Super Healer

Chapter 97

Jianghai University!

Although there was an incident that shocked the whole country yesterday, because there were no casualties, the opening ceremony was still held as scheduled. At 7:30, people from all walks of life came to Jianghai University, and after yesterday's events, today's Jianghai university is particularly quiet.

"It's strange that I can't remember yesterday."

Mu Tianfei and Sun Li are walking on the campus with a group of people. Yesterday, after he fainted on the roof of the building, he woke up in the hospital. As for what happened, he didn't know. When he heard what people around him said, Mu Tianfei had no impression at all.

And when people asked why he was on the roof, Mu Tianfei didn't know.

"Nothing is a blessing, and it's also a good thing to forget what to do."

Sun Li looked at everyone like that, and said with a huff, but in his heart it was a secret. Fortunately, after yesterday's safety, he ran away first, and no one saw his fear of urination.

But at the moment, facing the crowd, Sun Li was a bull's-eye: "it's a pity that I wasn't there at that time. Otherwise, I would have beaten two terrorists and organized everyone to resist. More than 100 people would have deterred nearly 10000 people. I really don't know how timid these people are. It's a shame."

"Yes, if Sun Shao were here yesterday, you would have knocked over those terrorists."

Several of Sun Li's attendants heard what he said. They didn't know whether Sun Li really did that, but they were still willing to say some flattering words when they ate with Sun Li.

"You're right, or you may have a bad dream." Sun Li said that, Mu Tianfei also felt that it was reasonable, so he stopped worrying about these problems. Instead, he thought of something: "by the way, you pulled me out in the morning and said that there was something to tell me. What happened?"

"You really don't remember?"

Sun Li looked at Mu Tianfei as if he didn't know anything. He stopped and took out his mobile phone to log on to the campus network. He opened a post on the campus forum: "you can see for yourself."

Mu Tianfei's memories of yesterday were erased by the stimulation of Chu Feng. It took several months to recover. At the moment, he really didn't know anything. When he took a look at the post and the photo, he burst into anger: "Damn, I'm going to kill Chu Feng, the son of a bitch, I'll kill him!"

At the moment, Mu Tianfei can't remember, but the photo tells him that it happened in real time. It shows Chu Feng kissing Yao Qianxue yesterday. At that time, he was also photographed at the scene.

The most damned is the title: Snow Fairy's boyfriend sat and watched her be forced to kiss, like the audience!

Mu Tianfei almost smashed his mobile phone on the ground, but thinking that it was Sun Li's mobile phone, he gritted his teeth and said: "this guy, I will certainly make him look good, but this period of time is not good. They will carry out a month's military training. After the end, I will let him know that the consequences are very serious."

Yao Qianxue became his girlfriend. He was hugged and kissed by Chu Feng before holding his hand. Mu Tianfei was very angry.

"Call me then, and I'll have to calculate with this boy about Xia Wei."

Sun Li nodded. He was severely punished by Chu Feng that day. He told his godfather that he had been scolded for being idle. He had no problem making trouble. At the moment, he saw Mu Tianfei and himself share a common hatred. The women he liked were all kissed by the same person. He immediately felt a sense of team expansion.

"Yes." Mu Tianfei nodded and gave the mobile phone back to Sun Li, gnashing his teeth: "let this boy shine for a while, but what's wrong with Xia Wei? Don't you still want to accept your pursuit?"

"Not yet, but I've figured out a way. I'll give her a chance."

Sun Li's face appeared angry. As a rich second generation, Gao Fu Shuai, I don't know how many women are willing to throw their arms to him. However, Xia Wei ignored him for a year, and felt very shameless: "I'll see if she's still with me, I'll see if she's really as pure as the surface."

"Yes, please call me. I miss the one you made last year." Mu Tianfei's eyes lit up when he rubbed his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "of course, if you want to be a wife, then forget it!"

"Be a ball!"

Sun Li sneered, and a look of disdain sprang up on his face: "I checked, Xia Wei is a person from the countryside. Her parents have been dead since early years. Only one elder brother has been a big soldier. Now she has retired from the army to be a security guard in Shengyuan. A woman with no background can only be my plaything."

"Ha ha, just like I thought." Mu Tianfei laughs with a loud voice. Many people passing by frown slightly. However, seeing a group of more than ten people, they still don't see them. It seems that these people are not easy to provoke.

"Sun Shao, Mu Shao, you see it's that boy."

When the two gangsters were laughing wildly, a valet pointed to a man walking in the distance: "do you want me and my brothers to go and give him a little ugly?""This one?" Mu Tianfei and Sun Li looked at each other, and immediately the former nodded: "go ahead, but remember not to do it. Just insult me. Today's opening ceremony, if something happens, you don't want to follow me and Sun Shao any more!"

"Good!" The man nodded and took more than ten people to walk towards the one who came. Everyone lit a cigarette together, as if it was incomparably windy.

Mu Tianfei and Sun Li just stand aside with great interest. As for the fight between these people and Chu Feng, they are not optimistic at all. They are not rivals of Chu Feng when they go to the society, let alone their students?

Chu Feng prepared breakfast for Lin Yulin, washed her clothes, and then ran outside for an hour before coming to Jianghai University. At the moment, she was covered with sweat. Seeing more than a dozen people coming along, and Sun Li and Mu Tianfei standing in the distance with meaningful sneers, they said in secret what these pit father's family members were doing?

Liu Huaqiang is a loyal dogleg of Mu Tianfei and has been fighting fiercely with them since junior high school. This time he was able to enter Jianghai University relying on the relationship between them. Therefore, he did not hesitate to carry out their orders: "boy, how do you look like this?"

His voice has not completely gone through the sound changing period. It is a bit hoarse, just like a duck. Looking at Chu Feng at this time, his voice was loud: "it can't be that you don't have money to take the bus to school to run, are you sweating all over, are you a student of Jianghai University, are you picking up garbage?"

Liu Huaqiang's voice attracted a lot of people's attention. The freshmen didn't know what was going on. But when he saw Chu Feng, his clothes were a bit shabby. It seemed that he had not bought clothes for several years. In addition, he was full of sweat, which made him really like a garbage collector.

But some sharp eyed old students just looked at Chu Feng and patted his head: "I remember, the campus network has a picture of this person, like the one who forced to kiss snow fairy, the model of our generation!"

"It's really him. It's really Niu Bi. I didn't dare to say before. Now snow fairy is mu Tianfei's woman. He still dares to do this. No wonder Liu Huaqiang is staring at him. But it seems that this guy is also very rustic. He can't be a tiger headed man?"

"Talking to you, are you dumb?"

Liu Huaqiang saw that all the people were watching here, and he was even more elated. Especially some women's pointing, he subconsciously felt that he was looking at himself. Liu Huaqiang pointed to Chu Feng and said, "I tell you, Jianghai university is a famous university in China. It's not you who can come in. Go away!"

"Oh, my hand!" Words have not said to play, Liu Huaqiang's fingers are directly pinched in the hands of Chu Feng.

The latter is a person who doesn't want to cause trouble, but he is never afraid of trouble. For some people, you can only deal with them forcefully. Otherwise, they will take advantage of each other and bend Liu Huaqiang's finger slightly, and Chu Feng kicks him fiercely at the same time.

More than 130 kg of body directly flew six or seven meters to the ground. Chu Feng twisted his neck and walked towards the square in the difficult and complicated look of those people.

All the people looked at Liu Huaqiang who fell on the ground and cried there. They all had an idea. Was it a movie just now? How could a person with such great strength kick a 130 kg person so far with one foot?

It's just that no one answers them. Chu Feng is so cool and unrestrained. Some people take out their mobile phones and take photos to send them to the campus forum. Some girls are twinkling little stars and looking at the distant Chu Feng. There are too many girls in this era who advocate violence.

"Damn it, let this guy show off again, and make sure he looks good next time." Mu Tianfei said fiercely, but he didn't care about Liu Huaqiang. It was too late to lose face.

"How does it feel? If he can join us, we only have the benefits." In a car in the distance, a cool and noble face looked at the back of Chu Feng in the distance: "I have told my grandfather about this, he has no problem!"

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