Super God

Chapter 1374: If you don't get rid of this child, it will become a big problem!

Although Huang Shan's understanding of the brilliance of heaven and earth, although he did not reach the pinnacle, it was also a pure fire, with a lot of power and terrifying power.

Moreover, he is very confident, even if the half-cent immortal consummation in the stable period, he would never dare to use pure flesh to pick himself up!

Others did not dare, but Yun Feiyang, who had a great body, did not only resist the light beam, but also stabilized his legs after the explosion, and stopped his body.

The martial arts watcher in the ethereal world witnessed this scene and was deeply shocked. His physical body was so strong!


"It's a monster!"

"How on earth did he cultivate his body to this point!"

Everyone was shocked.

Huang Shan's complexion is also extremely difficult.

You know, he has worked hard for hundreds of years in order to challenge the ninth arrogant of the Stars List. Now he has first stepped out, but he has not been able to hit the guy!


Serious frustration!


Huang Shan screamed angrily, struck a complicated handprint, and the huge vortex swiftly ran again, releasing the light beam, and the power suddenly increased.


Under the burst of power, the impact of the light beam was strengthened, and Yun Feiyang's body retreated back, but the speed was relatively slow.


After retreating a hundred feet, Yun Feiyang raised his right foot violently, stepped on the ground, formed a pit, and exploded his body, suddenly stopped.


He smiled and said, "Your power is too weak!"

This is a mockery in Chiguo Guo.


Huang Shan's eyes flickered with anger and excited vortices, forming a stronger beam, but due to the extreme strength, the increase was not great.

Yun Feiyang didn't take a step back, but the arms that contend with the beam of light shone with golden light, isolating all penetration of power.

This is the perfection of the divine body. Even in the face of Huang Shan, who exhibits nine grades of immortal martial arts, Yun Feiyang can still rely on his body to defend himself and be invincible!



The energy of the light beam was constantly scoured, and the formation of the aftermath disturbed the surroundings, not only the space, but also the land of a hundred miles.

What a horror this is.

Looking at the devastated and embarrassed area in the light curtain, the martial arts watchers were shocked, and then Xiang Yunfeiyang was still resisting the beam of light, which was even more frightening.

that moment.

The warrior in the ethereal world remembered this unknown back-sword man, and also remembered his name-Yunfeiyang!



In the hanging castle of the main city of the little god, the agent of the little **** looked at the instant image from the ethereal realm, and watched Yun Feiyang contend with a half-cent immortal consummation, his eyes full of murderous opportunities.

"The Lord." Zuo Zhi solemnly said: "This boy's growth rate is really scary!"

Before Yun Feiyang left Little God Realm, his real combat power was probably consummated in Tianzun. Now, he is hard against the tenth pride of the Stars List, and his growth rate is indeed terrible.

Acting as the **** of the gods, he shook his fist and said sullenly: "He must be the son of Immortal Emperor, the one his father was looking for!"

Zuo Shidao: "It should be!"

In the battle outside the territory, Yun Feiyang's identity as the God of War has been revealed, but whether he is the son of the Immortal Emperor, the two of them are still not sure.

Because, in their view, Yun Feiyang's ascent speed is very fast, but not enough to reach the level of the son of Immortal Emperor.

However, who had thought that after the end of the extraterrestrial battlefield, this guy left the Little God Realm and appeared the Misty Realm again, but it has entered the half-sen perfection!

Counting time, it seems that only a few years.

At such a speed, even if placed in the real martial arts domain, I am afraid that only the son of Immortal Emperor and the powerful Immortal Sect can be cultivated!

Therefore, the two can basically be sure that the God of War of God Realm is the son of the fairy emperor who was looking for before Wan Zai!

Acting the little **** Lord fisted: "You can no longer let him grow up, you must eradicate it as soon as possible."

Yun Feiyang's growth rate against the sky made him realize that he was not good. If he did not act again, he would be very difficult to kill him.

In fact, acting as the **** of the gods has long wanted to kill Yunfeiyang, but the Shen family has been protecting each other and made a contract for a hundred years.

There was no way but to go to the father in Zhenwu God Realm, and sent a half-sen, but the result is no news so far.

Yun Feiyang appeared in the ethereal realm, possessing the power of a half-cent immortal consummation. Acting the little **** master has guessed that the killer sent by his father should have been killed.

"The Lord."

Zuo Zhidao said: "It is imperative that the boss should be notified as soon as possible and let him send the strong man above the half fairy to eradicate this son."

Acting the little **** Lord shook his head and said: "According to the regulations of the Zhenwu God Territory, the strong above the half-sen should not enter the lower realm without authorization."

Zuo Zhidao said: "This child has entered the half-century great consummation, and it is also a great body, and it has become a climate. The strong people in the same realm are afraid that it will be difficult to shake him."


Acting the little **** Lord sneered: "This child is nothing more than just entering the semi-central consummation, not even the solid period. If the master I make a shot, it can be easily wiped out."

Zuo Shi bitterly said: "The Lord is powerful and arbitrarily squeezed to death, but the Shen family is staring, don't be able to shoot it yourself."

This sentence stimulated Acting Little Divine Lord and made him even more angry. If it were not the Shen family, Yun Feiyang would have died 10,000 times.

Envoy Zuo suggested: "Lord Lord, it is better to let the Old Lord send a few more stable half-cent immortals to perfection ~ ~ go to the ethereal world to kill this child."

"It's the only one." The acting little **** stared at Yun Feiyang on the light curtain, his eyes flashing a murderous opportunity that was difficult to hide.

If you don't get rid of this child, it will become a big problem!


On the sky of the Shen family, there is also a light curtain that communicates with the ethereal world. Shen Linfeng and others are watching.


Shen Ming was shocked: "Uncle Yun's strength is really strong, and he can actually have a full battle with Banxian."

"If Xiaoyu's girl sees it, I'm afraid it will be crazy." Shen Hui smiled.

Shen Linfeng looked at the light curtain again, but was not surprised by Yun Feiyang's strength, but worried.

"Brother Feng." Shen Linyuan came and looked at the light curtain, and looked solemnly: "Are you worried about Brother Yun?"


Shen Lin Feng paused and said, "Father once said that God Realm is dying because Zhenwu God Territory is in search of the son of Immortal Emperor."

"Brothers Yun has grown to the strongest state in Wanjie in a short period of time. I am afraid that it is the person they are looking for that qualification."

"This is what I worry about."

Shen Linyuan said: "Open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are difficult to prevent. I am afraid that some people will do whatever they can to eliminate Brother Yun.

Although the two did not name a certain force, someone, but obviously, it was the agent of Little God Realm and the force behind him.

"It would be nice if my father were here." Shen Linfeng said: "Even if the fairy emperor of Zhenwu God Territory shot, it would definitely hurt Brother Yun."

Shen Linyuan said: "Or, notify my father?"

Shen Linfeng shook his head and said: "Yesterday, mother Shen Nian said that his father was fighting between two fairy emperors.


Shen Linyuan sighed.

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