Super Healer

Chapter 96

Five in the morning!

The armed helicopter landed directly in the Jianghai army. In addition to two important figures, Tatar and wenzhuzi, and Mangba left, the rest of the blue cell members, except the dead, were all controlled and directly escorted to the imperial city. Chu Feng returned to Jianghai and declined Zhou Jingxing's invitation.

After this thing, Chu Feng knew that he must have hated the blue cell people, but even if he did it again, Chu Feng expected that he would do it, so he didn't have much regret in his heart.

When he came back, Zhou Jingxing communicated with Chu Feng and could arrange him to enter Huangcheng college to go to Huangcheng, which was safer than that in Jianghai. Although no other people knew what he had done at that time, Tatar and wenzhuzi would certainly not let him go. If it was not for the accident of Chu Feng, there would not be too much damage.

Although Zhou Xingxing said it was reasonable, Chu Feng finally refused. Some things were very clear to everyone. As long as they went to the Imperial City, they accepted Zhou Jingxing's kindness in disguise. It is not clear that this kind of thing is still unclear.

Sooner or later, Chu Feng in the imperial city will go back to appreciate the land of imperial spirit, but it is not the way to escape. Moreover, Lin Yulin is in the river and sea. He can't let Lin Yulin escape with himself because of the trouble he has caused?

"If you don't want to accept Zhou Jingxing's invitation, why don't you just follow me?"

Li Ji jumped out of the helicopter and lit a cigarette and puffed out: "he pulled you to the criminal investigation department. I don't need to think about it. But how much freedom is that? It's better to come to the Dragon Corps. Although our establishment is only 49 people, I will make an exception for you to enter. "

Li Ji's words are very sincere, but Chu Feng understands that his mind and Zhou Jingxing's mind are the same. Although he doesn't know people at that level very well, he subconsciously knows that they are not aimless in doing anything.

"I just want a quiet reading life, the rest of the things I have no interest in."

Li Ji felt a little pity in his heart, but he still laughed: "ha, everyone has his own ambition, but you should remember that if you really want to enter the Imperial City, please tell me, even if you don't become a member of the Dragon corps, we can be friends."

Chu Feng will not say anything about this, after all, many friends and many ways: "definitely!"

"Then I'll go first. There are not many changes in Jianghai. Next, I'll go back." After taking a deep breath of smoke, Li Ji turns and gets on the helicopter. The reason why he follows Chu Feng here is to fight for it, but it doesn't matter if he can't win it. Many things can't be forced.

Looking at the far away helicopter, Chu Feng felt that he was touching a level that had not been touched before. He shook his head and stepped onto the jeep. It was arranged by Li Ji. Chu Feng had to go back to the green garden to have a look. His aunt knew that he had been taken away by terrorists. Must be very anxious?

The jeep drove out of the army directly. Now it's only five o'clock. The car came out of the green garden without any obstacles. Chu Feng didn't cross the wall until the car left. Now the security guards are sleeping, so they don't need to disturb them.

Back to the residence, Chu Feng takes out the key Lin Yulin gave him and opens the door, trying not to make a sound. This time point is the easiest time for people to sleep. Chu Feng doesn't want to wake Lin Yulin and make her angry.

But after opening the door and going in, the light in the hall is on, and my aunt hasn't gone to sleep?

After changing the slippers, Chu Feng didn't see Lin Yulin. The door of the room was open. Liu Yan's room was closed. But Chu Feng knew that she had already gone to the imperial city. Zhou Jingxing had just told him that Liu Yan was his girlfriend.

Just wondering where Lin Yulin was going, Chu Feng turned back and saw the open bathroom. There was a man lying in the bathtub. He walked over with a surprised look, because it was Lin Yulin.

When she went to see Lin Yulin, she just fell asleep and didn't have anything to do. She was really a little girl in the dark. She didn't close the shower door. But she was the only one in the family. She really didn't need to close the door!

Looking at Lin Yulin's appearance, Chu Feng quickly moved his eyes. It was a moment of impatience just now. Now he looks at Lin Yulin lying naked in the bathtub. Chu Feng is holding the thought of not looking at others.

Turn to the past to say: "Auntie, to sleep, you'd better get up and go to the room to sleep, I want to take a bath!"

He called a few times, but there was no response. Chu Feng felt something wrong and looked back. His left eye was engrossed in it. He saw that Lin Yulin's body was covered by a layer of black gas. He squatted down and touched Lin Yulin's forehead, which was very hot.

Thinking that Lin Yulin might have started to soak in the water, but then fell asleep, and the water temperature dropped. In addition, the weather in September was still a little low in the night of the river and sea. She didn't catch a cold and had a fever. She quickly picked up Lin Yulin and went out of the bathroom and put it into her room.

Then the gold needles flashed out, and three of them fell. Lin Yulin's current situation to quickly reduce the fever can only be acupuncture.

After dropping the needle, Chu Feng went back to his room and found his own small medicine box. He took out some dried herbs and went to the kitchen to grind them. After almost becoming powder, Chu Feng poured boiling water.This medicine was also given to Lin Yulin last time, but this time it was more serious than the last time. The whole person was in a coma because of burning. It needs to be stimulated by Acupuncture and moxibustion to get better and faster. Otherwise, if you get up tomorrow morning, the whole person will have no spirit.

Back in Lin Yulin's room, Chu Feng slowly helped her up and fed the medicine to her mouth. However, Lin Yulin, who was in a coma, could not drink water instinctively. Chu Feng ordered the position of her throat, but there was no movement at all. Her mouth was still not open. The secret channel must be numb by the burning of nerves.

After putting Lin Yulin on the bed again, Chu Feng hesitated to look at Lin Yulin. It's definitely impossible to drink medicine like this now. However, although acupuncture can reduce the fever, it's only a little slow. When the time comes, it will be bad to burn the brain, and it will be very uncomfortable.

Looking at Lin Yulin's ruddy mouth, Chu Feng pursed his lower lip, but then shook his head: "no, this is my aunt."

But looking at Lin Yulin's miserable appearance, Chu Feng felt a little heartache: "well, I've already kissed them. It's OK to have another kiss, right? And I'm taking medicine? "

He found a reason to feel at ease. Chu Feng took the medicine and took a sip in his mouth. Then he helped Lin Yulin up. His mouth was a little shaky. He slowly poured the medicine into Lin Yulin's mouth.

Seeing Lin Yulin's appearance as expected, Chu Feng's face softened for a moment, and then drank the second one as the same as before. When the third drink was sent to Lin Yulin's mouth, chufeng forgot to deliver the medicine, because Lin Yulin didn't know when he had opened his eyes.

Two people's eyes do not blink to look at each other's eyes, Chu Fengxin suddenly nervous up, finished, my aunt will think I am eating her tofu ah?

Just when Chu Feng was hesitant and worried, Lin Yulin closed her eyes again, as if nothing had happened just now, but her mouth moved actively and sucked all the medicine in Chu Feng's mouth.

Chu Feng loosened his mouth and looked at Lin Yulin with her eyes closed. She could be sure that she was awake. But why didn't she get angry and drink the medicine instead? Looking at the appearance of two pills in the bowl, Chu Feng seems to understand something. Lin Yulin is afraid of embarrassment, so she pretends to open her eyes.

Even the little aunt looked open, what do you still tangle about?

Chu Feng put the last two pills into his mouth and began to feed them all to Lin Yulin. The latter was not as passive as at the beginning, but took the initiative to drink all those medicines. Chu Feng was completely relaxed. When Lin Yulin had a rest, he would be completely good.

After putting down the bowl, Chu Feng pulled out three gold needles. At the moment, she noticed that Lin Yulin was still naked. Her eyes were stiff and she suddenly wanted to reach out her hand. But she shook her head suddenly and pulled the quilt on one side to cover Lin Yulin's body. This is a little aunt, not a person like Liu Yan!

Looking at Lin Yulin, whose face was much better than at the beginning, Chu Feng walked out of the room and worked in the kitchen for more than half an hour to help Lin prepare breakfast and keep warm. Finally, looking at the direction of the room, Chu Feng left home directly and was going to school.

At the moment when the door was closed, Lin opened her eyes, clenched her lips, and her face was covered with a layer of blush: "Stinky boy, you can directly give me a bowl to drink for myself. I must want to eat my tofu. If you don't take good care of me, I won't give you a slap!"

Then she pulled up the quilt on her body and looked at it. Lin Yulin directly covered her head: "it's disgraceful to be seen by this guy! But this guy is good at taking care of people. He doesn't take advantage of others! " But I don't know Chu Feng saw it last time.

When she walked out of the room, she saw the breakfast being kept warm. Knowing that Chu Feng had prepared it just now, Lin Yulin went over and opened it to see the fresh thin porridge. She saw a note beside her, which made her heart warm.

It said: today I will go back to school for a month's closed military training. I have nothing to do. You should take good care of yourself, have a regular rest, and try to cook and eat at home. The food outside is too expensive and nutritious!

Seeing the words on the note, Lin Yulin was unable to control the flow of tears: "is this the feeling of being cared about by men? But this guy is my nephew

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