“Has he been discovered? Wandering Ryze is indeed! Even if he is not as strong as Morgana, he is probably not inferior to Pan Zhen!”

Under Zhong Yuxiu’s observation,

Ryze is definitely the most hidden person on Blue Star.

His strength is even higher than that of Sun Wukong, the technological monkey.

After all, Lieyang chose to retreat only after Dukao appeared.

Obviously, there is a power behind Dukao that even Lieyang is afraid of.

And judging from the plot shown in the original book, only Wandering Ryze can bear the responsibility of being this hidden BOSS.

It is worthy of Pan Zhen to be afraid of him.

Otherwise, with Pan Zhen’s domineering personality of”if he can beat him, he will do it to the heaven, and if he can’t beat him, he will do it to the Lieyang”, let alone retreat. He would have given all the super genes such as the Galaxy Power and the No Star God of War to everyone. All of them were taken back to Lieyang.

Zhong Yuxiu transferred his divine consciousness from Ryze and did not continue to entangle with him.

Anyway, Zhong Yuxiu had already collected Ryze’s genetic data.

There was no need to waste time with him.

After all, he was an old man.

Apart from the genes in his body, there was nothing else worth Zhong Yuxiu’s peek.

Blue Star is a place where winds and clouds gather.

The super genes on it are very outstanding.

It integrates more than 80% of the high-precision and cutting-edge technologies of the known universe’s god-making civilization.

It is absolutely worthy of the name of the top god-making project in the super-god universe.

With the endless flow of knowledge like a tide It instantly poured into Zhong Yuxiu’s brain, causing Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development to break through the 50% mark, reaching a terrifying level of 51.72%.

And just after Zhong Yuxiu’s”brain development” reached 50%,

Zhong Yuxiu could evolve her body in units of atoms, allowing her body to have the ability to locate each other.

So even if it is broken down into atoms, it can be reassembled.

Even if only one atom is left,

Zhong Yuxiu can quickly evolve a new body through the absorbed dark energy and stellar energy.

Kesha’s sacred body should have been created based on this..

But she doesn’t have a soul.

She can’t control a certain atom of her body like Zhong Yuxiu to quickly evolve a new body by absorbing energy.

So now Zhong Yuxiu can be said to have a pseudo-fourth-generation enhanced version of the”holy body”.

Although the strength of the divine body is not as good as Kesha.

But in terms of function, it is better than the holy body.

And Zhong Yuxiu’s soul has become more powerful, and the control accuracy of the divine mind has been directly improved to the atomic level of 0.1 nanometers.

It can directly convert the mind power into the elemental forms of earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, lightning, light, darkness, stellar energy and dark energy.

(I wrote it wrong before. 40% is the control accuracy of one nanometer, which is the ability to control earth, water, fire, wind and other elements.)

If Zhong Yuxiu is willing, she can directly control atoms with her mind.

Then she can obtain the ability of material reorganization, mass-energy conversion, and void creation.

She can simulate nuclear fusion and nuclear fission to make nuclear explosions by hand, and her combat power will soar.

Of course, she can do it.

But this requires too much abnormal control over the mind power.

In fact, it has no practical application significance.

At least at this stage, it has no practical significance.

After all, it is very simple to control an atom.

But controlling 100 million atoms, 1 billion atoms, and 10 billion atoms at the same time is an extremely huge project.

And an adult male weighing 70 kilograms has about 7e27 atoms in his body.

The effort and the reward are completely disproportionate.

If it is used for fighting,

Zhong Yuxiu might as well use her mind power to form a fist and hammer the enemy to death directly. It is still useful if it is used for assistance.

It can take time to make some equipment that cannot be manufactured by the current technology of Blue Star.

It can be used as a degraded version of the”Void Controller”.

After all, although Zhong Yuxiu has obtained the”No Star Wars”、”Galaxy Force”、”Time and Space Rose”、”Wandering Ryze”、”Cheng Yaowen”、””Su Mali” and”Sun Wukong” and other existing super soldiers on Blue Star. All the genetic data and manufacturing information.

However, due to the industrial level of Blue Star, it is difficult for Zhong Yuxiu to replicate it in a short time through the power of science and technology.

Because the development of science and technology has never been achieved overnight.

It requires a complete industrial system to support it.

As powerful as Longguo, with a large population and a complete industrial system.

But after obtaining the most advanced foreign lithography technology, it is unable to independently manufacture it in a short time.

This is still a technology at the same level of civilization.

The”gene engine” is the core technology of the god-making civilization.

It has a generation gap of two civilization levels with the”pre-nuclear civilization”.

Its manufacturing difficulty is even higher.

Take the most important chip as an example.

The humans on Blue Star are still using backward integrated circuit chips.

However, the”gene engine chip” uses the most advanced”dark matter integrated chip” in the universe today.

If Zhong Yuxiu wants to make such a”dark matter chip” by her own strength, she must not only make a”dark matter collection device” first.

She must also make a”dark matter integrated device”.

Then she must match it with”micro-nano processing equipment””、”Quantum computer” and a series of high-precision equipment.

It involves”materials science”、”Dark Matter”、”Precision Machinery”、””Quantum numerical control” and other difficult”technical fields” and”scientific fields”.

Let’s not talk about the dark matter chip.

Even those processing equipment with far less technological content than the”dark matter chip” are not something that Zhong Yuxiu can manufacture in a short time.

Those who are lucky enough to obtain the”gene engine technology” and can research the”gene engine” or even the”astronomical computer” on the backward Blue Star are just brainless YY.

The difficulty is no less than asking a super genius who traveled to the primitive society to manufacture a lithography machine.

Even if he is given a full set of technology and a complete industrial upgrade plan, there is no possibility of manufacturing it in his lifetime.

But after obtaining the divine consciousness of atomic-level control accuracy, Zhong Yuxiu can directly manufacture those high-precision equipment through divine consciousness.

Although it will waste some time, it is much easier than improving the industrial level of Blue Star.

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