Super God

Chapter 1636: Opened the broken volume!

Liu Sihai struck with one palm, and won an extremely short escape time for Yun Feiyang.

He wasn’t stupid, he flew towards the sky, but landed on the edge of the rift, because there was no other, because there was still a sense of isolation here, jumped in, and the Xianwang-level strong could not peep at all.

Why can Yun Feiyang be sure that Mo Xingzhi and others cannot penetrate the isolation breath?

the reason is simple.

If they have this ability, they will certainly be able to see through the remnants of the Taoist scriptures in the streamer.

If you see the three characters of Daohuajing, the first thing to think about is the fairy king level strongman. This is the fairy tale remnant widely spread in the region.

The fairy remnant!

It was the existence that caused the stormy blood and rain in the domain, and finally even the Immortal Emperor was alarmed.

If this group of fairy kings knows that, even if they pretend to be ordinary treasures, they will inevitably do everything they can when robbing.

But in the end, when fighting for it, although there was a big fight, it was obviously reserved.

From this point, Yun Feiyang concluded that the streamer that communicates with the cracks must have the ability to isolate them, making them difficult to penetrate, so I didn't know what to grab for a long time!

Since the breath can isolate the fairy thought of the fairy king, it also reminds him of the escape plan.

That is, Liu Sihai dragged them, jumped in one step first, and entered the ring of fortune with the speed of thunder.

The plan is perfect and the implementation is perfect.

When Yun Feiyang jumped into the rift, merged into the ring of fortune, and turned into an ordinary grain of sand, the nine immortal kings he chased, no matter how the immortal thought was released inside, it was difficult to capture his existence.

The ring of creation created with the flying God Realm as its original shape not only retains time acceleration and vast storage space, but also serves as a shelter for life-saving at critical moments.

As long as you enter, the scene of turning into grains of sand will not be discovered by anyone, even the Xianwang-level strong will not be detected at all.

"Brush! Brush!"

Many fairy kings flew out of the cracks one after another, and Xiannian spread wildly, covering thousands of miles, but still had no harvest at all.

At this moment they are already sure that the guy ran away.

For a time, apart from Liu Sihai, the other eight fairy kings were flushed with anger and their hands were shaking.

The rookie of the quasi-central perfection level, just under his own eyes, took away the treasure that was born and walked away. This has to be passed on, and it will definitely make the masters of the same generation joke!

"what's the situation?"

"These immortal kings are breathing out one by one, is it possible to let the kid run away?"

Many warriors secretly startled.

Mo Xingzhi said angrily: "Have you seen that guy!"


Everyone was scared in unison.

I can be sure that the young man who got the streamer has really escaped!

Oh my God.

What a big cow.

In front of the nine fairy kings, take the treasure to run easily!


Cui Xingtan has admired the five-body cast, and secretly said: "You are too powerful!"


Liu Sihai laughed and said: "Since the Baili son has taken away the treasure, it also shows that he has a destiny with it, so you won't have to grab it again."


Mo Xingzhi and others can only sneer.

Every few millennia in the Southwest Territories, there will be treasures born. Over time, an unwritten rule has been formed. If someone obtains the treasure, he will successfully escape the encirclement and leave safely, and the things will belong to him.

Even if the Eight Immortals knew that the young man who snatched the treasure from Guanfeng City had no intention of robbing it.


They hold back.

From the birth of the treasure to the present, he didn't know what it was, and he was taken away by the perfect fairy.

"This treasure has a place, so it's all gone."

Liu Sihai laughed.

Mo Xingzhi and others gave him a blank eye, waving away in anger.

As soon as the fairy king-level strongman left, the fairy kings and quasi-xian-level strongmen coming from the old man also left, all talking about the son of the hundred miles.

The area where millions of warriors originally gathered was empty in a short time.

To be honest, the leaving warrior should thank Yun Feiyang.

Because if he had taken the Daohua Jingjuan first, it would have left many fairy kings unable to peek at what it was, otherwise, there might be blood flowing here, and the souls would be covered with charcoal!


Yun Feiyang in the ring of fortune did not come out after everyone left.

At this moment, he took the second Daohua Jingjuan in his hand, and Xiannian gently enveloped it, trying to open it.


As soon as Xian Nian touched it, the first page of the ancient book was opened.


Yun Feiyang was suddenly confused.

Having had the experience of not opening the first scrap, he had no hope of opening the second scrap.

Never thought that it was so easy to open!

"Are you dreaming?"

Yun Feiyang squeezed his face and felt pain. This was indeed true, not a dream.


In the ring of fortune, there was unbridled laughter.

"calm down."

Yun Feiyang suppressed the excitement and looked up at the words written on the ancient book page.

The first page of the residual volume is not a recipe, but an introduction to the Daohua Jing, which clearly states that practicing Dao Hua Jing to the extreme can achieve the power of immortal emperor is too powerful. "

Yun Feiyang secretly stunned.

He seldom sees that certain martial arts mentality dare to boast Haikou and promise to break through to a certain martial arts level.


Yun Fei Yang Xiannian moved, and turned to the second page, which recorded the Daohuajing mantra and the meridian map of Zhoutian.

It is worthy of the great sensation that made a huge sensation in the real martial arts domain. The formula and the walking map alone are very special.

"It's much more complicated than the anti-tian tactic."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

The higher the mentality, the more complicated it is.

The countermeasures created by Taiwu are more advanced and simpler, so in terms of level, Daohua Jing is far inferior to countermeasures.

of course.

In fact, the two mindsets cannot be compared.

Because their operation and function are completely different.

The anti-sky tactics can allow the warrior to absorb the attributes of the heaven and earth faster, strengthen its own energy core, and at the same time can refine many attributes that are difficult for ordinary people to ingest.

Daohuajing's original mentality is used for understanding and comprehension of Taoism.

Relying on the anti-sky tactics, Yun Feiyang has condensed many attributes, and the energy core is also very large. In addition to the functions such as shielding the breath, the ascent space is already very limited.

Daohuajing focuses on the cultivation of Taoism, which is undoubtedly very important to him now!

"Cultivation, we must practice!"

Yun Fei's eyes were hot.

But when he went on and saw the writing on the last page, he collapsed on the spot.

It says: This is the second part of the Daohua Sutra, only to understand one of the recipes of the Daohua Sutra can continue to practice, otherwise you will forcibly realize it, and you will die in a blast.

"Your uncle!"

Yun Feiyang scolded.

At the risk of his life, the broken Daohua scriptures robbed from the front of the eight immortal kings, the result is to train the broken gaps in order. This is really not a normal **** thing!

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