Super God

Chapter 1373: Heaven and earth

What kind of battle can be regarded as blood boiling, throwing his hand in his feet, landslides?

Not too.

The real blood boiling is the most primitive and brutal melee combat of human beings.

Many planes have a arena, or humans, or fierce beasts, fighting with strong bodies and strength, and the fist to flesh attack often makes the audience cheer.

Red Blood Continent, Yun Feiyang and Huang Shan are performing the most primitive and brutal melee combat.

The boxing method roared, and the loud noise passed.

Fangyuanwanli space is completely fragmented under their unreserved outburst. From another perspective, it is completely inferior to landslide!

In the ethereal world, many warriors stared at the light curtain, seeing the two lights and shadows separated from time to time, sometimes approaching, roaring and hot light flashing, blood boiling!

But I also secretly prayed that the battle between the two should not affect the image formation above, otherwise, if the **** battle is missed, it will be a regret for life!

Their worry is superfluous.

Because, before the beginning of the battle, Huang Fuyi ordered a hundred masters of formation to enter the native region of the Red Blood Continent, blessing the formation to maintain the battle between the two.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the explosion kept coming, the space shattered, and the eroded image formation was only slightly trembling, which was difficult to shake.


Ji Feiya, who was thousands of miles away, saw that the space was breaking apart at a rapid speed, and she immediately performed the law of her own body, and then retreated back thousands of miles, and her mind was shocked.

As the only audience, she can feel the fighting area, two different forces are madly confronting, once the ordinary warrior enters, she will definitely be crushed!




A little bit towards Huo, Yun Feiyang and Huang Shan were separated, and the two kept a thousand feet away. Obviously, they entered a brief truce period.


Huang Shan's breath was slightly short, and sweat beads appeared on his forehead. Frequent confrontation made his double fists feel numb.

On the other hand, Yunfei fluttered, and although her breathing was slightly quick, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

After breaking through to the Half Immortal Great Consummation, he still has 20 years to fly the mainland. He continues to enlighten and cultivate, although the state is not stable.

But in terms of pure power, and the greatness of the **** body, it is definitely stronger than Huang Shan, not to mention that it can be killed in seconds, and it will continue to fight, and it will consume him to death.

"With your little strength, I want to make my life better than death, it's really a bit whimsical." Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.


Huang Shan's eyes flashed with anger.

The guy who could have been able to abuse him in a simple way actually overwhelmed him, which made it difficult for him to accept.


Huang Shan raised his hands with his hands and said, "Boy, it's not brute force, but martial arts!"


A large slap whirlpool formed on the palm, and quickly rotated, immediately dragging the surrounding world attributes.

"This is... the brilliance of heaven and earth!"

Someone was shocked.

"My God, this is an extremely rare ninth-grade immortal martial art. It is said that the practice is so extreme that it is comparable to the quasi-sencent class!"

When Huang Shanshi exhibited another of his ninth-grade martial arts skills, he suddenly detonated the entire ethereal world!

Among all realms, the strongest martial art is the second immortal level, and the above quasi-immortal level can only be cultivated in the real martial arts domain.

The celestial and celestial brilliance of the Ninth Grade Celestial Class is extremely refined, comparable to the quasi-celestial class.

"Huang Shan is real!"

"It seems that he didn't want to waste too much time on Yun Feiyang, and directly used the big trick to solve him!"

Many arrogants talked.

Huang Fuyi in the hall frowned, thinking, whether to enter the Red Continent to stop the two from fighting?

Huang Shanshi exhibited the brilliance of heaven and earth, which made the vice president very worried, that Yun Feiyang would fall.

However, he gave up entering the Scarlet Continent because it was a battle between two prides, and he had no reason to interfere.


Looking at the continuously expanding vortex, Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, and intuitively told him that this was a very martial art.

Soon, the eyebrows were loosened, the corners of the mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared, saying: "This is interesting."


Everyone collapsed.

The glory of heaven and earth is very strong. The disadvantage is that it takes time to accumulate energy. At this time, Yun Feiyang can completely block it.

But he didn't do it, but embraced his chest with his hands, suspended in midair, watching the vortex expanding continuously, absorbing the attributes of the surrounding world.

"Lying trough!"

"He just looked like this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The arrogant sons of the arrogant palace are collapsing one by one. I thought that this Yun Feiyang really pretends to be limitless.


After Huang Shan condenses the martial arts to the extreme, I hope that you can still dress as always!


The creative concept of the heaven and earth shining is that the warrior runs the heart formula, forms a vortex, devours the surrounding heaven and earth attributes, and condenses the terror power and it.

The strength of the cultivation level determines the absorption range of the vortex, as well as the number of attributes absorbed in the world.

Although Huang Shan is ranked tenth on the Stars Chart, his qualifications are definitely one in hundreds of millions.

After hundreds of years of enlightenment, the glory of heaven and earth has been completely mastered. Although not to mention the ultimate, it can also absorb the attributes of 50,000 miles!



The whirlpool spins extremely fast, and the resulting traction spreads to the surroundings, 10,000 miles, 20,000 miles...until 50,000 miles!

Ji Feiya, who was standing 20,000 miles away, clearly felt that the majestic attributes of the world flew over him.

"This guy, why don't you do anything, why you are there!" Ji Feiya was anxious.


A large number of heaven and earth attributes from all directions poured into the whirlpool and were madly tempered.

In a short time, only the large vortex of the palm has been expanded to a hundred feet, hanging above Huang Shan, like an endless black hole in the starry sky.

Although the warriors of the ethereal world are not on the scene, they can also judge that this huge definitely contains the power of terror!


Huang Shan held the Baizhang vortex, his eyes showed a strong murderous path: "Let you know today, and grab the woman's end with me!"

With both hands waving, the flat vortex gradually stood up, facing the area where Yunfei was flying. The rotating central area had a dazzling light curtain.


Huang Shan put his hands together and quickly evolved a complex fingerprint, his eyes wide open, screaming angrily: "Heaven and earth glow, burn everything!"

"call out--"

The dazzling light in the central area of ​​the vortex suddenly erupted, forming a thick beam, flying relentlessly towards the cloud, the speed is fast, it can be described as the electric light and flint!


Yun Feiyang took a step, crossed his hands, and raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth, saying, "Heaven and earth glow? It's just the light of fireflies."


As soon as the words fell, the light beam with the power to penetrate the space directly hit his arms, and the power of terror suddenly washed away.

"Wipe it--"

The huge impact force made Yun Feiyang's body explode, and two dents were left behind.

"Oh shit!"

Yun Feiyang in the retreat scolded angrily, all the power in his body was poured into his legs, the divine power was poured into it, and the speed of retreating gradually slowed down.


In the end, after exploding Wanli, Yun Feiyang stabilized his body, but dragged Wanli's beam, but did not disappear, and there was still eruption of terror force!

As you can see from the light curtain, dragging Wanli's beam of light shone dazzlingly, his legs exploded, and the two Wanli dents left behind were very eye-catching!


The ethereal world is silent.

Many warriors opened their mouths, their eyes flashing in shock.

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