.

"Damn, why is the power of this lightning storm so exaggerated." Ferron Chiguni's body was trembling violently, and he was a little dazed.

In an instant, a small knife shot into his body, and then cut back and forth.

"Ah... puff..."

Ferron Chiguni fell out of the void, and he spurted a spit of blood and fell softly to the ground. The violent and extreme pain in his body made him unable to exert any strength.

Admitting to the top evolutionary university is his first goal.

"I want to work hard, I hope that before the entrance exam, I can become an evolver." Liu Jiang said silently in his heart.

The faculty and hardware facilities of the top evolutionary universities are simply not comparable to those of ordinary universities.

However, in two months, the possibility of becoming an evolver is really too low.

Wei Qiang walked over and slapped Liu Jiang on the shoulder. He asked curiously, "What kind of fodder have you eaten recently? How can you make such great progress?"

"It's nothing, just accidentally awakened the genetic ability." Liu Jiang said with a smile, showing off to Qiang Qiang without trace.

The issue of genetic abilities could not be concealed, and Liu Jiang simply made it public.

"You really awakened the genetic ability." Wei Qiang's eyes widened at once, and he exclaimed.

Wei Qiang's voice was not small, and he immediately attracted the attention of the students in the class.

The eyes that looked at Liu Jiang one by one were very envious.

"Low-key and low-key." Liu Jiang touched his head and said very modestly.

"I still don't know about you, now I hope everyone knows that you have awakened genetic abilities?" Wei Qiang despised.

"You think I am you." Liu Jiang expressed strong contempt for Wei Qiang's words. Although he thought that way in his heart, he could not let others know that he thought so, otherwise he would fall off at once. Lose.

"Do you want me to secretly propagate for you." Wei Qiang leaned over and asked quietly.

Liu Jiang's eyes lit up, there was so little anticipation, that people had looked down on them for too long. The sixteen-year-old boy paid special attention to other people's eyes. Moreover, sixteen-year-old is the age when the vanity burst, and Liu Jiang looked forward to others Admiring the admiring eyes, but this kind of thing, he said too much, he shook his head, "low-key low-key."

"Then forget it." Wei Qiang nodded his head.

After hanging up, Qian Yu hugged the pillow, her eyes bright, and she was a little happy.

When she thought of Liu Jiang pretending to be a puppy dog ​​to make her happy, she felt very interesting.

"However, if you don't pursue me well for a while, I won't agree to be your girlfriend, hum..." Qian Yu thought, blushing, and she had very good expectations in her heart.

Qian Yu was holding her pillow and turned to sleep. She always echoed Liu Jiang’s handsome face, Liu Jiang’s kiss, and Liu Jiang’s words.

Liu Jiang said that she fell in love with her for more than two and two hundred days, and also said that she passed out for his practice.

"Actually, I also like you a little bit, hee." Qian Yu hugged the pillow and whispered softly. As soon as he had finished speaking, Qian Yu couldn't be ashamed, and suddenly turned red with a pretty face.

Puppy continued to call, but he didn’t respond for a long time, and felt bored. He carried the phone to Liu Jiang’s bedroom, then got into Liu Jiang’s bed, climbed to Liu Jiang’s chest and slept.


At night, Wan Lai is quiet.

Wu Ducheng, Jinding Building, the 97th floor.

"How's it going, is there any news from Yang Weidong?"

"It's really Butshi Kaganu, really Butshi Kaganu."

"Tell me, where is he now? Who knows this?" Liu Jiang asked faintly. His voice was very gentle, but Ferron Chiguni was trembling with fear.

"As for the two of us, he just hinted that I shot for the purpose of stabbing his father. He is now also in the wilderness area, around the base of the Big Child Survival Base." Ferron Chiguni forbeared heartbreakingly. Severe pain, finished in one breath.

"You are very good, a good person." Liu Jiang nodded, grabbed the man's neck and squeezed, throwing it away from the storage bracelet.

Then he entered a tree house, activated the space teleportation artifact, and then the next moment, he appeared outside the survival base of the big boy.

He was dressed in black and a pair of wings of iron pterosaurs were behind him. His wings were instigated, and the powerful mind was opened with all his strength, searching for the traces of Bishi Kaganu.

He didn't let the man contact him. He couldn't believe the man. He was afraid of warning when the other party called, so he wanted to do it himself.

He was fast and efficient, and soon found the traces of Bishkaganu.

Bish Kaganu and several students acted together.

Suddenly shocked, Liu Jiang's wings flew into the dense forest and got into a dense bush.

The next moment, his figure had disappeared completely.

Bish Kaganu and several companions fanned out for fierce beasts, about 15 meters apart, and Bish Kaganu was on the far right.

Liu Jiang stepped forward quietly, and when Bushi Kaganu passed a big tree, he shot like a lightning, pinched Bishi Kaganu's neck, pinched it instantly, received it in the storage bracelet, and then instantly disappear.

Liu Jiang shot too quickly, and the movement was also very small. Bi Shi Kaganu's teammates didn't even find any anomalies. They moved forward on their own, looking for the fierce beasts.

Liu Jiang smiled slightly, disappeared in an instant, appeared in a tree crown, activated the space teleportation artifact, and the next moment appeared in a dense forest a hundred miles away.

Liu Jiang found a tree house and threw out Bi Shi Kaganu, and he went down with a few knives, first discarding Bi Shi Kaganu's limbs.

When Bi Shi Kaganu woke up in a terrible pain, he could not help looking at Liu Jiang, and when he saw the half-dead man next to him, he exclaimed in shock.

"Liu Jiang, Rao Ming, let me kill you and I will give you 500 billion, no, it is 1 trillion." Bi Shi Kaganu has been terrified.

"Actually, I'm just sure if it's you." Liu Jiang smiled slightly, stepped forward, and cut off the wet Kaganu's neck with a knife, and then killed him with another knife.

Everyone heard that, his eyes lit up, and he had already determined what kind of powerful treasure Han 67 was looking for.

Many people's thoughts are tricky and have secretly moved other thoughts.

"A lot of people have been missing recently, and they have attracted the attention of forces such as the Super God Gene and the Earth Mercenary Guild. You don’t want to act rashly now." The fat man said lightly. The reason for the soaring combat power is not necessary. There is no need to capture them back. I have a special method. As long as they are close to 300 meters, I can perceive whether he is the person I am looking for."

Everyone was grieved, some timid, had secretly greedy the idea of ​​different treasures.

The courageous, the heart is also in doubt, if the fat man can really feel the strange treasure within three hundred meters, if you want to move your mind, you must consider it carefully.

Although the baby is good, he has to use it.

They knew, however, how dark the fat man Han 67 was and how ruthless his hands were.

Of course, some people don't shoot dead, think about getting the strange treasure and leave, take the strange treasure to find a deep mountain to hide, and wait for the combat effectiveness to rise and come out too late.

He was scared, he thought this boy was a madman, a lunatic outright.

He regretted that he shouldn't provoke Liu Jiang as a lunatic in order to get wet with Kaganu.

Liu Jiang is too strong, much stronger than he thought, and he has no power to fight back.

"Bish Kaganu, Bish Kaganu let me come, you bully him, he wants you to die." Feilong Chiguni said quickly, he has been scared by the madman Liu Jiang.

"What are you kidding." Liu Jiang shook his head. "My relationship with Bi Shi Kaganu is so good. How could he hurt me." Liu Jiang cut off the man's fifth branch with a knife.

"Ahhhhh," Fero Chiguni nearly collapsed with severe pain, and he was almost crazy.


Hearing the whispers and envious glances around, Liu Jiang just felt like drinking a large can of cold beer on San Fu Tian was a pleasure.

He was very happy in his heart, but his face pretended to be a serious look.

Qian Yu’s indulgence gave Liu Jiang a lot of courage. Liu Jiang grinned and said with a cheek, "Xiao Yuyu is not good, how about sweetness?"

"You play rogue." Qian Yu finally couldn't hear it, stepped on Liu Jiang's feet, and ran away quickly.

"Bitch." Liu Jiang scolded.

"Hey, each other." Wei Qiang laughed cheaply, and then whispered, "The matter of your genetic power awakening, to help you publicize and propagate, only when the fame has spread, can powerful people throw olive branches like you."

Liu Jiang was slightly moved in his heart, and then smiled, "I have joined the Super God Gene, and Teacher Yang Wu invited me to join."

"Teacher Yang Wu is super-scientific?" Wei Qiang glared and quickly said, "What conditions have they opened, don't be fooled by them."

"Two million cultivation resources a month, a villa, a nine-level beast soul with special abilities."

Wei Qiangting's eyes widened in an instant, and these conditions were more powerful than he had imagined, especially the ninth-level beast soul with special abilities, it was simply blasting the sky.

"My God, you have added the Super God Gene. The Super God Gene gives you a nine-level beast soul with special abilities? A large villa and two million training resources a month." Wei Qiang exclaimed, he said It was very loud and the words were very clear, so the students in the class deliberately heard it.

Sure enough, the eyes of the whole class of students looked at Liu Jiang and immediately changed.

"Yesterday I knew that those big forces would throw olive branches at Liu Jiang, but I didn't expect that he actually joined the Super God gene, and the conditions are so good."

"Nine-level beast soul with special ability, this condition is too tempting."

"It's really amazing, no wonder he can win the monitor."


There was a lot of discussion among the students in the class, one by one.

"This bastard." Liu Jian's eyes widened, his heart jealous and uncomfortable, joined the Super God Gene, Liu Jiang would not be short of resources, as long as there are enough resources, with Liu Jiang's talent and cultivation madness, it must be Will fly into the sky.

Now he can't beat Liu Jiang. With his qualifications, how can he be Liu Jiang's opponent in the future.

However, he did not care, because the lightning storm bombarded for a long time, the range of movement is large, and it can also blast such a big pit.

"Boom... There was a violent thunder and lightning roaring suddenly in the distance, and the whole world was slightly bright.

"Lightning storm." He quickly jumped to the top of the tree and looked at the lightning storm not far away. "The lightning storm is not very powerful, and his combat effectiveness should not have improved much."

He made a conclusion in his heart, and then blasted towards where Liu Jiang was.

Simultaneously activating the tortoise breathing method, his breathing and body temperature gradually weakened, and finally seemed to disappear completely.

Hidden in the void, he hurried forward and rushed directly to Liu Jiang. UU Reading

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Liu Jiang was bound to die this time.

He stared at the prey, and none of them escaped.

"Nine-level Shenhuo Black Crow can no longer pose any threat to me. The lightning storm flashed a little, and all the red flying annihilated." Liu Jiang will push the ninth-level beast crystal core into the storage bracelet.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, because in his perception, a shadow cat approached quickly.

"The king-level third-level shadow cat evolver with hidden abilities rushed straight at me, and his goal was me."

Liu Jiang's pupils contracted slightly, and then a hint of chill appeared in his eyes.

Since the other party wants to deal with him, he will not be polite.

"His lightning storm power is so great." Feilong Chiguni's eyes died Liu Jiang, fear in his heart, he knew that he was planted today, and might die.

"Brother, can you tell me who sent you?" Liu Jiang appeared, crouching in front of Feilong Chiguni and asked lightly.

"What sent it?" Ferron Chiguni looked blank. "I'm following a fierce beast. I don't understand what you said."

Liu Jiang raised his sword and cut off Feilong Chiguni's thigh.

"Ahhhhh..." Ferron Chiguni screamed heartbroken. He looked at Liu Jiang and was finally afraid.

"Tell me, who sent you." Liu Jiang said lightly. "The leg was just cut off. If you answer me faster, you can still get it. After all, Super Life Spirit is so good."

"But if you are not satisfied with your answer, I will cut off your five sticks, and then throw you into the ant nest, yes, and your family, your father, mother, wife, children." Liu Jiang With a smile, Feron Chiguni's heart was cold.

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