Super Healer

Chapter 99

Compared with yesterday's terrorist incident, people will be more interested in things that are close to them. This is the thinking of the people.

Hearing Sun Li's words, everyone's eyes were all focused on Chu Feng. There were consternation and doubt, but also fun and banter, and even more jealousy and unhappiness. Because Chu Feng and Xia Wei are holding each other now, they even kiss Yao Qianxue, two school flowers and two fairies yesterday.

If they were so rich and handsome, they might have murmured a few words at most in their hearts, but now they are being desecrated by Chu Feng, who seems to be from the countryside to the city. Many boys are very unhappy.

"Sun Li, didn't you brush your teeth in the morning and sprayed manure all over your mouth?"

Xia Wei blushed and let go of Chu Feng. She knew that it was Chu Feng who saved her and Yao Qianxue. When she saw her just now, she was still a little excited. When she heard Sun Li's words, she immediately said: "who is your wife? If you talk nonsense again, don't appear in front of me in the future."

Sun Li can't be too ugly. Although Xia Wei and Chu Feng have kissed each other, they are in the hospital. They don't know that she is the woman Sun Li ordered. However, she is hugged and kissed by Chu Feng, which is a slap in the face.

What's more, Xia Wei said in public that Sun Li was in a bad mood, and his eyes toward Chu Feng were full of resentment. She felt that all this was caused by Chu Feng. Otherwise, such a thing would not have happened.

"Niu Bi, the model of our generation!"

Four eyes at the side finally come back to God, tut said, look at Chu Feng eyes are full of envy, do not know Chu Feng knew Xia Wei before he thought Chu Feng just came to school two days to let school flowers throw their arms, the feeling of jealousy in my heart no one can understand!

Kang Chao also nods at Mu Mu beside him. Although he doesn't care much about men and women, he is an adult after all. Seeing that the two school flowers coveted by countless people are related to Chu Feng, he is immediately envious.

Chu Feng patted his head helplessly, but he was not good at losing his temper: "the ceremony is about to start. Talk again when you have time."

After that, she quickly turned around and walked toward the Department of economics. This was what Lin Yulin told Chu Feng, so Chu Feng chose it. Moreover, Chu Feng didn't feel much about these things. Anyway, it was just learning something, and everything was the same.

But comparatively speaking, Chu Feng still preferred medical skills. His master told him that everything he learned in the school was nothing but empty talk. Chu Feng didn't go to medical school in the end!

Xia Wei saw Chu Feng go away in a hurry. She laughed and took Yao Qianxue: "Xiaofeng is really funny. It's really hard to imagine how brave he is when facing those people." Squinting his eyes, he turned to Yao Qianxue and said with a smile, "that little wind confessed to you. How do you see it?"


Yao Qianxue bit his lips and jumped out two words. Seeing many people watching here, she pulled Xia Wei forward and said in a low voice, "that's a scoundrel. Stay away from him later. What confesses to me is completely a hypocrite. In front of me, he says he likes me, but when he carries me, he pesters you."

"Xiao Feng is not a hypocrite." Xia Wei Dudu mouth Sha is cute: "and I always tell you that I have feelings for Chu Feng and like him, but he has never said anything to me. He has always kept a good distance, but he said to you that he liked you. I believe it is true."

Yao Qianxue's expression was a little stunned. Her left hand touched Xia Wei's forehead: "you don't have a fever. The people you like say they like me. Are you not angry?"

"What's to be angry about? This is an era of free love."

Xia Wei, with a sweet smile, took Yao Qianxue to their department, and said, "it's my business that I'm single in love, and it's also my business for my women to pursue men. No one stipulates that I like Xiaofeng, so he can't go after others, so it doesn't matter whether I catch up with him or he pursues you."

Stop, Xia Wei face bloom pure smile: "although that I will be very sad, but sad after I will still bless you, we are still the best friends, I can not and Chu Feng together is we have no predestination, but you and he have fate, I also have no opinion."

"Why are you so stupid?"

Yao Qianxue looked at Xia Wei's expression, and knew that she was not joking. She flicked her forehead. Two people held hands and walked past and attracted countless people's eyes. Yao Qianxue whispered: "I am Mu Tianfei's girlfriend now, and I won't think about these things any more. So try your best and I wish you well."

Xia Wei looks at Yao Qianxue and asks her what happened several times, but Yao Qianxue doesn't say anything. In the end, she can only disperse the idea of asking. She just decides to find a chance or to persuade Yao Qianxue. Mu Tianfei is just holding the idea of playing with him. There is no need to pay himself.

"Chu Feng, master!"

Chu Feng really Leng, until four eyes is very obscene pull his pants there when pulling, just come back to God, laughing and scolding to pull him up: "don't talk nonsense again!" Looking at the distance: "school leaders have come, quickly ready to stand ready to start ceremony, this don't say again."Chu Feng just smiles, but his eyes are on the one who is at the front of the group of people who come by. He looks like he is a little bit staggered and falls down, but there is not much expression on his face. The key is that Chu Feng knows this man, who was rescued at the door of the breakfast restaurant the next day after he first came to Jianghai.

Look at the seat he took. Yan Qingshan, isn't that the president of Jianghai university?

He shook his head with a bitter smile. He didn't expect to help a person with such an identity. Then his left eye twinkled with light. He found that Yan Qingshan's black gas was still there, but it seemed to be a little more relaxed than before. It seemed that he had eaten something to supplement Yang Qi according to his own words.

Soon tens of thousands of students stood in accordance with the arrangement of each department. Except for the one who is about to graduate from the senior year, the rest of the students are here. Of course, there are still some who have not arrived. At first glance, all of them are heads. Chu Feng says secretly, if the blue cell people control the school today, the effect will be much better than yesterday.

Look at the more than 30 people sitting there. Their identities are not simple!

Yan Qingshan stood up and took the microphone: "after the holiday, seeing you come back to the campus from the new, and there are new faces joining our big family, I feel like seeing my own children. You are the hope of the future of the group. Here, on behalf of all the staff of Jianghai University, I welcome your arrival!"

Yan Qingshan's speech is very simple, there is not much sentimental and emotional things, simple and clear said a few words, in the next burst of deafening applause, Yan Qingshan handed the microphone to a person next to him, the leader of Jianghai Education Bureau, on the opening ceremony of Jianghai University, he naturally wanted to say two words.

However, this education team leader is obviously the same as other department leaders. When he took the microphone, he said that I simply said a few words, but it was more than half an hour. Many students murmured and cursed in secret.

Finally, after standing there for more than an hour, Yan Qingshan and the education team leader and a deputy staff member in charge of education finished speaking. In the applause of all, the opening ceremony of the school was concluded.

The school asks all the freshmen to prepare. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the school will send them directly to the military training place.

You can't take any basic things to the military training place. In general, you can just take yourself. Chu Feng and others have nothing to prepare. The three finally discussed that they should go to military training for a month, so they should go out and have a good meal, so as to save a month of clear porridge and light dishes.

Just walked to the door, the original three people also said to have a smile, but just then a red sports car directly from the school gate, speed visual inspection more than 60 yards!

And Jianghai University speed limit is 10!

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