Super God

Chapter 1637: Take the Taoism from the scrap!

The second Daohua Jingju volume obtained was easily opened by Yun Feiyang, which is definitely a happy event.

However, the last paragraph made him completely collapsed.

Obviously, if you want to practice the above mantra, you must first practice the mantra from the first manuscript.

As for the following formula, it must be practiced in the order of three, four, five, six, otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, it will explode.

Yun Feiyang, who was silent, suddenly thought of something, saying: "Then the bonelessness was not to absorb the Taoism and fall, but to forcibly practice the second paragraph of tactics before it fell to the body and died?"

Once this idea emerged, it affirmed him.

And whispered: "The last paragraph of the text is not a joke. It is not in order to practice, and it will really explode and die."

"Not bad."

It was at this moment that Tongtian snake drilled out of the cuff.


Yun Feiyang contemptuously said: "You still have a face out?"

Tongtian snake has been in his body, never left, just before, may be afraid of the fairy king too much, and shrunk into a fright.


Tongtian snake pretended to be surprised: "I just slept for a while, why did you find another Daohua Jingjuan?"

"Just pretend."

Yun Feiyang glanced at him.

Tongtian Snake shifted the subject and said, "Strange, since there are broken volumes in that area, why did I not notice it."

Treasure is born, it has been observing.

It wasn't until Yun Feiyang entered the ring of creation and dispelled the streamer that he knew it was the remnant of Dao Hua Jing he was looking for!

Suddenly, I got another scrap, Tongtian snake's heart was called an excitement, and at the same time thought secretly, he was right with others, otherwise it would be difficult to find two scraps so quickly.

Yun Fei Yang said: "The Daohua Jingjuan volume is blocked by some kind of isolation force, let alone you can't explore, even the Xianwang-level strong can't see through the inside."

He could guess that it was the one who arranged the isolation power, or the dead bone.

Perhaps after practicing the second section of the recipe, I knew that I was going to fall, and I couldn't be reconciled, so I blocked the hills and the residual volume with some kind of power. I didn't want people to know.

This behavior is undoubtedly very selfish.

But it also made Yun Feiyang probably judge that the boneless bone was bound to be powerful during his lifetime, otherwise he would have concealed so many fairy kings.

"So it turns out."

Tongtian snake suddenly realized.

Yun Feiyang, holding his chin, said, "Why did this broken scripture fly into my hand suddenly?"

He does not think that he possesses the domineering spirit and can actively attract the remnants.


After thinking for a while, Yun Feiyang spread his hands and said helplessly: "Maybe I am too handsome."


Tongtian snake fell down, rolling his eyes and thinking, this guy is really shameless.

It swam again to Yun Feiyang's arm and explained, "The Daohuajing residual volume contains my master's immortal thoughts. You have touched it and there is a breath remaining, and it may have attracted it."

This inference is more reliable.


Was it because of the breath infection that the scrapbook was flying, and Yun Feiyang had not considered it? At this moment, he is considering what other scrapbook is in his hand?

If it is the first one, it means that if you open it, you can practice one or two parts of Taoist mantra!


Yun Feiyang moved his heart, and summoned the broken volume.

However, when Xiannian was released and opened, it was like the previous one, and there was no way to shake it.


Yun Feiyang sighed and said, "Still not."

"Could it be the wrong way."

He began to think, and a bold idea was brewing in Shihai, that is, the Taoism contained in the residual volume was ingested!

This idea comes from the dry bone.

At present, his judgment is that, first, the dead bones may die from ingesting Taoism during the lifetime, and secondly, the second paragraph of forced practice is forced to fall.

"If it is the second reason."

Yun Feiyang held his chin and guessed, "It also means that the morals on the broken volume have disappeared, it must be absorbed by him. People are not only okay, but also opened the broken volume, so that they can practice the mantra."


He snapped his fingers and said, "Absorb!"


Yun Feiyang is not a hesitant person. According to his own judgment and analysis, he finally decided to boldly ingest the Taoism contained in the residual volume, and this may be the way to open the residual volume.

"You are crazy!"

Tongtian Snake Road: "The Taoism on the residual volume was infused before the master's fall. Although it is divided into six parts, it is not something that you can ingest without permission like this quasi-central perfection!"

"If you say that, I must absorb it."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The Taoist meaning of the residual volume is instilled by Tongtianxianwang.

As a big fairy king, he has a terrifying understanding of Taoism. If he takes it for himself, it is definitely a huge asset.


Tongtian snake said: "Since you are going to die, I will not block it, but first of all, if you explode and die, return the soul to me in advance!"

Yun Feiyang threw it away and said, "I'm dead, are you happy?"


Tongtian Snake said seriously It also counted on him to help him find more Daohua Jingjuan.

Yun Feiyang didn't care about the little snake, but took a deep breath and manipulated it with Xiannian to suspend the majestic Dao remnant in the air.

to be frank.

If there is no dead bone.

Yun Feiyang was a bit afraid to take it, fearing that it would be difficult to digest and die.

But when I think about it, since people dare to take this step, why don't they dare to take risks?

A warrior must be brave.

And how many strong people, the reason why they can become strong people, is also slowly growing up in nine lives!


Yun Feiyang withdrew his thoughts and stabilized his mind.

A little later, he released his soul power, enveloped the Taoist scriptures and communicated with it, and slowly pulled it out.

Wealth and wealth seek.

But one must also be careful, after all, there is only one life.

Under Yun Feiyang's extremely cautious operation, the rather irritable word turned into a thin line and flew around the bend.

"call out!"

In the end, the sense of Tao was drawn into Yun Feiyang's nostrils and spread into the body.

After the idea entered the body.

Yun Feiyang's complexion was suddenly cruel.

The fierce Dao from the Celestial King is like a wild horse, ramming in the meridian.

"Defeat the tactics, suppress me!"

Yun Feiyang roared in his heart, and he turned crazy against the heavenly tactics, forming a strong breath, and completely shrouded the morality of the constant impact.

Under the repression of the anti-tian tactics, the irritable Dao Yi gradually subdued, and Yun Fei Yang's stern expression was able to relax.


He was overjoyed.

At first, Yun Feiyang was very worried, and Ni Tianjue could not subdue the irritable morality. Now, it seems that he underestimated Nitianqi and overestimated the morality flooded in the residual volume.

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