Super Healer

Chapter 100

The car drove by quickly. Chu Feng quickly opened kangchao and four eyes. It was almost a second before the car passed them!

The security guard at the gate wanted to intercept the car at such a speed, but when he saw the car's face changed, he seemed to have seen nothing and went back to the duty room like an ostrich.

The car that drove past was a red Maserati, a world-class sports car. At the moment, it stopped completely after driving for more than ten meters. The next moment, in the eyes of Chu Feng and his three people who were a little unhappy, the window fell down and stretched out a snow-white starting hand. The middle finger was straight up. All the people present could clearly see it.

"Maserati, I can't afford it!"

Originally, Siyan's temper would have gone up and theorized, but seeing the model of the car suddenly withered. Maserati is nothing. As long as you have money, you can buy it. However, it is not ordinary people who can make such a rampage in the campus. Four eyes chose to compromise wisely.

"Wait a minute Chu Feng held back his four eyes and Kang Chao for a moment. He walked towards the Maserati step by step. He would not say anything if the car had just left. But the car stopped and directly raised the middle finger, which was a silent provocation.

Chu Feng doesn't mind letting drivers understand that some people are humble, but it doesn't mean that they are grass roots in his eyes!

When Chu Feng came, the people in the car seemed to see it in general. The corners of her mouth sparked a funny smile, which not only extinguished Maserati, but also lit a lady's cigarette with great interest. On the first day of her visit to Jianghai University, she also wanted to put her name on the table.

The rest of the people who saw this scene also stopped. Some of the people who had been on the forum all recognized Chu Feng and said in their hearts what this guy was going to do. Don't you know who was in the car?

As local students of Jianghai, they may not know who the Jianghai staff is, but they must not be unaware of the existence of several people. The owner of this car is the existence that Jianghai can not be ignored by their generation. He is not only of noble origin, but also extremely tough.

But when everyone felt that Chu Feng was going to find the owner's theory, he stood behind Maserati, stroking the rear of Maserati like a lover, and then a warm smile rose from the corners of his mouth.

People wonder if chufeng is stupid. Has he never seen a world-class sports car, so he wants to feel it? Don't you know that he was nearly killed just now?

In Jianghai University, many students are very rich, and there are many people who drive to school. However, there are few sports cars with the level of over one million, such as Maserati. In addition, due to the reason that they are at the school gate now, hundreds of students are gathered to watch, and everyone looks at Chu Feng curiously.

The girl in the car is wearing a pair of sunglasses, eyebrows painted, lipstick on the lips is also very bright, non mainstream girls to describe it is the most appropriate, but at the moment, see Chu Feng there stroking her car, under the sunglasses eyes flash a sneer.

Suddenly starting the car, almost all of a sudden, Maserati retreated to the back. Chu Feng seemed to have expected it, and kept retreating. It was very good to get away from the car. But Maserati didn't seem to stop if she didn't hit chufeng. She was still going backwards there.

When everyone secretly told Chu Feng that he was going to have bad luck, he suddenly jumped forward and kicked out fiercely. When he saw that Chu Feng was going to kick Maserati directly, everyone shook their heads.

Not to mention that Maserati is now going backwards. Even if she stops there to kick you, it's useless for you to kick your foot. Otherwise, the world famous cars will be too rubbish.

But when everyone secretly said that there was something wrong with chufeng's nerve, a loud sound like the sound of a bell rang through. All the people around felt that their heart was beating for a while, and they began to look surprised, and then turned into shock. Then how could it be?

Maserati has stopped, but everyone has not completely recovered. Chu Feng takes back his foot and pats it gently: "you can't drive. Why do you hit me?"

Not light not light to drop a word, Chu Feng directly turned around and left, all the people were stunned to see the stop behind Maserati, hard to swallow saliva, saw a footprint at least five centimeters down there, how can they not be shocked?

"Chufeng, are you Altman?"

When Chu Feng came back, Siyan still couldn't believe it. Seeing that Maserati was directly kicked out of a footprint, some of the paint fell off. The key is that the rear trunk of the car is tilted up. After studying it, Siyan knows that if it is sent for renovation, it will cost no less than 100000 yuan.

Chu Feng is an innocent look: "the car almost hit me, I just block it, there is a problem?"

Four eyes and Kang Chao's expression instantly became wonderful. A footprint was there, which kicked the millions of other people's sports cars beyond recognition. It was just to block them. If this was also called blocking, Maserati could be sent to scrap directly.

Chu Feng stopped, for this kind of family money is arrogant, driving improper life is life, he did not have any favor, turned to look at her: "I don't need you to lose money!""I lose money?" The girl with heavy make-up didn't expect that she didn't say anything. The other side said that she didn't want to lose money by herself. She shook her head in a funny way: "boy, I admit that you are very good. You can kick my car like this, but some things are not done by you, and you still need to pay the responsibility."

"Drop a hundred thousand dollars, and kneel down to apologize to me, this matter is over!"

The request of the girl with heavy make-up is very simple and straightforward. Her words reveal deep self-confidence. It seems that Chu Feng will certainly agree with her request, but the latter shrugs his shoulders: "neuropathy, car crashes, people lose money, all kinds of anecdotes!"

Chu Feng heard the voice of the girl with heavy make-up, looked at the school gate close by, looked back at the girl with heavy make-up, a kind of chilly feeling from the bottom of his heart made the latter body stiff: "I advise you not to play tricks, otherwise, the person who will regret today must be you."

The girl with heavy make-up just gave a sneer, and then she went back and sat in the car. One year, someone like Chu Feng died. She didn't know. She was confident that Chu Feng would kneel down to apologize to herself and make good money.

Chu Feng took back his eyes and said that if he didn't die, he would not die and walk towards the school gate.

Almost has just walked out more than ten meters, has not arrived at the school opposite, two white vans directly stopped in front of Chu Feng three people, the door opened, above came down 12 men in black, without saying a word toward Chu Feng rushed!

Chu Feng pushed Kang Chao aside a little, and they ran into each other directly. The body directly collided with a man's fist. Then he kicked out a foot, and the man collapsed on the ground. Chu Feng didn't stop to take down the iron bar in his hand and turned back to throw it. The man running up behind was beaten and flew out.

Just at the beginning, Chu Feng knocked over two people, and the other ten people were just stunned. Then he continued to pounce on Chu Feng fiercely. Chu Feng just sneered. The iron stick in his hand was like monkey sun's golden cudgel. When one was swung down, the iron bar in the hands of the three people would be directly released.

Chufeng timely a series of kicks out, three people like the broken line kite general toward the back, quickly put down five people, chufeng indifferent look at the rest of the people: "come

The remaining seven people did not expect to deal with a student are so thorny, but also not so scared by Chu Feng, whining to continue to attack toward Chu Feng, the iron bars in their hands are filled with 12 points of strength, greeting Chu Feng's head, but are all Chu Feng is not to dodge or block.

People watching this scene in the distance are all wiping their eyes, because at the moment, Chu Feng is just like those martial arts experts in the movie. So many people besiege him, but they can't do him any harm. Cow!

In a few minutes, there were twelve people lying on the ground. Everything came and went quickly. Chu Feng was not a villain, but if he could find trouble, he would not be a kind person.

At the moment, the sunglasses girl in the car saw that all her bodyguards had been knocked over by Chu Feng alone. She took off her glasses and rubbed them. She looked through the reversing mirror to make sure that it was true. She opened her mouth and felt that she was going to have bad luck today.

Almost a conditioned reaction, the sunglasses girl quickly started the car again. She was not afraid to meet a reasonable person, but she was afraid to meet someone who was not reasonable like her.

Chu Feng looked at the car that started up. A cold feeling flashed in his eyes. The iron bar in his hand suddenly took off and flew out at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye. Everyone only heard a loud noise, and the Maserati started to shake several times.

The tire was directly burst, and the iron bar was stabbed there!

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