Super God

Chapter 1630: Cui's next head, Cui Xingtan!

Chapter 1630 The Cui family will be the next owner, Cui Xingtan!

After a drink of wine, the whole Guanfeng City boils completely.

The news that Yun Ji's big shopkeeper was invited by Cui Xingtan even spread throughout the city in an instant.

When the warrior talked about Yun Feiyang, he was still talking about the three generations of the Cui family's eldest son.

the next day.

There was news again.

Early in the morning, the head of the Yunji firm went to visit the Cui family.

"As soon as the cloud shopkeeper came, he went to visit Cui's family. This relationship with Master Cui is absolutely iron!"

"I heard that I also brought a lot of gifts, only middle-grade fairy stone, there is a big box!"

"Oh my god!"

Everyone was shocked.

It is not uncommon to visit others to send fairy stones.

However, most of them are sent to inferior immortal stones, and those sent directly to middle-grade immortal stones are quite rare, and it is extremely difficult to achieve without sufficient financial resources.

The warrior in the city immediately affirmed.

The relationship between the big treasurer of Yunji and Cui Xingtan is not the turn of the Bayan, but also the turn of life and death.

"Cui Xingtan met such a great man, and the Cui family must be flying Huang Tengda in the future."

Senior officials of major families are also talking about this matter.

At the same time, I was enviously thinking, how could my family's sister-in-law not have such good luck to meet such awesome characters?


Cui's family room.

When Yun Feiyang opened the box containing hundreds of middle-grade fairy stones, the elder Cui Tianyu and many elders immediately held their breath.

Why have they ever seen someone give so many Chinese immortals?

Even Cui Xingtan, who knew he was doing a show, was secretly shocked, admiring that his elder brother could bring out so many middle-class fairy stones.

"Great elder."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I met Xing Tan in the wild a few years ago, and at first sight, the conversation was very happy. I came to visit today, and I am very pleased."


Cui Tianyu and others twitched their mouths.

However, it is also clear in my heart that Yunda dispensers can be so magnificent, it all depends on Cui Xingtan, otherwise, would they care about a Wangcheng family?

At first, the unfathomable Yang Yunfei Yang came to grab his little braid, and now there is the Yunji big shopkeeper who is even respectful and respectful to the Lord Liu.

This made Cui Tianyu secretly sigh, Cui Xingtan's energy is not small.

The braid was caught before, and at most he was reluctant to support Cui Xingtan. Now that he has the identity of the Yunjia big treasurer, it is definitely already willing.

Yun Feiyang spent most of the day at the Cui family.

During this period, the banquet was inevitable, and the ten elders toasted frequently, trying to please the big shopkeeper.

"It's not too early."

After the banquet, Yun Fei raised his hand and said: "Yun Mou will leave first."

Cui Tianyu and others immediately sent off enthusiastically.

After seeing Yun Feiyang leave, they immediately held a family meeting and invited all the second and third generations to come.

The meeting was chaired by Cui Tianyu, and the theme of the meeting was to continue to discuss who will inherit the position of the housekeeper.

"Xingtan, this child, is mature and stable. I think it is very suitable for taking over as the head of the family."

Cui Tianyu said first.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Several elders echoed.

In previous meetings, the position of the head of the family was nothing more than a choice between Cui Youwang, Cui Xingzhuo, and Cui Xingshi.

Now under Yun Feiyang's successive routines, many elders suddenly tend to Cui Xingtan.


Cui Xingluo said: "How can he pass it to the lobby brother without planning to be the owner!"

Poor guy, I haven't realized by now that the janitors who have gone abroad to practice have already collectively moved to Yunji.

The elders who supported him were also managed by Yun Feiyang, and now they are fighting alone.


Cui Tianyu said: "How do you know that Xingtan did not plan to be the head of the house?"

Cui Xingzhuo looked at Cui Xingtan, who was always silent, and said, "Brother Lobby, tell yourself if you have any plans to be the master of the house."

Many descendants and elders looked at Cui Xingtan.

If he says he doesn't plan to be the head of the house, even if he highly recommends it, it's useless.

"Second cousin."

Cui Xingtan raised his head and said solemnly: "I didn't want to take over the house, but now I have changed my mind because I want to make the Cui family stronger!"


Cui Xing suddenly deflated the ball, huddled on the seat.

Cui Xingshi hurriedly stated: "Brother in the lobby is the master, I don't object!"

He has already recognized the form, and this time is very close to Cui Xingtan, so it is normal to give up the position of the head of the house and turn to support the brother in the lobby.

"Since Xing Tan has the intention of being the head of the family, then according to family regulations, raise your hand to vote."

Cui Tianyu paused and said: "Agree with Cui Xingtan taking over as the elder of the head of the family. Please raise your hand."

After that, he raised his hand first.

The other nine real elders raised their hands with seven, while the other two chose to give up.

"it is good."

Cui Tianyu said: "The elders decided that the next homeowner of the Cui family will be succeeded by the three generations of his family, Cui Xingtan, and will soon hold a homeowner succession ceremony."


The undercurrent of the Cui family suddenly became calm after choosing the next owner.

Cui Xingtan knew that all this was due to Yun Feiyang, so in the evening, he brought a few bottles of good wine and personally came to Yunji firm to thank him.

On the banquet.

He toasted and thanked: "If it was not for the help of the elder brother, the younger brother would hardly get the support of the elders, so as to take over the elder Cui Jia."

"This glass of respect brother."

Yun Feiyang drank a glass of wine and shook his hand and smiled: "Brother, in fact I don't shoot, you can also take over the head of any house."

Cui Xingtan was stunned.

Yun Feiyang filled the wine and smiled: "Do you really think that Mr. Cui will leave so smartly?"

Cui Xingtan was even more at a loss.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "If you guessed right, Mr. Cui should have been hiding in Guanfeng City during this time, secretly observing Cui's every move."

Cui Xingtan smiled dumbly: "Grandpa has a strange personality, how can he be so sure?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Because he knows that his grandson has made a great brother and can help him become a head of the family."


On the tree outside Guanfeng City, Cui Tianming was standing still, with a smile on his face.

As Yun Feiyang said, he did not really leave, but secretly observed Cui's every move.

Sure enough, the grandchildren he valued did not let himself down, and when he was helpless, he went to find someone who could help him become the head of the family.

In Cui Tianming's opinion, Yun Feiyang's incarnation, Baili Feiyang, is a person who does a major job. He will help Cui Xingtan to make suggestions and fight for the title of the head of the family.

However, it was unexpected.

That guy actually invited the big shopkeeper of the Yunji firm, and he didn't expect that the immortal emperor-level strong will help the unnamed firm!

"Star Tan."

Cui Tianming withdrew his smile and solemnly secretly said: "You can know such a big person, it is a great opportunity, and Grandpa can also completely trust Cui's family to you."

It seems that this strategizing old man was successfully fooled by Yun Feiyang's identity as the big shopkeeper of Yunji.

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