Super God

Chapter 1631: Perfect ending

Chapter 1631: The perfect ending

After a few days.

The succession ceremony of Cui's next head of family officially started.

For a time, the major families and warriors in Guanfeng City were suddenly dumbfounded, and unexpectedly the Cui family would suddenly change the owner.

It is a very big thing for the family to change the head of the family, so the major families who received the news the night before have prepared a big gift to express their joy.

The city owner Liu Sihai also came in person. After all, it was Cui Xingtan who took over the house, and this young man was in close contact with Yunda.

It can be said that the change of the head of the Cui family has alarmed the head and face of the entire Guanfeng city, and it has also caused the Cui family to become lively.

Unsurprisingly, the Yunda shopkeeper who has not left is the highlight of Daoxi. After Cui Xingtan took the position of the head of the house, Xu Yiyunji and Cui Jia cooperated in business.

The elders of the Cui family were delighted.

At the same time, I was also fortunate that it was indeed a very wise choice to put Cui Xingtan as the head of the family.

The head of Hengtong Commercial Bank also announced that he is willing to form a business alliance with the Cui family and conduct in-depth cooperation in various fields.

After the homeowner's succession hall.

The martial arts of the major families who have left sighed. After Cui Xingtan became the head of the family, with the help of Yunji and Hengtong Business, Cui's family was absolutely promising!


When things developed here, it was almost a perfect end, and Yun Feiyang came to visit Shen Hao, grateful: "Senior Shen, thank you."

This play can be sung so perfectly, it is entirely in Senior Shen, otherwise, it is difficult to deter the fairy king like Liu Chengzhu.


Shen Hao said: "Seeing you help your brothers like this reminds me of my brothers."

His eyes are full of memories, recalling every memory he spent with his brother on the Northern Xuan mainland.

Although he has a higher realm in the Realm God Realm, he still hasn't forgotten anyone in his heart.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Being able to be Senior Brother Shen must be a great person."

"They are not big names."

Shen Hao murmured: "But working harder than ordinary people, one day he will come to the domain to find me."

Yun Fei Yang said: "What is the name of Senior Shen's brother? The younger will first note that if they are destined later, they may be able to meet them."


Shen Hao said with a smile: "Little boy, remember, my brother, a swordsman who is cold and arrogant."

"Second, the name is Zhang Jianhong, and he is an alchemist. He is as powerful as a cow."

"The third is Wang Jin, who is proficient in bowing, and wears Yang in a hundred steps."

"Fourth, the name is Ye Xiao, and he has a strategic plan to win a thousand miles."

"Fifth, the name is Qian Rushan, the body is elegant and the action is like the wind."

Speaking the names of the five brothers, Shen Hao's eyes revealed a proud look.


Yun Fei said: "I have written down."

As a warrior, you must first have a super memory, write down the names of others. If you meet and get a famous name in the future, you will definitely remember it immediately.


After Cui Xingtan took over as the head of the family, he naturally came to a series of business cooperation with Yunji Firm, such as family Xianshi Ninglian, all outsourced to Yunji Xianshi shop.

During Cui's destiny, Cui Jiaxianshi was also outsourced to Xianshidian. Seven thousand crystal nuclei were needed for each fairy stone. Yun Feiyang gave the price of five thousand crystal nuclei to take care of his brothers.

As the second largest family in Guanfeng City, Cui's crystal nucleus storage is quite rich, and Cui Xingtan paid tens of millions of crystal nucleus at once.

Yun Feiyang relied on the time of the ring of fortune to accelerate, refining all of it into middle grade immortal stone, and exchanged it from Hengtong Commercial House for the next grade immortal stone, and handed it to Bai Liyan to let her deliver to the Cui family in batches every month.

Then he spent a lot of money, buying several gold shops and opening different raw material stores, which also fulfilled the promise of the previous routine Cui Xingshi.

Under a series of operations.

Yunji firm is blooming everywhere in Guanfeng City, business is destined to be more and more prosperous.


One day.

The Lord Liu and the heads of the major families all came to the gate, because today Yunda's shopkeeper will depart and return.

This is a big deal.

The warriors who got the news came also one after another.

For a time, leading to the gate outside the city, a large number of warriors gathered to form a long line of seeing off.


Yun Feiyang stood at the gate of the city and arched his hand: "When he has time, he must come to the Aurora City to find me."

Cui Xingtan, who is in a luxurious suit, smiled and said: "Brother, rest assured, I will visit the Imperial City when I settle down the family affairs."

Yun Feiyang talked to him again and said to Liu Sihai, "Master Liu, my brother and Yunji Firm, you will bother you."

"Please rest assured."

Liu Sihai said earnestly: "In Guanfeng City, no one can think about Cui Jiazhuang and Yunji Firm."

Since Yun Feiyang pretends to be a businessman, he hasn't gone too far in the business. Some time ago, he visited the host Liu Cheng and sent Zhongpin Xianshi, which was a bit of a relationship.

Liu Sihai is a cynical person on weekdays, but he is certainly not sloppy in major events. It is under his operation that Yunji Firm has won several gold shops.

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang didn't say much, but said: "Farewell!"

With countless light farewells, the luxury car slowly went out of Guanfeng City and eventually disappeared on the official road.



The many fairy-level strongmen hired left after receiving benefits.

Yun Feiyang also took the treasure car back to the ring of and said to Shen Hao: "Senior Shen, the juniors will be sent here, and I hope to see you again in the future."

Liu Sihai and others saw him off.

In fact, he was seeing off Shen Hao.


Shen Hao laughed: "Everyone else has taken advantage, what about my share?"


Yun Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, shaking his smile in a hurry and said: "Senior Shen, our relationship is a bit hurtful to talk about the benefits."

"Help is help, feelings are feelings, and they cannot be confused."

Shen Hao said earnestly: "Well, I will charge you ten thousand inferior immortals."

Yun Feiyang suddenly collapsed and said, "Senior Shen, those fairy-level strongmen I invited only spent a total of 500 inferior immortal stones. Your ten thousand immortal stones are a bit expensive."

"Not expensive."

Shen Hao said: "I am a strong man of this level, even if you take 100,000 top-grade fairy stones, there is no place to invite you."

"That's true."

Yun Fei Yang felt reasonable, and immediately took out the space ring containing 10,000 inferior immortal stones, and handed it over with pain.

Shen Hao accepted the ring and said, "Little fellow, for your sincerity, I will send you an additional exclusive message."

"Exclusive news?"

Yun Feiyang suddenly became interested.

Shen Hao pointed to the north, a serious way: "The air in that area is full of killing air. Before long, there will be treasures born, you better prepare in advance."

Are there treasures born?

Yun Feiyang's eyes lit up suddenly.

When he recovered, he found that Senior Shen had disappeared.

"A good person is a good person, and he walks really fast."

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