Super Healer

Chapter 1067

At ten in the morning, after a simple breakfast, Chu Feng left Guanghan garden with Yan Yan and Bingqingyujie, and was ready to go to Cuixin.

It makes Chu Feng feel strange that the double dragon chaos Ding does not know where Yan Yan hid. Finally, he asked a curious question. Yan Yancai told me that the double dragon chaos tripod is a special object. As long as the owner is recognized, it can change the size at any time by virtue of the people's thoughts.

Chu Feng felt a little strange about this, but he thought of the sword spirit of Ming Hong magic sword. It was relieved that these top gods and tools could not be measured by the common sense.

Today is not weekend, it is not far away, it only takes half an hour to arrive today. I just met Cui Xin and Ji zhimingbu in the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. Zhangsichi went to the Imperial College.

Let Yan Yan and Bingqingyujie sit in the hall first, and go upstairs to find Chris.

Chris refused to stay here at the beginning, and later she gradually accepted the fact that she was under house arrest. Although Cuixin and jizumingbu were not any martial arts, she could not be stopped, but Chu wind had dozens of excellent wind doors arranged outside. Unless Chris did not go, she would be stopped if she left.

Moreover, it is the imperial city. If Chu Feng does not nod, Chris can not leave the city at all. Of course, the Kennedy family will be able to rescue, so it is different.

When she came to Chris' room, the injury caused by Chu Feng began to ravage has recovered. The charming and hot woman sits there, and looks at it with a autobiography of the richest horse. Although the richest man of horse is less than one-two of Kennedy family, it is worth studying from scratch.

In a word, the first generation of Kennedy family has not been so rich as Ma. It is more the accumulation of generations and the penetration of Tianchi political circles that have gained the present wealth and status.

Hearing the footsteps, Chris looked up and saw Chu Feng coming, and her face sank suddenly. She thought that she was wronged and brutally taken away from her clean body. Although she didn't care about what the first time, she was forcibly occupied by a man who had not yet felt. Chris was angry naturally.

In addition, we know what happened in Shuidong. Chu Feng killed the palace strongly, not only killed rockefells, but also killed Johnson on the plane.

Although the evidence shows that there is no relationship with Chu Feng, and he did not have time to arrange for Johnson to start at the palace, Chris subconsciously believed that people were not killed by Chu Feng, but it must also be inseparable from Chu Feng.

In fact, both Johnson and Prince bergo were killed by Lin Yulin. Of course, these Chu Feng would not say that he did not need to prove his innocence.

Seeing the woman who was bitter and hostile, Chu Feng walked down and sat down with no intention, looked at the women's white and tender thighs, and smiled: "I thought you were in a bad mood to be a prisoner of the stairs. I didn't think that the little days were still very moist, skin was still moist, and people also had extraordinary charm."

"Ordinary men need courage to see women like you at a glance."

This is not chufeng flattering, Chris invisible in the air and her unique noble temperament, ordinary men do not say that the idea of blasphemy, is simply to look at a glance, all need great courage.

Chris hummed, closed her books and said, "even if I am a fan of thousands of people, I am not your best. Don't you think it's fake to say that now? Can you deny you doing my business after you have added that film? "

A question, let Chu wind mute, at that time heard what happened, just felt that Chris deliberately moved away from the mountain, so that he could not make arrangements for the first time.

So at that time, she gave Chris. Finally, it turns out that Chris is innocent, and all of them are the conspiracy of Huangfu literary circle.

Embarrassed touch the head, at that time still really Qi and blood on the brain, it seems to keep the normal heart, nothing can be impulsive.

"I believe you know the Kennedy family's current situation. Do you know if you have contacted them to convey my meaning?"

Chu Feng's careful thinking, Chris can naturally see, but has been on, that said nothing can be made up, left head to one side: "I have contacted my father yesterday, he did not refuse, but also did not promise, but according to my understanding of father, and my brother's cognition, they will not compromise."

Considering that the Kennedy family has not been damaged in Tianchi's local industries, the industries around the world are cleaned up. For the first time, Chris felt strong Kennedy family was not enough to face Chu Feng.

Though I regret the fact that Johnson was brought to the pilgrimage, it was only that it had happened, and Chris would not be silent in the wrong decisions of the past, because it was irreparable.

Chu Feng believed Chris and leaned there and asked, "don't compromise, what else can they do?"


Chris did not hesitate to throw two words, in Chu Feng looked at her when opening: "in the absence of the final moment, the family is impossible to compromise, the most likely is through the holy court official pressure on you, after all, your foundation is the holy Dynasty, as long as the official pressure you, two-phase balance, you must compromise."Chu Feng frowned slightly. What Chris said was indeed a way. If the official of the holy Dynasty ignored to suppress Fengmen and tianwangmen, and also made a move to fengteng group, in order to save some things, Chu Feng would really compromise.

Thinking about whether to go and Huan Xinghai that group of old men to discuss, Chris's phone rang.

Back to stare at Chu Feng's eyes, Chris saw the caller ID, stood up and respectfully pressed the answer key: "father!"

Chu Feng heard Chris's words, temporarily dispersed the thought of thinking, subconsciously felt that this call will bring him good news.

This phone call time is not very long, seven or eight minutes Chris hung up the phone and walked in, looking at Chu Feng's eyes are more cold.

Suddenly, he smashed his mobile phone toward Chu Feng and scolded, "the saint Korean is insidious."

It turns out that just now, the father of the Kennedy family, Chris's father, called in person to tell the pilgrimage authorities that they had refused their request, and that they could not compete with Chu Feng. However, the Kennedy family's industry suffered a huge blow, even if they did not want to compromise, it was impossible.

Chu Feng is playing with the mobile phone, listening to Chris convey the meaning, a soft smile: "it seems that your father is a smart man." After a pause, his eyes burst into a sharp color: "it's useless to just say that compromise is useless. It's not impossible to ask me to withdraw my instructions to the world, so that the Kennedy family can take a breath."

The woman who broke the pot, let Chu Feng slightly surprised, but also did not continue to tease her meaning, stood up and left the room.

The Kennedy family has chosen to compromise in order to seek a respite and further development of the Kennedy family industry all over the world. Chu Feng does not care about this. The world is very big. One can't swallow it. Too much oppression will cause backlash.

Although the Kennedy family is now ruled by secular forces to suppress the breath is difficult, but does not mean that it has no deterrent.

The family that controls a quarter of Tianchi's economic rights and military politics, no matter how frustrated, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and Chu Feng will not choose to send troops to Tianchi until he has no choice, because no matter how powerful the secular forces are, they will not do anything when they are crushed by the Kingdom's machines.

In his kingdom, he could also be calm. The local battle in Tianchi was not as difficult as usual. Chu Feng was not willing to take his men's lives in exchange for a tragic victory.

When Chu Feng left, Chris was powerless to sit down. It was not Chu Feng's great oppression on her, but her strong worship of the family. Under Chu Feng's absolute strength, there were cracks. In the face of Chu Feng's strong suppression, the Kennedy family had to do something roundabout.

This is something that Kris has never met since she was sensible. Even if she knows the relationship between lantia and Chu Feng and comes to the holy pilgrimage with curiosity, Chris feels that she in the free country is totally superior to Chu Feng.

Even when she saw Chu Feng ravaging Johnson, she thought it was true.

But on that night, Chu Feng not only hurt her, but also smashed into her body regardless of her injury, and industries around the world were hit. Chris's worship of the family has disappeared, and more is the awe of Chu Feng.

Although she is not willing to admit, but the heart does not know when to start, has produced a kind of spiritual instinctive fear of Chu Feng.

Chris sat in silence. Chu Feng was standing at the door with an evil smile: "Shen Xiuqin of fengteng group will come here in the afternoon. I heard that you have brought the top-notch electronic contract of 30 billion pool currency. I am very interested in this. Thank you for your contribution to the holy court."

After that, Chu Feng left again. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was very clear. Kris's mouth twitched, and she cursed: "eat people, don't vomit bones!"

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