Super Healer

Chapter 98

In front of the 11 storey building, there are more than 30 seats in front of the building. We all know that they are some important people from the school leaders and Jianghai group, as well as some top people from Jianghai.

This is because Jianghai university is not only famous in Jianghai, but also ranked in the national ranks. For the opening ceremony and freshman ceremony, it is reasonable to have such a lineup.

The ceremony will officially begin at 8:30. After that, 10000 freshmen of this session will go to other places for a month's closed training. But now it's only eight o'clock. People in the square, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, have gathered and chatted with each other.

People from each department have been tied together in groups of three or five, but we can hear more about what happened yesterday, because it is one of the most important events in recent years in China.

Chu Feng just came to the square to find his department position, a voice came, Kang Chao and four eyes came. They were called out by Chu Feng yesterday, so nothing happened, but they were sweating for Chu Feng. Now it's a little easier to see that Chu Feng has nothing to do.

Chu Feng raised a smile and walked past. Although I only knew him yesterday and didn't have a deep friendship, in the next four years, these are all his classmates. He always needs to have a good relationship: "you are so early!"

"Who can sleep when things like yesterday happened? Many people in the whole dormitory talked all night long last night and couldn't sleep if they wanted to."

Four eyes took off his glasses, rubbed a little sour eyes and muttered: "I don't know what to talk about. It's just that something special happened. The life of eating gutter oil is to go to the heart of Nanhai. I really don't know where this group of Xingdou Xiaomin came from after all!"

"Ha ha!" Hearing the words of four eyes, Chu Feng couldn't help laughing, but he could also understand the meaning of four eyes. Such a thing is a great event for the people above, but it is a matter of life for the people below, and it has little impact on them.

But the four eyes also show the weakness and boredom of human nature in this society.

"By the way, why didn't you go back to the dormitory last night? We thought you had an accident."

Seeing Chu Feng laughing, four eyes thought that he was too realistic to laugh at himself, but he was not angry. Instead, his eyes showed a look of schadenfreude: "in addition, have you heard that Mu Tianfei was beaten violently and fainted on the roof of the building. After waking up, he did not remember anything. It's like that you even didn't remember kissing snow fairy."

"Well, what do you do with other people's affairs?" Listen to four eyes talk about their own things yesterday, and then look at the ambiguous eyes of two people, Chu Feng shook his head with a bitter smile. Yesterday, it was for Yao Qianxue not to go out and bump into other people's hands that he did so. At the moment, he was misunderstood by two people, and he really didn't know how to say it.

Think of what, Chu Feng pulled off the topic: "by the way, how do you call Yao Qianxue, snow fairy?"

"You don't know?"

Four eyes and Kang Chao almost exclaimed, and then they all shook their heads. The latter said, "it's hard to imagine. I thought I was an honest man. How come you, who kiss snow fairy as soon as you see it, don't know snow fairy?"

Chu Feng secretly said, "I don't know, still guilty?"? But still curiously asked: "how to say?"

"Let me tell you about it." Four eyes coughed and solemnly said: "since five years ago, Jianghai University will select five top school flowers and call them five fairies. Yao Qianxue is cold and does not like to talk. She refuses to be far away from others, but she has a clean and simple temperament. She is called a snow fairy. Her thinking is as white as snow.

Another is Yao Qianxue's classmate and dormitory companion Xia Wei. She is sweet and loves to laugh, and she is clever and lively. She is known as a sweet fairy. She has many pursuers and is one of the most popular among the five school flowers.

The other is a junior student, Yan Ruyu. She is cold, noble and powerful. She is called queen, but later she was changed to be a cold and arrogant fairy. Among all the people, she is the least pursuer and a high-quality student in the Department of political science and law! "

Chu Feng didn't expect Jianghai university to have such an arrangement, but it was interesting. He asked with great interest: "what about the other two?"

"The other two are new students, freshmen, who have just replaced the two graduates and were selected from the freshmen's materials by good people."

Four eyes mysterious smile, face showed a very obscene smile: "one called Lang Mei Mei, the data shows that this person is willful and unruly, a little sister, entering Jianghai university is said to have bought it, but it is said that she used to be a school flower in Jianghai high school, so she was promoted to one of the five school flowers, rose fairy!"

Do you have a problem with Xianzi

Four eyes scornfully gave Chu Feng a look: "so you don't care about these problems at all. How can I chat with you happily?" Seriously said: "it is because she is willful and obstinate that people can't get close to her, she is the rose fairy. Don't you know that if you want to pick roses, you should prevent being hurt?"Chu Feng blushed for a moment, but still nodded. His signature smile appeared in his four eyes: "it is said that the most attractive one is the last fairy, Huangfu Ruoxi. It is said that now she is 18 years old, she is the best quality Lori!"

"It's also the object I decided to pursue, lovely fairy, loli, my favorite!"

Seeing the appearance of four eyes, Chu Feng and Kang Chao subconsciously opened up some distance with him, because now his appearance is really too obscene. In addition, he wears glasses and squints his eyes, which makes people have an impulse to punch him in the head. Both of them are looking at his place together, an expression that we don't know the goods.

Four eyes is not aware of the general: "by the way, Chu Feng, these things are the rookies who enter the university must know, or if you accidentally offend one of them, they will certainly be beaten to death by their pursuers, so if you have nothing to do more on the campus forum, these are all there."

"In addition, pictures of you kissing Yao Qianxue yesterday have been sent up. Someone is betting that you will be killed by Mu Tianfei in the end."

I can't hear the words of the mobile phone, but I don't feel embarrassed

Four eyes immediately took out his latest mobile phone, although Chu Feng has not used it, but Lin Yulin also has one, which is said to be more than 8000. Four eyes played a few tricks on it and handed it to him: "you can see for yourself. Although you have not photographed your front, if you know your face, you know it."

"The most important thing is that someone has been digging into your information. It is estimated that it will come out in just two days."

Chu Feng saw the pictures on the mobile phone screen and the wonderful description below. He swallowed his mouth hard. Yesterday, the contradiction with Yao Qianxue intensified. Now, if he looks like this again, he will be in bad luck?

Suddenly, Chu Feng felt a cold light lock himself, subconsciously looked back, and sure enough, Yao Qianxue was standing five meters behind him, looking at himself coldly. If his eyes could kill people at this time, Chu Feng estimated that he had died countless times.

Xia Wei is standing beside Yao Qianxue. Yesterday, because Zhou Jingxing and Zhou Jingxing were worried that they were not dead too early, and that the situation of Chu Feng would be very dangerous if they were seen by someone with a heart. Therefore, she came back to school very late. Xia Wei also knew about Yao Qianxue and Chu Feng, but she didn't know what to think at the moment.

Because on the campus forum, it was written that Chu Feng confessed to Yao Qianxue that she liked her.

But that's what happened all of a sudden. Xia Wei Ran to Chu Feng in front of her. She took Chu Feng's hand in her envious eyes: "Xiao Feng, I thought you wouldn't come today. Now I see you, my whole heart is relaxed."

He said and hugged Chu Feng for a moment. The scene, which was a little noisy, suddenly quieted down. Sun Li, who happened to be walking in the distance, saw this scene and roared: "Chu Feng, the hatred of robbing his wife, we can't live together!"

Chufeng almost fell down when he heard the speech. Sun Li, your father's thing, now everyone is still thinking about who chufeng is, so you burst out on me and want to die?

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