Then Zhong Yuxiu took out all the items he had bought before.

Although he had gained a lot of knowledge, it was not enough compared to his current brain development.

Uncle Jiu’s knowledge of talismans gave Zhong Yuxiu a lot of inspiration.

He became very interested in the way of talismans.

But the inner strength and mental methods were a bit superficial for Zhong Yuxiu now.

He could easily create a lot of stronger skills.

Of course, this inner strength and mental method was superficial, but it was not without merit.

At least the”gong movement route” and”cultivation concept” that allowed ordinary people to cultivate”dark energy” gave Zhong Yuxiu a great surprise.

Although the”dark energy” of the super god universe is thinner than the”heaven and earth aura” of the martial arts world, or it is more inert, so it is more difficult to capture.

But the essence of the two is the same.

It’s just a different name in the two worlds.

If Zhong Yuxiu can create a”super-large spirit gathering array” or”dark energy gathering equipment”, then ordinary people will be able to do it even if they don’t undergo genetic modification.

He also has the possibility of achieving extraordinary success.

If Zhong Yuxiu is willing, he can even artificially start the spiritual energy revival, so that everyone has the opportunity to become a super soldier.

However, Zhong Yuxiu is not a native of this world. He does not have much sense of belonging to this world.

He has no idea of returning to action.

When his strength is enough to crush everything and become the master of this universe, he may try it.

But definitely not now.

Zhong Yuxiu shook his head. He no longer thought about it.

Now the most important thing for him is to improve his own strength.

So as his mental power quickly released, he soon found several people in the”dark plane” who were as conspicuous as fireflies in the dark night.

They were Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Qiangwei, Sun Wukong, Wandering Ryze, Yuqin, Lianfeng, and the people of the alliance with Sumali and the haters in Europe and the United States. The so-called”dark plane space” and”dark plane” in this world seem to be the same.

But in fact, they are not the same concept.

The dark plane space, as the name suggests, is a space parallel to reality.

It is like a projection of the real world.

It is a space composed entirely of”dark energy” and”dark data”.

It is like a monitoring network that spreads throughout the known universe.

It will project everything that happens in reality into the dark plane space.

And record it in the form of dark information.

The”Eye of Insight” of the angel and the”Fire Eyes and Golden Pupils” of Sun Wukong use powerful mental power or the power of dark matter computers to access the dark plane space, and then obtain past information by viewing the dark information recorded in the dark plane.

The [Dark Plane] is an independent plane that belongs to everyone.

It is a real space.

It is not only a place for the gathering of spirits.

At the same time, it will also record all the things a person has experienced in the past and present.

All the knowledge mastered is recorded in it.

It can be said to be a technological version of the soul.

Morgana’s method of resurrection is to use special means to collect this data.

Then implant it into the body of other creatures.

So as to achieve the purpose of resurrection.

In addition, the dark plane can also be used to store the host, armor, weapons and various personal belongings of the gene engine.

Zhong Yuxiu accessed the dark plane space through mental power.

Almost in an instant, he memorized and mastered all the history and knowledge of Blue Star from the Stone Age to the present.

Although the genetic information of those super soldiers was not recorded in the dark plane space because of the firewall , Zhong Yuxiu immediately triggered the ability of the innate scientific research body after she put her telekinesis on these people.

All kinds of super soldier related knowledge began to emerge in Zhong Yuxiu’s mind…

Although the super genes of Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin and others have not really awakened at this time, and even the dark plane has not been activated.

But it did not affect Zhong Yuxiu’s acquisition of relevant genetic information from them in an instant.

This is the heaven-defying part of Zhong Yuxiu’s [Innate Scientific Research Body].

Dark plane development technology, micro dark matter computer casting technology, invincible body technology, anti-void engine casting technology, god-killing engine technology, war god body technology, space-time engine technology, space-time body technology, rune engine technology, rune body technology…

Juxia City, Super Seminary.

Wandering Ryze, who was reading a scroll in his office, seemed to have sensed something.

He quickly released his mental power.

His expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, he finally felt the huge mental power of Zhong Yuxiu that enveloped the entire Blue Star.

A strong fear suddenly appeared in his eyes.

As a rune mage who specializes in rune technology, Wandering Ryze’s main direction is also mental power.

However, because he does not have a soul, he cannot achieve the perfect control of mental power like Zhong Yuxiu.

Therefore, he can only use the technology of [Runes] to release various spells.

Originally, because Zhong Yuxiu’s mental power was superior to his, Wandering Ryze did not notice Zhong Yuxiu’s mental power that enveloped the world.

But when Zhong Yuxiu’s mental power fell on him, it immediately aroused the other party’s vigilance.

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